TIUFD3 ; SLC/MAM - LM Template D Actions Edit Items, Edit Boilerplate Text ;4/17/97 11:02 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**17**;Jun 20, 1997 ; EDITEMS ; Templates H, C, A, D Action Edit Items. Calls LM Template TIUFT. ; Requires TIUFTMPL. ; Requires TIUFWHO, set in Options TIUF/A/C/H EDIT/SORT/CREATE DDEFS CLIN/MGR/NATL. ; Sets TIUFACTT for Subtemplate T. Sets TIUFSTMP = T. I $G(TIUFSTMP)="D" G EDITEMS1 N TIUFINFO,TIUFNOD0,TIUFVCN1,MISSITEM,TIUFXNOD,DTOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT S VALMBCK="",TIUFVCN1=VALMCNT,TIUFXNOD=$G(XQORNOD(0)) I TIUFXNOD'["=" W !!," You may edit the Items of ONE Entry. Please select an Entry from the List.",!! D EN^VALM2(TIUFXNOD,"SO") Q:'$O(VALMY(0)) S TIUFINFO=$G(^TMP("TIUF1IDX",$J,$O(VALMY(0)))) I 'TIUFINFO W !!," Missing List Manager Data; See IRM",! D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX S VALMBCK="Q" G EDITX S FILEDA=$P(TIUFINFO,U,2),MISSITEM=$$MISSITEM^TIUFLF4(FILEDA) I MISSITEM W !!," Can't Edit Items: File Entry "_FILEDA_" Has Nonexistent Item "_MISSITEM_" ; See IRM.",! D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX S VALMBCK="Q" G EDITX D PARSE^TIUFLLM(.TIUFINFO) D NODE0ARR^TIUFLF(TIUFINFO("FILEDA"),.TIUFNOD0) G:$D(DTOUT) EDITX EDITEMS1 ; Entry point called by Edit Items of Template D. ; Requires CURRENT array TIUFINFO, CURRENT variable TIUFVCN1 ;as set in EDVIEW^TIUFHA, updated (if Template A has changed) ;in AUPDATE^TIUFLA1, or (if Template H has changed) in UPDATE^TIUFLLM1. ;WARNING: +TIUFINFO may = 0 if Template A has changed! ; Requires array TIUFNOD0; Updates TIUFNOD0 upon return from Template T. ; If called from D, requires TIUFILIN as set in DSITEMS^TIUFD. ; If called from D, requires TIUFSTMP="D" N SUBTEMPL S SUBTEMPL=$G(TIUFSTMP) S VALMBCK="" N FILEDA,TYPE,STATUS,MSG,SHARED,USROWNS S FILEDA=TIUFINFO("FILEDA"),TYPE=$P(TIUFNOD0,U,4),SHARED=$P(TIUFNOD0,U,10) S USROWNS=$$PERSOWNS^TIUFLF2(FILEDA,DUZ) I TIUFWHO="C",'$$HASITEMS^TIUFLF1(FILEDA) D I $D(MSG) G EDITX . I USROWNS Q:TYPE="DOC" Q:TYPE="CO"&'SHARED . S MSG=" Entry has no Items",VALMBCK="" I TYPE="O" S MSG=" Objects do not have Items",VALMBCK="" G EDITX N TIUREC,TIUFVCN3,TIUFBG3,TIUFSTMP,TIUFACTT,TIUFIXED,EXPAND S TIUFSTMP="T" ;Items S TIUFACTT=$S("NM"[TIUFWHO:"A",TIUFWHO="C":"E",1:"V") ;Add, Edit, View S STATUS=$$STATWORD^TIUFLF5($P(TIUFNOD0,U,7)) ; e.g. INACTIVE D . I TYPE="" S TIUFACTT="V",MSG=" Entry has no Type; View Only" Q . I SHARED,TIUFTMPL'="A" S TIUFACTT="V",MSG=" Shared Components can be edited only through the SORT Option: View Only." Q . I 'SHARED,TYPE="DOC"!(TYPE="CO"),STATUS'="INACTIVE" S TIUFACTT="V",MSG=" Can't edit Items of a Title/Component unless entry is Inactive; View Only." Q . I SHARED,'$$CANEDIT^TIUFLF6(FILEDA) S TIUFACTT="V",MSG=" Shared Component with parent that isn't Inactive; View Only." Q . I USROWNS="" S TIUFACTT="V",MSG=" Entry has no Owner; View Only" Q . I USROWNS=0,TIUFWHO="C" S TIUFACTT="V",MSG=" Non-Owner; View Only" Q . I USROWNS=0,TIUFWHO'="C",SHARED S TIUFACTT="V",MSG=" Only the Owner can edit a Shared Component; View Only" K DIRUT I $D(MSG) W !!,MSG,! D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX K MSG I $D(DIRUT) Q ; If came from Template H rather than A AND If Edited Items directly from H rather than thru Edit/View (D), AND If H entry was expanded, then collapse entry (reexpand to items only when return): I TIUFTMPL="H",SUBTEMPL'="D" S EXPAND=TIUFINFO("XPDLCNT") I EXPAND D COLLAPSE^TIUFH1(.TIUFINFO) S VALMCNT=VALMCNT-EXPAND S TIUFVCN3=VALMCNT,TIUFBG3=VALMBG,TIUFIXED=$G(VALM("FIXED")) I TIUFACTT="A" D . I "NM"[TIUFWHO D EN^VALM("TIUFT ITEMS ADD/EDIT/VIEW MGR") D:TIUFACTT="E" EN^VALM("TIUFT ITEMS EDIT/VIEW CLIN") D:TIUFACTT="V" EN^VALM("TIUFT ITEMS VIEW MGR/CLIN") S VALMCNT=TIUFVCN3,VALMBG=TIUFBG3 D NODE0ARR^TIUFLF(FILEDA,.TIUFNOD0) G:$D(DTOUT) EDITX ; If came from Template H rather than A AND If Edited Items directly from H rather than thru Edit/View (D), then update + for H and If H entry was expanded, reexpand to items only: I TIUFTMPL="H",SUBTEMPL'="D" D . ;Since Template is H, then need +. If 'Expand, just update +: . I 'EXPAND S TIUREC=^TMP("TIUF1",$J,+TIUFINFO,0),TIUREC=$$PLUSUP^TIUFLLM(.TIUFINFO,TIUREC),^TMP("TIUF1",$J,+TIUFINFO,0)=TIUREC . ;If Expand, that will automatically update + for template H: . I EXPAND D EXPAND1^TIUFH1(.TIUFINFO) S VALMCNT=VALMCNT+$P(TIUFINFO,U,3) ; Edit Items affects parentage: if came from Template A and sort by parentage, redo all of A: I TIUFTMPL="A" D:$E(TIUFATTR)="P" INIT^TIUFA G:$D(DTOUT) EDITX ; If not sort by parentage, don't update A here: Template A has been updated with each change to Template T. I SUBTEMPL="D" D DSITEMS^TIUFD(.TIUFILIN) S VALMCNT=TIUFILIN ;Update Items to end on Template D. S VALMBCK="R" EDITX ; I $D(MSG) W !!,MSG,! H 2 I $D(DTOUT) S VALMBCK="Q" Q ; EDBOILTX ;Templates D, X Action Edit Boilerplate Text ; Requires CURRENT arrays TIUFINFO, TIUFNOD0. ; Requires TIUFBLIN as set in DSBOILTX^TIUFD. N FILEDA,LINENO,CNTCHNG,TIUFXNOD,MSG,STATUS,DTOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT S FILEDA=TIUFINFO("FILEDA") S VALMBCK="R",TIUFXNOD=$G(XQORNOD(0)) S STATUS=$$STATWORD^TIUFLF5($P(^TIU(8925.1,FILEDA,0),U,7)) I STATUS'="INACTIVE" W !!,"Entry is not Inactive: Can't edit Boilerplate Text" D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX S VALMBCK="" G EDBOX I $P(TIUFNOD0,U,10) D G:$D(MSG) EDBOX . I '$$PERSOWNS^TIUFLF2(FILEDA,DUZ) S MSG=" Shared Component: Only Owner can Edit Boilerplate Text" . I '$$CANEDIT^TIUFLF6(FILEDA) S MSG=" Shared Component with parent that isn't Inactive: Can't Edit Boilerplate Text" . I $D(MSG) W !!,MSG D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX S VALMBCK="" I TIUFSTMP="X" L +^TIU(8925.1,FILEDA):1 I '$T W !!," Another user is editing this entry.",! H 2 G EDBOX D EDBOIL^TIUFLD1(FILEDA,TIUFNOD0) G:$D(DTOUT) EDBOX D DEDBOIL^TIUFLD1(FILEDA) G:$D(DTOUT) EDBOX D NODE0ARR^TIUFLF(FILEDA,.TIUFNOD0) G:$D(DTOUT) EDBOX ; Update template D or X: S LINENO=TIUFBLIN D DSBOILTX^TIUFD(.LINENO) G:$D(DTOUT) EDBOX S VALMCNT=LINENO I TIUFTMPL="A" D AUPDATE^TIUFLA1(TIUFNOD0,FILEDA,.CNTCHNG) S:CNTCHNG TIUFVCN1=TIUFVCN1-1 ;doesn't match. I "HC"[TIUFTMPL D LINEUP^TIUFLLM1(.TIUFINFO,TIUFTMPL) EDBOX ; I TIUFSTMP="X" L -^TIU(8925.1,+$G(FILEDA)) I $D(DTOUT) S VALMBCK="Q" Q ;