SROCMPL ;B'HAM ISC/MAM - ENTER NON-OPERATIVE OCCURRENCES; [ 01/08/98 9:54 AM ] ;;3.0; Surgery ;**38,77**;24 Jun 93 W @IOF,!,"NOTE: You are about to enter an occurrence for a patient that has not had an",!,"operation during this admission. If this patient has a surgical procedure" W !,"during the current admission, use the option to enter or edit intraoperative",!,"and postoperative occurrences.",!! W !! K Y,DIC S DIC=2,DIC(0)="QEAM" D ^DIC G:Y<0 END S DFN=+Y,SRNM=$P(Y,"^",2) W @IOF,!,?3,SRNM,! S (SROP,CNT)=0 F I=0:0 S SROP=$O(^SRF("ANON",DFN,SROP)) Q:'SROP S CNT=CNT+1,SRSDATE=$P(^SRF(SROP,0),"^",9) D LIST S CNT=CNT+1,SRCASE(CNT)="" W !!,CNT_".",?14,"ENTER A NEW NON-OPERATIVE OCCURRENCE" OPT R !!!!,"Select Number: ",OPT:DTIME I '$T!("^"[OPT) K SRTN G END I OPT["?"!('$D(SRCASE(OPT))) W !!,"Enter the number of the desired occurrence, or '"_CNT_"' to enter a new occurrence." G OPT G:OPT=CNT NEW ENTER S SRTN=SRCASE(OPT) R !!!,"Enter or Delete Data ? E// ",Z:DTIME G:'$T!(Z="^") END S Z=$E(Z) S:Z="" Z="E" I "ED"'[Z D HELP G ENTER I "Dd"[Z D ^SROCMPD G END S SRSDATE=$P(^SRF(SRTN,0),"^",9) W @IOF D COMP G END LIST ; list case W !,CNT_". "_$E(SRSDATE,4,5)_"-"_$E(SRSDATE,6,7)_"-"_$E(SRSDATE,2,3),?14,"OCCURRENCE IN WHICH THERE WAS NO SURGICAL PROCEDURE",!,?14,"DURING THE CURRENT ADMISSION" S SRCASE(CNT)=SROP Q HELP ; help text W !!,"Enter RETURN to select an option used to enter or edit information for this",!,"case. If you would like a two screen overview of this operation, enter" W !,"'Review'. To delete this surgical case from your records, Enter 'Delete'.",!,"Please note that choosing to delete a case will remove EVERYTHING pertaining",!,"to this operative procedure.",! Q KEY S NOKEY=0 I '$D(^XUSEC("SROEDIT",DUZ)) S NOKEY=1 W !!,"You do not have the access necessary to delete a case from the file.",!!,"Press RETURN to continue " R X:DTIME Q Q END W @IOF D ^SRSKILL K SRTN Q PROMPT ; D KEY Q:NOKEY W !!,"By deleting this case, all information stored for this operative procedure",!,"will be removed from the computer." Q NEW ; enter new occurrence W @IOF,! S %DT("A")="Select the Date of Occurrence: ",%DT="AEXP" D ^%DT I Y<0 W !!,"When entering a new non-operative occurrence, a date MUST be entered.",!! G SROCMPL G:Y'>0 END S SRSDATE=Y S SRPRIN="OCCURRENCE IN WHICH THERE WAS NO SURGICAL PROCEDURE DURING THE CURRENT ADMISSION" K DA,DIC,DO,DD,DINUM,SRTN S X=DFN,DIC="^SRF(",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=130 D FILE^DICN K DIC,DLAYGO S SRTN=+Y K DIE,DR S DA=SRTN,DIE=130,DR=".09///"_SRSDATE_";26///"_SRPRIN D ^DIE K DR S ^SRF(SRTN,37)=1 COMP ; enter occurrence information K DIE,DR S DR="[SROCOMP]",DIE=130,DA=SRTN D ^DIE K DR W !!,"Press RETURN to continue " R X:DTIME D END Q