SROPROC ;B'HAM ISC/MAM - ENTER PRINCIPAL OPERATIVE PROCEDURE ; [ 01/22/99 10:24 AM ] ;;3.0; Surgery ;**1,38,86**;24 Jun 93 OP Q:SRSOUT W !!,"Enter the Principal Operative Procedure: " R SRSOP:DTIME S:'$T SRSOP="^" I SRSOP["^" S SRSOUT=1 Q I SRSOP="" W !!,"A principal operative procedure must be entered when creating a new case.",!!,"Press RETURN to enter a procedure, or '^' to quit. " R X:DTIME S:'$T X="^" S:X["^" SRSOUT=1 G OP I SRSOP["@" W !!,"The principal operative procedure that you have entered contains a '@'. This",!,"character cannot be contained in your answer." G OP I SRSOP[";" W !!,"The principal operative procedure cannot contain a semicolon (;). Please",!,"re-enter the procedure, using commas in place of the semicolons." G OP I SRSOP?.E1C.E W !!,"Your answer contains a control character. Please re-type the procedure name." G OP I SRSOP["?" W !!,"Enter the name of the principal operative procedure for this surgical case.",!,"If there is more than one procedure being performed by this surgical specialty,",!,"you will be prompted for 'OTHER OPERATIVE" I SRSOP["?" W " PROCEDURES'. Your answer must be",!,"3 to 135 characters in length." G OP F Q:$E(SRSOP)'=" " S SRSOP=$E(SRSOP,2,200) I $L(SRSOP)>135 W !!,"The name of the principal operative procedure can be up to 135 characters in",!,"length. Please re-enter the procedure name in an abbreviated form." G OP I $L(SRSOP)<3 W !!,"Your answer must be at least 3 characters in length. Please enter more",!,"information in the procedure name." G OP I $L(SRSOP)>30 S X=SRSOP D PROC I '$D(X) G OP Q PROC ; check for spaces I $E(X)=" " W !!,?5,"The first character must not be a space." K X Q I X["@" W !!,?5,"The procedure that you have entered contains a '@'. This character",!,?5,"cannot be contained in your answer." K X Q I X[";" W !!,?5,"The procedure cannot contain a semicolon (;). Please re-enter the",!,?5,"procedure, using commas in place of the semicolons." K X Q I X["^" W !!,?5,"The procedure that you have entered contains an up-arrow (^).",!,?5,"This character cannot be contained in your answer." K X Q I X?.E1C.E W !!,?5,"Your answer contains a control character. Please re-type the procedure",!,?5,"name." K X Q Q:$L(X)<30 S SROP=X,SRFLG=0 F D CHECK Q:SRFLG!($L(SROP)'>30) I '$D(X) W !!,?5,"Answer must contain at least one space in every 31 characters of length." I '$D(X) W !,?5,"If you are using a comma (,) to separate information, leave a space after",!,?5,"it. Please re-enter the procedure name." K SRBL,SROP,SRFLG Q CHECK S SRBL=$F(SROP," ") I SRBL>32!('SRBL) S SRFLG=1 K X Q S SROP=$E(SROP,SRBL,$L(SROP)) Q WL ; input transform for waiting list procedure I X["?"!($L(X)<3)!($L(X)>75) W !!,?5,"Enter the name of the principal operative procedure for this surgical",!,?5,"case. The procedure name must be 3 to 75 characters in length.",! K X Q D PROC W:'$D(X) ! Q