SROACOP ;BIR/MAM - CARDIAC OPERATIVE RISK SUMMARY ;02/14/07 ;;3.0; Surgery ;**38,47,71,88,95,107,100,125,142,153,160**;24 Jun 93;Build 7 I '$D(SRTN) W !!,"A Surgery Risk Assessment must be selected prior to using this option.",!!,"Press to continue " R X:DTIME G END N SRCSTAT S SRACLR=0,SRSOUT=0,SRSUPCPT=1 D ^SROAUTL START D:SRACLR RET G:SRSOUT END S SRACLR=0 K SRA,SRAO F I=206,206.1,208 S SRA(I)=$G(^SRF(SRTN,I)) I $P(SRA(206),"^",41)="" K DA,DIE,DR S DA=SRTN,DIE=130,DR="472////N" D ^DIE K DA,DIE,DR S SRA(206)=$G(^SRF(SRTN,206)) S Y=$P($G(^SRF(SRTN,1.1)),"^",3),C=$P(^DD(130,1.13,0),"^",2) D:Y'="" Y^DIQ S SRAO(2)=Y_"^1.13" S SRAO(1)=$P(SRA(206),"^",31)_"^364",SRAO(3)=$P(SRA(208),"^",12)_"^414" S Y=$P(SRA(206),"^",32) D DT S SRAO("1A")=X_"^364.1" S Y=$P(SRAO(3),"^") I Y'="" S C=$P(^DD(130,414,0),"^",2) D Y^DIQ S $P(SRAO(3),"^")=Y S Y=$P(SRA(208),"^",13) D DT S SRAO("3A")=X_"^414.1" S Y=$P($G(^SRF(SRTN,.2)),"^",2) D DT S SRAO(4)=X_"^.22" S Y=$P($G(^SRF(SRTN,.2)),"^",3) D DT S SRAO(5)=X_"^.23" S SRAO(6)=SRA(206.1)_"^430" S SRCSTAT=">> Coding "_$S($P($G(^SRO(136,SRTN,10)),"^"):"",1:"Not ")_"Complete <<" S SRPAGE="PAGE: 1" D HDR^SROAUTL S SRAO(7)="" S X=$P(SRAO(1),"^"),X=$S(X?1.3N:X_"%",1:X) W !," 1. Physician's Preoperative Estimate of Operative Mortality: "_X S X=$P(SRAO("1A"),"^") I X'="" W !,?3," A. Date/Time Collected: "_X W !," 2. ASA Classification:",?31,$P(SRAO(2),"^"),!," 3. Surgical Priority:",?31,$P(SRAO(3),"^") S X=$P(SRAO("3A"),"^") I X'="" W !,?3," A. Date/Time Collected: "_X W !," 4. Date/Time Operation Began:",?31,$P(SRAO(4),"^"),!," 5. Date/Time Operation Ended:",?31,$P(SRAO(5),"^") W !," 6. Preoperative Risk Factors: " I $P(SRAO(6),"^")'="" S SRQ=0 S X=$P(SRAO(6),"^") W:$L(X)<49 X,! I $L(X)>48 S Z=$L(X) D .I X'[" " W ?25,X Q .S I=0,LINE=1 F S SRL=$S(LINE=1:48,1:80) D Q:SRQ ..I $E(X,1,SRL)'[" " W X,! S SRQ=1 Q ..S J=SRL-I,Y=$E(X,J),I=I+1 I Y=" " W $E(X,1,J-1),! S X=$E(X,J+1,Z),Z=$L(X),I=0,LINE=LINE+1 I Z7)!(Y>Z) D HELP G:SRSOUT END G START I X'=7 D HDR^SROAUTL I X?.N1":".N D RANGE S SROERR=SRTN D ^SROERR0 G START I $D(SRAO(X))!(X=6) S EMILY=X D S SROERR=SRTN D ^SROERR0 G START .I $$LOCK^SROUTL(SRTN) W !! D ONE,UNLOCK^SROUTL(SRTN) END I '$D(SREQST) W @IOF D ^SRSKILL Q DT I 'Y S X="" Q X ^DD("DD") S X=$P(Y,"@")_" "_$P(Y,"@",2) Q HELP W @IOF,!!!!,"Enter the number or range of numbers you want to edit. Examples of proper",!,"responses are listed below." W !!,"1. Enter 'A' to update all information.",!!,"2. Enter the corresponding number to update the information in a particular",!," field. (For example, enter '3' to update Surgical Priority)" W !!,"3. Enter two numbers separated by a ':' to enter a range of information.",!," (For example, enter '1:2' to update Physician's Preoperative Estimate of",!," Mortality and ASA Classification.)" W !!,"Press ENTER to continue, or '^' to quit " R X:DTIME I '$T!(X["^") S SRSOUT=1 Q RANGE ; range of numbers I $$LOCK^SROUTL(SRTN) D D UNLOCK^SROUTL(SRTN) .W !! S SHEMP=$P(X,":"),CURLEY=$P(X,":",2) F EMILY=SHEMP:1:CURLEY Q:SRSOUT D ONE Q ONE ; edit one item I EMILY=7 D DISP^SROAUTL0 Q K DR,DIE S DA=SRTN,DIE=130,DR=$P(SRAO(EMILY),"^",2) S DR=DR_"T",DIE=130 S DR=DR_$S(EMILY=1:";364.1T",EMILY=3:";414.1T",1:"") D ^DIE K DR I $D(Y) S SRSOUT=1 Q RET Q:SRSOUT W !!,"Press ENTER to continue, or '^' to quit " R X:DTIME I '$T!(X["^") S SRSOUT=1 Q Q NOW ; update date/time of estimate of mortality N X D NOW^%DTC S $P(^SRF(DA,206),"^",32)=$E(%,1,12) Q KNOW ; delete date/time of estimate of mortality S $P(^SRF(DA,206),"^",32)="" Q YN ; store answer S SHEMP=$S(NYUK="NS":"Unknown",NYUK="N":"NO",NYUK="Y":"YES",1:"") Q CHCK ;compare dates N SRINO,SRSP,SREM S SRSP=$P($G(^SRF(SRTN,208)),"^",13),SRINO=$P($G(^SRF(SRTN,.2)),"^",10),SREM=$P($G(^SRF(SRTN,206)),"^",32) I SRSP'="",SRINO'="",SRSP'