SROPCEU ;BIR/ADM-List/Refile Not Transmitted Outpatient Encounters ; [ 09/22/98 11:41 AM ] ;;3.0; Surgery ;**69,77,50**;24 Jun 93 S (SRFLG,SRSORT,SRSOUT)=0,SRSPEC="" W @IOF,!,?13,"Outpatient Surgery Encounters Not Transmitted to NPCD",!!!,"Surgical cases filed with PCE that have no Scheduling appointment status",!,"or that have an appointment status of ACTION REQUIRED or NON-COUNT indicate" W !,"surgical encounters that have not transmitted to the National Patient",!,"Care Database. This option is intended as a tool to identify these",!,"encounters and, after taking appropriate corrective measures, to" W !,"reinitiate the encounter transmission process.",!! ASK K DIR S DIR("A",1)=" 1. Print list of cases.",DIR("A",2)=" 2. Print total number of cases only.",DIR("A",3)=" 3. Re-file cases in PCE.",DIR("A",4)="",DIR("A")="Select Number: ",DIR("B")=1 S DIR("?",1)="Enter 1 to print a list of surgical cases and/or non-OR procedures that are",DIR("?",2)="filed in PCE, but have no Scheduling appointment status or have an" S DIR("?",3)="an appointment status of ACTION REQUIRED or NON-COUNT.",DIR("?",4)="",DIR("?",5)="Enter 2 to print the total number of cases only with no list." S DIR("?",6)="",DIR("?",7)="Enter 3 to re-file in PCE surgical cases and/or non-OR procedures that are" S DIR("?",8)="already filed, but have no Scheduling appointment status or have an",DIR("?")="appointment status of ACTION REQUIRED or NON-COUNT." S DIR(0)="NA^1:3:0" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S SRSOUT=1 D END Q S SRSEL=Y W !! S DIR("A",1)=$S(SRSEL=1:"Print the list for",SRSEL=2:"Print totals for",1:"Re-file")_" the following.",DIR("A",2)="",DIR("A",3)=" 1. O.R. Surgical Procedures",DIR("A",4)=" 2. Non-O.R. Procedures" S DIR("A",5)=" 3. Both O.R. Surgical Procedures and Non-O.R. Procedures (All Specialties)",DIR("A",6)="",DIR("A")="Select Number (1, 2 or 3): ",DIR("B")="1" S DIR(0)="NA^1:3:0" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S SRSOUT=1 D END Q S SRFLG=Y I SRFLG=1 D SPEC I SRSOUT D END Q I SRFLG=2 D MSP I SRSOUT D END Q I SRFLG=3 D ALL I SRSOUT D END Q DATE D DATE^SROUTL(.SDATE,.EDATE,.SRSOUT) G:SRSOUT END I SRSEL'=3 W ! K %ZIS,IOP,IO("Q"),POP D I SRSOUT D END Q .S %ZIS("A")="Print report on which printer ? ",%ZIS="Q" D ^%ZIS I POP S SRSOUT=1 .I $D(IO("Q")) K IO("Q") D ZT D ^%ZTLOAD S SRSOUT=1 I SRSEL=3 D ZT S ZTIO="" D ^%ZTLOAD W:$G(ZTSK) !," (Task #"_ZTSK_")" D END Q EN D TMP I SRSEL'=3 D ^SROPCEU0 I SRSEL=3 D REFILE^SROPCEU0 END W:$E(IOST)="P" @IOF K ^TMP("SR69",$J),^TMP("SRSP",$J) I $D(ZTQUEUED) Q:$G(ZTSTOP) S ZTREQ="@" Q I 'SRSOUT,$E(IOST)'="P" W !!,"Press RETURN to continue " R X:DTIME D ^%ZISC K SR12,SRDIV,SRDX,SRENC,SRFCPT,SRFICD,SRFRTO,SRINOUT,SRPARAM,SRPODX,SRQCPT,SRQICD,SRRPT,SRSEL,SRSORT,SRSPS,SRSR,SRTN,SRUCPT,SRUICD D ^SRSKILL W @IOF Q ZT S ZTDESC=$S(SRSEL=2:"Re-file",1:"Report of")_" Untransmitted Surgery Oupatient Encounters" S (ZTSAVE("EDATE"),ZTSAVE("SDATE"),ZTSAVE("SRSITE*"),ZTSAVE("SRSPEC*"),ZTSAVE("SRFLG"),ZTSAVE("SRSEL"),ZTSAVE("SRSORT"))="" S ZTRTN="EN^SROPCEU" Q SPEC W ! S DIR("?",1)="Enter YES if you would like "_$S(SRSEL=3:"re-filing",1:"the report printed")_" for all Surgical Specialties",DIR("?")="or enter NO to select a specific specialty." S DIR("A")="Do you want "_$S(SRSEL=3:"re-filing",1:"the report")_" for all Surgical Specialties ? ",DIR("B")="YES",DIR(0)="YA" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S SRSOUT=1 Q I Y D ALL Q I 'Y W ! K DIC S DIC=137.45,DIC(0)="QEAMZ",DIC("A")="Select Surgical Specialty: ",DIC("S")="I '$P(^(0),""^"",3)" D ^DIC K DIC S:Y<0 SRSOUT=1 Q:Y<0 S SRSPEC=+Y,SRSPECN=$P(Y(0),"^") Q ALL Q:SRSEL=3 W ! I SRSEL=1 D .S DIR("?",1)="Enter YES if you would like the report to be sorted by specialty. Enter NO",DIR("?")="if you would like all specialties combined and sorted by case number.",DIR("A")="Do you want the report sorted by Specialty ? " I SRSEL=2 D .S DIR("?",1)="Enter YES if you would like the report to give totals for each specialty.",DIR("?")="Enter NO if you would like totals for all specialties combined.",DIR("A")="Do you want totals separated by Specialty ? " S DIR("B")="YES",DIR(0)="YA" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S SRSOUT=1 Q I Y S SRSORT=1 Q MSP W ! S DIR("?",1)="Enter YES if you would like "_$S(SRSEL=3:"re-filing",1:"the report printed")_" for all Medical Specialties",DIR("?")="or enter NO to select a specific specialty." S DIR("A")="Do you want "_$S(SRSEL=3:"re-filing",1:"the report")_" for all Medical Specialties ? ",DIR("B")="YES",DIR(0)="YA" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S SRSOUT=1 Q I Y D ALL Q I 'Y W ! K DIC S DIC=723,DIC(0)="QEAMZ",DIC("A")="Select Medical Specialty: " D ^DIC K DIC S:Y<0 SRSOUT=1 Q:Y<0 S SRSPEC=+Y,SRSPECN=$P(Y(0),"^") Q TMP ; identify cases with not transmitted encounters N SRVSIT S SRSDT=SDATE-.0001,SRSEDT=EDATE+.9999 K ^TMP("SR69",$J),^TMP("SRSP",$J) S:SRSORT ^TMP("SRSP",$J,0)="0^0^0^0" S SRCNT=0 F I=0,12,14 S SRCNT(I)=0 F S SRSDT=$O(^SRF("AC",SRSDT)) Q:'SRSDT!(SRSDT>SRSEDT) S SRTN=0 F S SRTN=$O(^SRF("AC",SRSDT,SRTN)) Q:'SRTN I $D(^SRF(SRTN,0)),$$DIV^SROUTL0(SRTN) D .S SR=^SRF(SRTN,0),SR12=$P(SR,"^",12),SRVSIT=$P(SR,"^",15) Q:'SRVSIT!(SR12'="O") .S SRNON=0 I $P($G(^SRF(SRTN,"NON")),"^")="Y" S SRNON=1 .I SRFLG=1,SRNON Q .I SRFLG=2,'SRNON Q .S SRSS=$S('SRNON:$P(SR,"^",4),1:$P(^SRF(SRTN,"NON"),"^",8)) I SRSPEC,SRSPEC'=SRSS Q .I 'SRNON S SRSS="1;;"_$P(^SRO(137.45,SRSS,0),"^") .I SRNON S SRSS="2;;"_$P(^ECC(723,SRSS,0),"^") .S SRENC=$O(^SCE("AVSIT",SRVSIT,0)) .I 'SRENC D S SRCNT(0)=SRCNT(0)+1 Q ..I '$D(^TMP("SRSP",$J,SRSS,0)) S ^TMP("SRSP",$J,SRSS,0)="0^0^0^0" ..S ^TMP("SRSP",$J,SRSS,SRTN)="",$P(^TMP("SRSP",$J,SRSS,0),"^")=$P(^TMP("SRSP",$J,SRSS,0),"^")+1,^TMP("SR69",$J,SRTN)="" .K SRX S DA=SRENC,DIC=409.68,DR=".12",DIQ="SRX",DIQ(0)="IE" D EN^DIQ1 K DA,DIC,DIQ,DR .S SRZ=SRX(409.68,SRENC,.12,"I") I SRZ'=12&(SRZ'=14) Q .S SRCNT(SRZ)=SRCNT(SRZ)+1,^TMP("SR69",$J,SRTN)=SRX(409.68,SRENC,.12,"E") .I '$D(^TMP("SRSP",$J,SRSS,0)) S ^TMP("SRSP",$J,SRSS,0)="0^0^0^0" .S ^TMP("SRSP",$J,SRSS,SRTN)=SRX(409.68,SRENC,.12,"E"),$P(^TMP("SRSP",$J,SRSS,0),"^",$S(SRZ=12:2,1:3))=$P(^TMP("SRSP",$J,SRSS,0),"^",$S(SRZ=12:2,1:3))+1 F I=0,12,14 S SRCNT=SRCNT+SRCNT(I) S ^TMP("SRSP",$J,0)=SRCNT(0)_"^"_SRCNT(12)_"^"_SRCNT(14)_"^"_SRCNT S SRSS=0 F S SRSS=$O(^TMP("SRSP",$J,SRSS)) Q:SRSS="" D .S X=0 F I=1:1:3 S X=X+$P(^TMP("SRSP",$J,SRSS,0),"^",I) .S $P(^TMP("SRSP",$J,SRSS,0),"^",4)=X Q