SRSCHCC ;B'HAM ISC/MAM - DELETE CONCURRENT CASES ; [ 04/26/97 3:08 PM ] ;;3.0; Surgery ;**3,67**;24 Jun 93 BEG W @IOF,!,"The following information has already been entered." S CON=0 F I=0:0 S CON=$O(SRSCON(CON)) Q:'CON D LIST^SRSCHDC W !!!,"Since you have not entered all of the required operating room information, the",!,"schedule cannot be updated." W !!,"You have the following options available to you at this point. One of these",!,"two options must be selected. Entering an '^' will not be accepted." ASK W !!,"1. Create an Operation Request for the "_$S($D(SRSCON(2)):"Concurrent Cases",1:"Case"),!,"2. Delete the "_$S($D(SRSCON(2)):"Concurrent Cases",1:"Case") W !!,"Select Number: 1// " R X:DTIME I '$T S X=2 S:X="" X=1 I X["^" G BEG I X'=1,X'=2 D HELP G ASK I X=2 D DEL Q S CON=0 F I=0:0 S CON=$O(SRSCON(CON)) Q:'CON D REQ Q REQ ; make requests S SRTN=SRSCON(CON),SRSOP=SRSCON(CON,"OP"),SRSDOC=SRSCON(CON,"DOC") D NOW^%DTC S SRDT=$E(%,1,12) K DIE,DR,DA S DIE=130,DR="36////1;Q;.09////"_SRSDATE_";1.099////"_DUZ_";1.098////"_SRDT,DA=SRTN D ^DIE S SROERR=SRTN D ^SROERR0 Q DEL W !!,"Are you sure you want to delete "_$S($D(SRSCON(2)):"these cases",1:"this case")_" ? YES// " R SRYN:DTIME I '$T!(SRYN["^") S SRYN="Y" S SRYN=$E(SRYN) S:SRYN="" SRYN="Y" I "YyNn"'[SRYN S SRTN=1 W !!,"Enter RETURN to delete the "_$S($D(SRSCON(2)):"entries",1:"entry")_" from your records." I "Yy"'[SRYN S SRSOUT=0 Q S CON=0 F S CON=$O(SRSCON(CON)) Q:'CON W !!," Deleting Case "_SRSCON(CON)_" ..." D OERR S DA=SRSCON(CON),DIK="^SRF(" D ^DIK K SRTN Q OERR ; delete from ORDER file (100) N SRTN S SRTN=SRSCON(C0N) D DEL^SROERR Q HELP W !!,"If you want to make an operation request for the "_$S($D(SRSCON(2)):"cases",1:"case")_" entered, select '1'." W !,"A request will be created for "_$S($D(SRSCON(2)):"both cases",1:"case "_SRSCON(1))_" on "_SRSDT_"." W !!,"Select '2' if you want to REMOVE this record ENTIRELY from your records. " Q