SROXR4 ;BIR/MAM - CROSS REFERENCES ;11/05/07 ;;3.0; Surgery ;**62,83,100,153,166**;24 Jun 93;Build 6 Q PRO ; stuff default prosthesis info I '$D(SRTN) Q S ^SRF(SRTN,1,DA,0)=^SRF(SRTN,1,DA,0)_"^"_$P(^SRO(131.9,X,0),"^",2,99) I $D(^SRO(131.9,X,1)) S ^SRF(SRTN,1,DA,1)=^(1) Q CAN ; 'SET' logic of the 'ACAN' x-ref on the 'CANCEL REASON' ; field in the SURGERY file (130) S $P(^SRF(DA,30),"^",2)=$P(^SRO(135,X,0),"^",3) I $P(^SRO(135,X,0),"^",3)="" S $P(^SRF(DA,30),"^",2)="Y" I $P(^SRF(DA,30),"^",3)="" S $P(^SRF(DA,30),"^",3)=DUZ S SHEMP=$P($G(^SRF(DA,.2)),"^",10) I SHEMP,$D(^SRF(DA,"RA")) S ZTDESC="Clean up Risk Assessment Information, Canceled Case",ZTRTN="RISK^SROXR4",ZTDTH=$H,ZTSAVE("DA")="" D ^%ZTLOAD Q KCAN ; 'KILL' logic of the 'ACAN' x-ref on the 'CANCEL REASON' ; field in the SURGERY file (130) S $P(^SRF(DA,30),"^",2)="" I '$P($G(^SRF(DA,30)),"^") S $P(^SRF(DA,30),"^",3)="" Q AS ; 'SET' logic of the 'AS' x-ref on the SCHEDULED START TIME ; field in the SURGERY file (130) S OR=$P(^SRF(DA,0),"^",2) I 'OR Q S ^SRF("AS",OR,X,DA)="" Q KAS ; 'KILL' logic of the 'AS' x-ref on the SCHEDULED FINISH TIME ; field in the SURGERY file (130) S OR=$P(^SRF(DA,0),"^",2) I 'OR Q K ^SRF("AS",OR,X,DA) Q SCH ; 'SET' logic of the 'AC' x-ref of the REQUIRED FIELDS FOR SCHEDULING ; field in the SURGERY SITE PARAMETERS file (133) S MM=$O(^DD(130,"B",X,0)),$P(^SRO(133,DA(1),4,DA,0),"^",2)=MM K MM Q KSCH ; 'KILL' logic of the 'AC' x-ref of the REQUIRED FIELDS FOR SCHEDULING ; field in the SURGERY SITE PARAMETERS file (133) S $P(^SRO(133,DA(1),4,DA,0),"^",2)="" Q RISK ; clean up risk data for canceled cases S DIE=130,DR="102///@;235///@;284///@;323///@" D ^DIE K DR,DA S ZTREQ="@" Q AQ ; set logic for AQ x-ref N SRTD,SRLO D AQDT I SRTD'