SROMED ;B'HAM ISC/MAM - ENTER/EDIT MEDICATIONS ; [ 01/30/01 12:22 AM ] ;;3.0; Surgery ;**21,44,79,100,151**;24 Jun 93 ; ; Reference to ^PSDRUG supported by DBIA #221 ; I '$D(^XUSEC("SROEDIT",DUZ))&'$D(^XUSEC("SROANES",DUZ)) W !!!,$C(7),"You must hold the SROEDIT key or the SROANES key to use this option !",! Q D ^SROLOCK G:SROLOCK END Q:'$D(SRTN) N SRLCK S SRLCK=$$LOCK^SROUTL(SRTN) I 'SRLCK G END START S SRQ=0,SRSMED=1 G:SRTN<1 END W @IOF S SRF=0 R !!,"ENTER MEDICATION/DOSE(MG)/ROUTE/TIME: ",M:DTIME S:'$T M="^" G:M=""!(M="^") END S SRM=$P(M,"/",1),SRD=$P(M,"/",2),SRR=$P(M,"/",3),SRT=$P(M,"/",4) W !! I M="?" W !!,"Enter the medication, dose, route and time, separated by slashes (/).",!,"The Medication and time MUST be included, however the route and dose",!,"can be omitted. i.e. 'MEDICATION/DOSE//TIME' will omit the route." I M="?" W !!,"Enter '??' to get a list of available drugs.",! D RET G:SRQ END G START I M?.E1C.E W !!,"Your answer has a control character in it, please re-type it.",! D RET G:SRQ END G START S (X,SRMM)=SRM D .I $L($T(SCREEN^PSSDI)) N SRTEST S SRTEST=50,SRTEST(0)="EQSZ" D DIC^PSSDI(50,"SR",.SRTEST,X,,DT) Q ;call PSSDI if PSS*1*104 is released .S DIC="^PSDRUG(",DIC(0)="QEZM",DIC("S")="I $S('$G(^PSDRUG(Y,""I"")):1,DT'>^(""I""):1,1:0)" D ^DIC K DIC S SRM=$S(Y<0:"",1:$P(Y,"^",2)) I SRM="",SRMM'["?" W !!,"The Drug '",SRMM,"' does not exist in your Drug file. Please re-enter. " D RET G:SRQ END G START I SRMM="??" D RET G:SRQ END G START D TIME G:'$D(SRT) FLAG S X=SRT D FIELD^DID(130,.204,"","INPUT TRANSFORM","SRX") S SRX=SRX("INPUT TRANSFORM") X:SRT'="" SRX S SRT=$S(X="":SRT,1:X) D ROUTE G:'$D(SRR) FLAG D DOSE G:'$D(SRD) FLAG FLAG S SRF=$S('$D(SRT)!('$D(SRD))!('$D(SRR)):0,1:1) I 'SRF W !!!,"NO ACTION TAKEN",! H 2 G END DIE S DA=SRTN,DIE=130,DR=".375///"_SRM,DR(2,130.33)="1///"_SRT,DR(3,130.34)="1///"_SRD_";4///"_SRR D ^DIE W !!!,"MEDICATION ENTERED ...." K DR H 2 G START END W @IOF D ^SRSKILL D:$G(SRLCK) UNLOCK^SROUTL(SRTN) Q RET R !!,"Press RETURN to Continue. ",Z:DTIME S:'$T Z="^" S:Z="^" SRQ=1 Q Q ROUTE ; check for route of administration Q:SRR="" N SRHELP,SRVALUE D CHK^DIE(130.34,4,"E",SRR,.SRVALUE) I SRVALUE'="^" S SRR=SRVALUE Q D HELP^DIE(130.34,"",4,"S","SRHELP(1)") W !!,"Route entered is not one of the available choices.",!,"Please enter medication route again.",!! I $G(SRHELP(1,"DIHELP")) F I=1:1:SRHELP(1,"DIHELP") W SRHELP(1,"DIHELP",I),! S DIR("A")="Enter ROUTE",DIR(0)="130.34,4O" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S SRR="" Q S SRR=$P(Y,"^") Q TIME ; check for time K %DT S X=SRT,%DT="R" D ^%DT I Y>0 Q W:SRT="" !!,"A time MUST be entered !" I '(SRT?1N!(SRT?2N&(SRT<13))!(SRT?4N)!(SRT?3N)!(SRT?2N1":"2N)!(SRT?1N1":"2N))!(+SRT>2400)!(SRT="") S SRF=1 I SRF W !!,?5,"Enter the time in one of the following formats:",!,?9,"7:45, 0745, 745, 07:45, Date@Time, or NOW",!!,?5,"Time is required." T1 S:SRT="" SRF=1 Q:SRF=0 R !!,"Enter Time: ",SRT:DTIME S:'$T!(SRT="") SRT="^" G:SRT["^" END W:SRT["?" !!,"Enter a time in the format above, or RETURN to bypass. An '^' will exit this option." G:SRT["?" T1 S SRF=0 G TIME Q DOSE ; check dosage Q:SRD="" I $L(SRD)>15!($L(SRD)<1) W !!,"Dosage entered incorrectly." S SRF=1 I SRD="?" W !!,"Dosage must be 1 to 15 characters in length, i.e. 15 mg." S SRF=1 D1 I SRF=1 R !!,"ENTER DOSE: ",SRD1:DTIME S:'$T SRD1="^" K:SRD1["^" SRD Q:SRD1["^" W:SRD1["?" !!,"Dosage must be 1 to 15 characters in length" G:SRD1["?" D1 S SRD=SRD1,SRF=0 G DOSE Q