SROAWL ;BIR/ADM - REPORT OF MONTHLY CASE WORKLOAD TOTALS ;02/12/07 ;;3.0; Surgery ;**38,47,50,86,141,153,160**;24 Jun 93;Build 7 N SRINSTP,SRSEL S (SRSOUT,SRT)=0,SRP=1,SRINST=SRSITE("SITE"),SRINSTP=SRSITE("DIV") START G:SRSOUT END W @IOF,!,"Report of Monthly Case Workload Totals",!! K DIR S DIR("A",1)="Print which report?",DIR("A",2)="",DIR("A",3)="1. Report for Single Month" S DIR("A",4)="2. Report for Range of Months",DIR("A",5)="",DIR("A")="Select Number (1 or 2): ",DIR("B")="1" S DIR(0)="NA^1:2:0" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S SRSOUT=1 G END S SRSEL=Y I SRSEL=2 D TWO Q W @IOF,"This option provides a report of the monthly risk assessment surgical case",!,"workload totals which include the following categories:",! W ?5,"1. All cases performed",!,?5,"2. Eligible cases",!,?5,"3. Eligible cases meeting exclusion criteria" W !,?5,"4. Assessed cases",!,?5,"5. Not logged eligible cases" W !,?5,"6. Cardiac cases",!,?5,"7. Non-cardiac cases",!,?5,"8. Assessed cases per day (based on 20 days/month)" W !!,"The second part of this report provides the total number of incomplete",!,"assessments remaining for the month selected and the prior 12 months." DATE D GETDT W ! K DIR S DIR("A")="Compile workload totals for which month and year? ",DIR(0)="DA^::MX",DIR("B")=SRM_" "_SRY,DIR("?",1)="Enter the month and year for which to run this report," S DIR("?")="for example, 'MAY 94', 'MAY 1994', '5/94' or '5 94'." D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!'Y S SRSOUT=1 G END S SRDT=Y D G:SRSOUT END G:'$D(SRDT) DATE S SRDT=$E(SRDT,1,5)_"00" .Q:SRDT=SRD S SRY=$E(Y,1,3)+1700,Z=+$E(Y,4,5) D MONTH .W !! K DIR S DIR("A")="Compile totals for "_SRM_" "_SRY,DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="YES" D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S SRSOUT=1 Q .I 'Y K SRDT DIV S (SRCNT,X)=0 F S X=$O(^SRO(133,X)) Q:'X I '$P(^SRO(133,X,0),"^",21) S SRCNT=SRCNT+1 I SRCNT=1,SRSEL=1 G TRAN S SRINST=$$INST^SROUTL0() G:SRINST="^" END S SRINSTP=$P(SRINST,"^"),SRINST=$S(SRINST["ALL DIVISIONS":SRINST,1:$P(SRINST,"^",2)) I SRINST'["ALL DIVISIONS"!(SRSEL=2) G IO TRAN W ! K DIR S DIR("A",1)="This report may be printed and/or transmitted to the national database.",DIR("A",2)="" S DIR("A")="Do you want this report to be transmitted to the central database",DIR("B")="NO",DIR("?",1)="Enter YES to have this report automatically transmitted to the central" S DIR("?")="database. Enter NO if you do NOT want this report transmitted.",DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S SRSOUT=1 G END I 'Y G IO PRT S SRT=1,SRP=0 W ! K DIR S DIR("A")="Do you also want to print this report",DIR("B")="YES",DIR("?",1)="Enter NO if you want to have this report transmitted, but do not want to" S DIR("?",2)="have it printed. Enter YES if you do want to print the report as well as",DIR("?")="have it transmitted.",DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR S:Y SRP=1 I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S SRSOUT=1 G END I 'SRP G QUE IO W ! K %ZIS,IO("Q"),POP S %ZIS("A")="Print report on which Device: ",%ZIS="Q" D ^%ZIS I POP S SRSOUT=1 G END I $D(IO("Q")) K IO("Q") S ZTDESC="Report of Surgical Case Workload" D S ZTRTN="RUN^SROAWL" D ^%ZTLOAD S SRSOUT=1 G END .S (ZTSAVE("SRDT"),ZTSAVE("SRP"),ZTSAVE("SRT"),ZTSAVE("SRINST"),ZTSAVE("SRINSTP"),ZTSAVE("SRSEL"))="" .I SRSEL=2 S ZTSAVE("SREDT")="" RUN ; entry point when queued D ^SROAWL1 END I 'SRSOUT,$E(IOST)="C" W ! K DIR S DIR(0)="FOA",DIR("A")="Press RETURN to continue" D ^DIR W:$E(IOST)="P" @IOF K ^TMP("SRM",$J) I $D(ZTQUEUED) Q:$G(ZTSTOP) S ZTREQ="@" Q D ^%ZISC K SRTN W @IOF D ^SRSKILL Q TWO S X=$E(DT,1,3)-1,SRD=X_"1000",SRY=X+1700,SRM="OCT "_SRY W ! K DIR S DIR("A")="Start with which month and year? " S DIR(0)="DA^::EMX",DIR("B")=SRM,DIR("?",1)="Enter the starting month and year for this report, for example," S DIR("?")="'OCT 2005', 'OCT 05', '10/05' or '10 05'." D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!'Y S SRSOUT=1 G END S SRDT=Y D GETDT DT2 W ! K DIR S DIR("A")="End with which month and year? ",DIR(0)="DA^::EMX",DIR("B")=SRM_" "_SRY S DIR("?",1)="Enter the ending month and year for this report, for example," S DIR("?")="'OCT 2005', 'OCT 05', '10/05' or '10 05'." D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!'Y S SRSOUT=1 G END S SREDT=Y G:'$G(SREDT) DT2 S SREDT=$E(SREDT,1,5)_"00" I SREDT