SROPDEL ;BIR/MAM - DELETE CASE ;06/14/05 ;;3.0; Surgery ;**67,100,142**;24 Jun 93 DEL W !!,"Are you sure that you want to delete this case ? NO// " R SRYN:DTIME I '$T!(SRYN["^") S SRSOUT=1 Q S:SRYN="" SRYN="N" S SRYN=$E(SRYN) I "YyNn"'[SRYN W !!,"Enter 'YES' to delete this surgical case from your records. If you have",!,"selected this option inadvertantly and do not want to remove this case,",!,"enter RETURN or 'NO'." G DEL I "Yy"'[SRYN S SRSOUT=1 Q S SRCC="",SROPCOM="Operation..." I $P($G(^SRF(SRTN,.2)),"^",12)'="" W !!,"This case has been completed and must remain in the file for your records." D RET Q I $D(^SRF(SRTN,"LOCK")),^("LOCK")=1 W !!,"This case has been verified and locked. It cannot be deleted unless unlocked",!,"by your Chief of Surgery, or someone appointed by him." D RET Q I $P($G(^SRF(SRTN,30)),"^") S SROPCAN=1 I $P($G(^SRF(SRTN,31)),"^",8)'="" S SROPCAN=1 I $D(SROPCAN) W !!,"This case has been cancelled and must remain in the file for your records." D RET Q I $P($G(^SRF(SRTN,31)),"^",4) W !!,"You cannot delete a procedure that has already been scheduled. If you",!,"would like to cancel this procedure, use the option 'Cancel Scheduled ",!,"Operation'." D RET Q S Y=$G(^SRF(SRTN,"TIU")) I $P(Y,"^")!$P(Y,"^",2)!$P(Y,"^",4) W !!,"You cannot delete a procedure that has one or more operative documents." D RET Q KILL ; delete entry Q:'$$LOCK^SROUTL(SRTN) S SRCONC=$P($G(^SRF(SRTN,"CON")),"^") I SRCONC K ^SRF(SRCONC,"CON") D DEL^SROERR W !!," Deleting "_SRCC_SROPCOM I $P($G(^SRF(SRTN,.2)),"^",10) S DIE=130,DA=SRTN,DR=".205///@" D ^DIE K DA S SRX=$P($G(^SRF(SRTN,0)),"^",15) I SRX S SRVSIT=SRX D DEL^SROPCEP ; delete visit I $D(^SRO(136,SRTN,0)) S DA=SRTN,DIK="^SRO(136," D ^DIK K DA,DIK ; remove entry in file 136 S (DA,SRTN1)=SRTN,DIK="^SRF(" D ^DIK,UNLOCK^SROUTL(SRTN) K DA,DIK,SRTN I SRCONC D UNLOCK^SROUTL(SRCONC),CON I SRCONC D KILL Q CON ; delete concurrent case ? S SRTN=SRCONC W !!,"There is a concurrent procedure associated with this case. Do you want to",!,"delete it also ? YES// " R SRYN:DTIME I '$T!(SRYN["^") S SRCONC=0 Q S SRYN=$E(SRYN) S:SRYN="" SRYN="Y" I "YyNn"'[SRYN W !!,"Enter RETURN to delete this concurrent case. If you are not sure whether to",!,"delete the other case, enter 'NO'. It can be removed later if necessary." G CON I "Nn"[SRYN S SRCONC=0 Q RET W !!,"Press RETURN to continue " R X:DTIME K SRTN Q