SROUTL1 ;BIR/ADM - UTILITY ROUTINE ;10/05/04 ;;3.0; Surgery ;**134**;24 Jun 93 ATT ; check for attend surg when completing case I $P($G(^SRF(DA,.1)),"^",13) Q D ASK I '$P($G(^SRF(DA,.1)),"^",13) K X Q ASK N SREQ,X,Y D EN^DDIOL("The Attending Surgeon field has not been entered. You must first enter the",,"!!") D EN^DDIOL("Attending Surgeon before the computer will accept entry of the Time Patient",,"!") D EN^DDIOL("Out of O.R.",,"!") K DIR S DIR("A",1)="",DIR("A")="Attending Surgeon",DIR(0)="130,.164" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) Q I +Y S SREQ(130,DA_",",.164)=+Y D FILE^DIE("","SREQ","^TMP(""SR"",$J)") Q ATTP ; check for attend provider when completing non-OR procedure I $P($G(^SRF(DA,"NON")),"^",7) Q D ASKP I '$P($G(^SRF(DA,"NON")),"^",7) K X Q ASKP N SREQ,X,Y D EN^DDIOL("The Attending Provider field has not been entered. You must first enter",,"!!") D EN^DDIOL("the Attending Provider before the computer will accept entry of the Time",,"!") D EN^DDIOL("Procedure Ended.",,"!") K DIR S DIR("A",1)="",DIR("A")="Attending Provider",DIR(0)="130,124" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) Q I +Y S SREQ(130,DA_",",124)=+Y D FILE^DIE("","SREQ","^TMP(""SR"",$J)") Q