SRSWL15 ;B'HAM ISC/MAM - WAITING LIST, EXTENDED-ONE ; 17 OCT 1989 7:35 AM ;;3.0; Surgery ;**34**;24 Jun 93 W ! K %ZIS,POP,IOP,IO("Q") S %ZIS("A")="Print the Waiting List on which Device: ",%ZIS="Q" D ^%ZIS Q:POP I $D(IO("Q")) K IO("Q") S ZTDESC="SURGERY WAITING LIST",ZTRTN="BEG^SRSWL15" D ^%ZTLOAD G END BEG ; entry when queued K ^TMP("SR",$J) U IO S (SRSOUT,SRHDR)=0 D NOW^%DTC S Y=% D D^DIQ S SRTIME=$E(Y,1,12)_" at "_$E(Y,14,18) ; ; The AP cross reference is used to get the Patient Number, the record ; number and sub-record number associated with that Patient. ; SRPNM is set to Patient Number; SRSS=the record #; SROFN = ; sub-record; SRSNM is set to the Surgical Specialty. The TMP ; global is set to contain the Surgical Specialty, Tentative Date ; of Operation, and corresponding record and sub-record numbers. ; S SRPNM="" F S SRPNM=$O(^SRO(133.8,"AP",SRPNM)) Q:SRPNM="" S SROFN="" F S SROFN=$O(^SRO(133.8,"AP",SRPNM,SRSS,SROFN)) Q:SROFN="" D MORE ; ; Below, extract information from TMP in order of Surgical ; Specialty and within Surgical Specialty in order by Tentative Date ; of Operation. ; D HDR S SROPDT="" F S SROPDT=$O(^TMP("SR",$J,SRSNM,SROPDT)) Q:SROPDT=""!(SRSOUT) S SRSS="" F S SRSS=$O(^TMP("SR",$J,SRSNM,SROPDT,SRSS)) Q:'SRSS!(SRSOUT) D ANOTHER END I $E(IOST)="P" W ! S SRSOUT=1 W @IOF I $D(ZTQUEUED) K ^TMP("SR",$J) Q:$G(ZTSTOP) S ZTREQ="@" Q I 'SRSOUT W !!,"Press RETURN to continue " R X:DTIME W @IOF D ^%ZISC,^SRSKILL K SRTN Q MORE S SRTEMP=^SRO(133.8,SRSS,1,SROFN,0),SROPDT=$P($G(SRTEMP),"^",5),SROPDT=$S(SROPDT'="":SROPDT,1:"None Specified") S ^TMP("SR",$J,SRSNM,SROPDT,SRSS,SROFN)="" Q ANOTHER S SROFN="" F S SROFN=$O(^TMP("SR",$J,SRSNM,SROPDT,SRSS,SROFN)) Q:'SROFN!(SRSOUT) D PRINT Q PRINT ; print information I $Y+20>IOSL D PAGE Q:SRSOUT S SRW=^SRO(133.8,SRSS,1,SROFN,0),DFN=$P(SRW,"^") D DEM^VADPT S SRSDPT=VADM(1)_" ("_VA("PID")_")",SROPER=$P(SRW,"^",2),Y=$P(SRW,"^",3) D D^DIQ S SRDT=$E(Y,1,12)_" "_$E(Y,14,18) D OUT^SRSWL3 Q PAGE ; end of page I 'SRHDR S SRHDR=1 D HDR Q I $E(IOST)'="P" W !!,"Press RETURN to continue, or '^' to quit: " R X:DTIME I '$T!(X["^") S SRSOUT=1 Q D HDR Q HDR ; print heading I $D(ZTQUEUED) D ^SROSTOP I SRHALT S SRSOUT=1 Q S SRHDR=1 W:$Y @IOF W !,"Surgery Waiting List for ",SRSNM,!,"Printed "_SRTIME,! F LINE=1:1:80 W "=" Q LOOP ; break operation if greater than 59 characters S SROPS(M)="" F LOOP=1:1 S MM=$P(SROPER," "),MMM=$P(SROPER," ",2,200) Q:MMM="" Q:$L(SROPS(M))+$L(MM)'<59 S SROPS(M)=SROPS(M)_MM_" ",SROPER=MMM Q AGAIN ; reprint patient name, date entered, and procedure when referring ; physician will not fit on first page Q:$Y+6