TIUEDITR ; SLC/JER - Enter/Edit a Document for Transcriber ;6/11/2002 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**7,41,48,100,109,112**;Jun 20, 1997 ; 2/2: Update DIE from TIUEDIT to TIUEDI4 MAIN(TIUCLASS) ; Control Branching N TIUPREF,TIUOUT,TIUAUTH ; --- Get user's preferences --- S TIUPREF=$$PERSPRF^TIULE(DUZ) ; --- Get the author to be used for multiple patients S TIUAUTH=+$$AUTHOR^TIULA2 I TIUAUTH'>0 Q F D Q:+$G(TIUOUT) . N DFN,TIUREL,TIUCHK,TIUDA,TIUEDIT,TIUY,TIUNEW,TIUTYP,TIUDPRM . N TIUASK,TIU,VAIN,VADM,TIULMETH,TIUVMETH,TIUENTRY,TIUEXIT,TIUCMMTX . N DA ;10/3/00 . ;Removed with TIU*1*41 - Joel didn't think it was appropriate . ;I $P(TIUPREF,U,6)="M" D MAIN^TIUEDIM(TIUCLASS,.TIUOUT) Q . ; --- Get a patient --- . S DFN=+$$PATIENT^TIULA I +DFN'>0 S TIUOUT=1 Q . S TIUCLASS=$G(TIUCLASS,38) . ; --- Get a document type --- . D DOCSPICK^TIULA2(.TIUTYP,TIUCLASS,"1A","LAST","","$P(^TIU(8925.1,+Y,0),U,7)'=13,+$$CANENTR^TIULP(+Y)") . I +$G(TIUTYP)'>0 S TIUOUT=1 Q . S TIUTYP=+$P($G(TIUTYP(1)),U,2) . ; --- Re-direct surgical reports --- . I +$$ISA^TIULX(TIUTYP,+$$CLASS^TIUSROI("SURGICAL REPORTS")) D ENTEROP^TIUSROI(DFN,TIUTYP) Q . ; --- Initialize document parameters --- . D DOCPRM^TIULC1(TIUTYP,.TIUDPRM) . ; --- If an ENTRY ACTION exists, execute it --- . S TIUENTRY=$$GETENTRY^TIUEDI2(+TIUTYP) . I $L(TIUENTRY) X TIUENTRY . Q:+$G(TIUOUT) ; If entry action sets TIUOUT=1 Abort Entry . ; --- Get associated visit --- . I +$$SUPPVSIT^TIULC1(TIUTYP)'>0 D I 1 . . S TIULMETH=$$GETLMETH^TIUEDI1(TIUTYP) . . I '$L(TIULMETH) D S TIUOUT=1 Q . . . W !,$C(7),"No Visit Linkage Method defined for " . . . W $$PNAME^TIULC1(TIUTYP),".",!,"Please contact IRM..." . . X TIULMETH . E D . . D EVENT^TIUSRVP1(.TIU,DFN) . I $S($D(DIROUT):1,$D(DTOUT):1,1:0) S TIUQUIT=1 Q . I '$D(TIU("VSTR")) D Q . . W !,$C(7),"Patient & Visit required." H 2 . ; --- Validate Selection --- . S TIUVMETH=$$GETVMETH^TIUEDI1(TIUTYP) . I '$L(TIUVMETH) D S TIUOUT=1 Q . . W !,$C(7),"No Validation Method defined for " . . W $$PNAME^TIULC1(TIUTYP),".",!,"Please contact IRM..." . X TIUVMETH . I $D(TIU),+$G(TIUASK) D . . ;S DA=$$GETREC^TIUEDI1(DFN,.TIU,1,.TIUNEW,.TIUDPRM,1) . . S DA=$$GETRECNW^TIUEDI3(DFN,.TIU,TIUTYP(1),.TIUNEW,.TIUDPRM,1) . . I +DA'>0 W !,"Unable to enter/edit." Q . . S TIUEDIT=$S('+$G(TIUNEW):$$CANDO^TIULP(DA,"EDIT RECORD"),1:1) . . I '+TIUEDIT D Q . . . W !,$P(TIUEDIT,U,2) ; Echo denial message . . . D ADDENDUM^TIUADD(DA,"",.TIUCHNG) . . N TIUQUIT,TIUADD . . D DIE^TIUEDI4(DA,.TIUQUIT) Q:+$G(TIUQUIT)=2 ; **100** . . ;If (CP) and (Timeout or Not Select Consult) and (Consult Associated), Quit before EMPTYDOC check . . I +$$ISA^TIULX(TIUTYP,+$$CLASS^TIUCP),+$G(TIUQUIT)=1,+$P($G(^TIU(8925,+DA,14)),U,5)>0 Q . . I $$EMPTYDOC^TIULF(DA) D DELETE^TIUEDIT(DA,0) S:'+$G(TIUNEW) TIUCHNG("DELETE")=1 H:'+$G(TIUNEW) 2 Q . . Q:+$G(TIUQUIT) . . I +$G(TIUONCE) S TIUNDA(+$G(DA))="" . . I +$G(TIU("STOP")) D DEFER^TIUVSIT(DA,TIU("STOP")) I 1 . . E D QUE^TIUPXAP1 . . ; --- Execute COMMIT procedure --- . . S TIUCMMTX=$$COMMIT^TIULC1(+$G(^TIU(8925,+DA,0))) . . I TIUCMMTX]"" X TIUCMMTX . . ; --- Execute RELEASE procedure --- . . D RELEASE^TIUT(DA) . . ; --- Execute VERIFY procedure --- . . D VERIFY^TIUT(DA) . . ; --- Execute SIGNATURE procedure --- . . D EDSIG^TIURS(DA) . . ; --- If an EXIT ACTION exists, execute it --- . . S TIUEXIT=$$GETEXIT^TIUEDI2(+$P(TIUTYP(1),U,2)) . . I $L(TIUEXIT) X TIUEXIT . . ; --- If required, prompt for print . . I +$P($G(TIUDPRM(0)),U,8) D PRINT^TIUEPRNT(DA) Q