SROXREF ;B'HAM ISC/MAM - SET PRINCIPAL OP CODE; 3 Feb 1989 7:51 AM ;;3.0; Surgery ;;24 Jun 93 R ; invoked by the 'R" cross reference of the 'END-TIME' sub-field of the ; SERVICE BLOCKOUT sub-file in the OPERATING ROOM file ; S OR=DA(3),DAY=$P(^SRS(OR,1,DA(2),0),"^"),SER=^SRS(OR,1,DA(2),1,DA(1),0),SURG=$P(SER,"^",2),SER=$P(SER,"^",1),TIME=^SRS(OR,1,DA(2),1,DA(1),1,DA,0),ST=$P(TIME,"^"),ET=$P(TIME,"^",2),SRSNUMB=$P(TIME,"^",3) S ^SRS("R",DAY,OR,ST,SRSNUMB)=SURG_"^"_DAY_SRSNUMB_"^"_ST_"^"_ET_"^"_SER K DAY,OR,SER,SRSNUMB,SURG,ST,ET,TIME Q SER ; invoked by the 'SER' cross reference on the 'END-TIME sub-field ; of the SERVICE BLOCKOUT sub-file in the OPERATING ROOM file S OR=DA(3),DAY=$P(^SRS(OR,1,DA(2),0),"^"),SER=^SRS(OR,1,DA(2),1,DA(1),0),SURG=$P(SER,"^",2),SER=$P(SER,"^"),TIME=^SRS(OR,1,DA(2),1,DA(1),1,DA,0),ST=$P(TIME,"^"),ET=$P(TIME,"^",2),SRSNUMB=$P(TIME,"^",3) S ^SRS("SER",SER,OR,DAY,ST)=ST_"^"_ET_"^"_SURG_"^"_SRSNUMB K DAY,OR,SER,SRSNUMB,SURG,ST,ET,TIME Q AWL ; invoked by the 'AWL' cross reference on the DATE ENTERED ON LIST ; field in the SURGERY WAITING LIST file S ^SRO(133.8,"AWL",DA(1),X,DA)="" Q KAWL ; invoked by the kill logic of the 'AWL' cross reference on the ; DATE ENTERED ON LIST field in the SURGERY WAITING LIST file K ^SRO(133.8,"AWL",DA(1),X,DA) Q AP ; invoked by the 'AP' cross reference on the PATIENT field in the ; SURGERY WAITING LIST file S ^SRO(133.8,"AP",X,DA(1),DA)="" Q KAP ; invoked by the kill logic of the 'AP' cross reference on the ; PATIENT field in the SURGERY WAITING LIST file K ^SRO(133.8,"AP",X,DA(1),DA) Q