SROWL ;B'HAM ISC/MAM - ENTER PATIENT ON WAITING LIST ;13 Feb 1989 11:32 AM ;;3.0;Surgery;**58,119**;24 Jun 93 ENTER ; enter a patient on the waiting list S SRSOUT=0 W @IOF K DIC S DIC(0)="QEAMZL",(DIC,DLAYGO)=133.8,DIC("A")=" Select Surgical Specialty: " D ^DIC K DIC,DLAYGO G:Y<0 END S SRSS=+Y,SRSS1=+Y(0) S SRSSNM=$P(^SRO(137.45,SRSS1,0),"^") PAT W ! S DIC=2,DIC(0)="QEAMZ",DIC("A")=" Select Patient: " D ^DIC K DIC I Y<0 W !!,"No action taken." G END S DFN=+Y,SRNM=$P(Y(0),"^") I $D(^DPT(DFN,.35)),$P(^(.35),"^")'="" S Y=$E($P(^(.35),"^"),1,7) D D^DIQ W !!,"The records show that "_SRNM_" died on "_Y_".",! G PAT I $O(^SRO(133.8,"AP",DFN,SRSS,0)) D CHK G:"Yy"'[ECYN END OP W ! K DIR S DIR("A")=" Select Operative Procedure",DIR(0)="133.801,1" D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) W !!,"No action taken." G END S SROPER=Y W ! D NOW^%DTC S SRSDT=% K DD,DO,DIC,DR,DA S DIC(0)="L",DIC="^SRO(133.8,SRSS,1,",DA(1)=SRSS,X=DFN D FILE^DICN I +Y S SROFN=+Y K DA,DIE,DR S DA=SRSS,DIE=133.8,DR="1///"_SRNM,DR(2,133.801)="1////"_SROPER_";2///"_SRSDT_";4T;W !;5T;6T;W !;3T",DR(3,133.8013)=".01T;1T;2T;3T;4T;5T" D ^DIE K DIE,DR D WL^SROPCE1 I SRSOUT G DEL W @IOF,!,SRNM_" has been entered on the waiting list",!,"for "_SRSSNM END D PRESS,^SRSKILL W @IOF Q PRESS W ! K DIR S DIR("A")="Press RETURN to continue ",DIR(0)="FOA" D ^DIR K DIR Q DEL S DA(1)=SRSS,DA=SROFN,DIK="^SRO(133.8,"_DA(1)_",1," D ^DIK W @IOF,!,"Classification information is incomplete. No action taken." G END Q HELP W !!,"Enter RETURN if you want to continue entering a new procedure on the waiting",!,"list for "_SRNM_". If the procedure you are about to enter appears",!,"above, enter 'NO' to quit this option." W !!,"Press RETURN to continue " R X:DTIME Q CHK ; check for existing entries for a patient W @IOF,!,"Procedure(s) already entered for "_SRNM,!,"on the Waiting List for "_SRSSNM,! S SROFN=0 F S SROFN=$O(^SRO(133.8,"AP",DFN,SRSS,SROFN)) Q:'SROFN D LIST W !!,"Do you wish to continue entering a new procedure for "_SRNM_" on",!,"the waiting list for "_SRSSNM_" ? YES// " R ECYN:DTIME I '$T!(ECYN["^") S ECYN="N" Q S ECYN=$E(ECYN) S:"y"[ECYN ECYN="Y" I "YNn"'[ECYN D HELP G CHK Q LIST ; list existing procedures for specialty selected S SROPER=$P(^SRO(133.8,SRSS,1,SROFN,0),"^",2),SRDT=$P(^(0),"^",3),SROPDT=$P(^(0),"^",5),Y=SRDT D D^DIQ S SRDT=$E(Y,1,12) I SROPDT S Y=SROPDT D D^DIQ S SROPDT=$E(Y,1,12) K SROP,MM,MMM S:$L(SROPER)<36 SROP(1)=SROPER I $L(SROPER)>35 S SROPER=SROPER_" " S SROPER=SROPER_" " F M=1:1 D LOOP Q:MMM="" W !,SRNM,?40,"Date Entered on List:",?66,SRDT,!,?3,SROP(1),?40,"Tentative Operation Date: ",?66,SROPDT I $D(SROP(2)) W !,?3,SROP(2) W ! Q LOOP ; break procedure if greater than 36 characters S SROP(M)="" F LOOP=1:1 S MM=$P(SROPER," "),MMM=$P(SROPER," ",2,200) Q:MMM="" Q:$L(SROP(M))+$L(MM)'<36 S SROP(M)=SROP(M)_MM_" ",SROPER=MMM Q REFPHY ; Look up Referring Physician in "New Person" file with filter and auto-populate Referring Physician demographic fields N SRCONT,Y,SRDEMO S SRCONT="" PRMPT R !,"Is this a VA Physician from this facility? (Y/N): ",SRCONT:DTIME I '$T Q I SRCONT["?" D G PRMPT .W !!,"Enter 'Y' if you would like to select the Referring Physician from this facility's VA personnel.",!,"Enter 'N' to continue data entry.",! S:SRCONT="" SRCONT="Y" I SRCONT="^" S X="" Q Q:(SRCONT'["Y")&(SRCONT'["y") ; Store FileMan variables and arrays M SRDABAK=DA,SRDICBAK=DIC,SRDZERO=D0,SRDRBAK=DR,SRXBAK=X,SRDOBAK=DO ; Setup variables and call ^DIC to lookup REFERRING PHYSICIAN from NEW PERSON file S DIC="^VA(200,",DIC(0)="E",DIC("B")=X D ^DIC ; Restore FileMan's variables and arrays M DA=SRDABAK,DIC=SRDICBAK,D0=SRDZERO,DR=SRDRBAK,X=SRXBAK,DO=SRDOBAK K SRCONT,SRDABAK,SRDICBAK,SRDZERO,SRDRBAK,SRXBAK,SRDOBAK Q:Y="-1" ; Quit if no record was selected from the NEW PERSON file S SRNPREC=$P(Y,U,1)_"," ;The record number of the NEW PERSON file ; Retrieve demographic data from the NEW PERSON file. D GETS^DIQ(200,SRNPREC,".01:.116;.132","","SRDEMO") ; Build SRDEMO array for "stuffing" into REFERRING PHYSICIAN demographic fields S X=SRDEMO(200,SRNPREC,".01") ;Name S SRDEMO(1)=SRDEMO(200,SRNPREC,".111") ;Address S:$L(SRDEMO(200,SRNPREC,".112"))>0 SRDEMO(1)=SRDEMO(1)_" "_SRDEMO(200,SRNPREC,".112") ;Concatenate Address 2 to single address S:$L(SRDEMO(200,SRNPREC,".113"))>0 SRDEMO(1)=SRDEMO(1)_" "_SRDEMO(200,SRNPREC,".113") ;Concatenate Address 3 to single address S SRDEMO(1)=$E(SRDEMO(1),1,75) S SRDEMO(2)=SRDEMO(200,SRNPREC,".114") ;City S SRDEMO(3)=SRDEMO(200,SRNPREC,".115") ;State S SRDEMO(4)=SRDEMO(200,SRNPREC,".116") ;Zip S SRDEMO(5)=SRDEMO(200,SRNPREC,".132") ;Office Phone ; Set up DR array that FileMan will use, with a call to ^DIE, after this subroutine Quits to "stuff" the demographic data. S DIC("DR")="1///"_SRDEMO(1)_";2///"_SRDEMO(2)_";3///"_SRDEMO(3)_";4///"_SRDEMO(4)_";5///"_SRDEMO(5)_";6///"_$P(Y,U,1) S DIC(0)="Z" ;Tells FileMan to file the data without any more user input Q