TIUFHA8 ; SLC/MAM - MOVEDOC, MDRPOINT(OLDTLDA,NEWTLDA,POLDTLDA,PNEWTLDA,NOLOCK), NEWTITLE(FILEDA,PFILEDA), MTRPOINT(TITLEDA,OLDCLASS) ;1/29/06 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**11,27,64,184**;Jun 20, 1997 ; CANT(FILEDA,NODE0) ; Check if docmts can be moved; return 1 if cant N CANTMSG,CANT S CANT=0 I $P(NODE0,U,4)'="DOC" S CANTMSG=" ?? Entry must be a TITLE (not a Document Class, etc.)" G:$D(CANTMSG) CANTX I $$HASITEMS^TIUFLF1(FILEDA) S CANTMSG=" ?? Documents cannot be moved for Titles with Components" G:$D(CANTMSG) CANTX I '$O(^TIU(8925,"B",FILEDA,0)) S CANTMSG=" ?? Title has no documents to move" G:$D(CANTMSG) CANTX I FILEDA=81 S CANTMSG=" ?? Can't Move Addenda" G:$D(CANTMSG) CANTX I $$ISPFTTL^TIUPRFL(FILEDA) S CANTMSG=" ?? Documents cannot be moved for PRF Flag Titles" G:$D(CANTMSG) CANTX CANTX I $D(CANTMSG) W !,CANTMSG,! D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX S CANT=1 Q CANT ; MOVEDOC ; Move documents from old Title to new Title. Template H ONLY. Titles must have same grandparent. Titles cannot have components. N INFO,FILEDA,NODE0,PFILEDA,TENDA,NEWTLY,LINENO,PLINENO N DA,DIK,NPLINENO,DIR,NPFILEDA,NOLOCK,CWAD1,CWAD2 ; N DIR for EN^VALM2 default S VALM("ENTITY")="Title whose documents you want to Move" AGAINDOC D EN^VALM2(TIUFXNOD,"SO") G:'$O(VALMY(0)) MDOCX S INFO=$G(^TMP("TIUF1IDX",$J,$O(VALMY(0)))) I 'INFO W !," Missing List Manager Data; See IRM",! D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX S VALMBCK="Q" G MDOCX S FILEDA=$P(INFO,U,2),NODE0=^TIU(8925.1,FILEDA,0),LINENO=+INFO N DIRUT ; - Check selected title. Need TIUFXNOD phrase to prevent loop: I $$CANT(FILEDA,NODE0) G MDOCX:$D(DIRUT)!(TIUFXNOD["="),AGAINDOC S PFILEDA=+$O(^TIU(8925.1,"AD",FILEDA,0)),PLINENO=$P(INFO,U,5) S TENDA=$P(INFO,U,6) S VALMBCK="R" K DIRUT S NEWTLY=$$NEWTITLE(FILEDA,PFILEDA) I 'NEWTLY G MDOCX D I 'NEWTLY G MDOCX ;P64 add Are you sure; add CWAD/nonCWAD warning . S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="YES",DIR("?")=" Action not reversible if target title already has its own documents." . S DIR("A",1)="Moving documents from title",DIR("A",2)=" "_$P(NODE0,U),DIR("A",3)=" to title "_$P(NEWTLY,U,2)_"." . S DIR("A")=" Are you sure" . S NPFILEDA=+$O(^TIU(8925.1,"AD",+NEWTLY,0)),CWAD1=$P($G(^TIU(8925.1,NPFILEDA,0)),U,14),CWAD2=$P($G(^TIU(8925.1,PFILEDA,0)),U,14) . I (CWAD1="")&(CWAD2'="")!((CWAD1'="")&(CWAD2="")) S DIR("A")="CWADs behave differently from nonCWAD documents. Sure you want to move",DIR("B")="NO",DIR("?")=" CWADs generate alerts; nonCWADs don't." . W ! D ^DIR I 'Y S NEWTLY=0 I $P(NODE0,U,7)'=+^TMP("TIUF",$J,"STATI") D AUTOSTAT^TIUFLF6(FILEDA,NODE0,"INACTIVE") S NOLOCK=0 D MDRPOINT(FILEDA,+NEWTLY,PFILEDA,NPFILEDA,.NOLOCK) W ! W:NOLOCK "...done. Please move remaining documents later." W:'NOLOCK "...done. All documents Moved to Title ",$P(NEWTLY,U,2),".",!,"Parent Document Type updated as necessary for all documents." W !!,"If you want users to be able to enter more documents on the OLD TITLE,",!,"please reactivate it." D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX S NPLINENO=+$O(^TMP("TIUF1IDX",$J,"DAF",NPFILEDA,0)) I NPFILEDA'=PFILEDA D REEXPAND^TIUFHA7(PFILEDA,PLINENO,1) D REEXPAND^TIUFHA7(NPFILEDA,NPLINENO,1),VALMBG^TIUFHA7(+NEWTLY,FILEDA,LINENO) MDOCX I '$G(NEWTLY) W !,"...Nothing moved" H 2 ;P64 add Nothing moved S VALM("ENTITY")="Entry" Q ; MDRPOINT(OLDTLDA,NEWTLDA,POLDTLDA,PNEWTLDA,NOLOCK) ; Repoint for Move Documents from one title to another: Repoints TITLE and PARENT DOCUMENT TYPE for documents that use old title. ; If old and new titles are in same DC, skips repointing PARENT DOCUMENT TYPE. N DIE,DR,DA,FILEDA W !!,"OLD Title inactivated. Moving documents..." S DR=".01////"_NEWTLDA,DIE=8925 S:POLDTLDA'=PNEWTLDA DR=DR_";.04////"_PNEWTLDA S FILEDA=0 F S FILEDA=$O(^TIU(8925,"B",OLDTLDA,FILEDA)) Q:'FILEDA D . L +^TIU(8925,FILEDA,0):1 I '$T W !,"...Document can't be locked. Please move it later. Continuing to move others...",! H 2 S NOLOCK=1 Q . S DA=FILEDA D ^DIE . W "." L -^TIU(8925,FILEDA,0) Q ; NEWTITLE(FILEDA,PFILEDA) ; Function returns DIC's Y=N^S of New Title to move documents to, or 0 if none chosen. ;Requires FILEDA = IFN of old Title ;Requires PFILEDA = parent of old Title N X,Y,DIC,DIR,NEWTLY,TIUFCK,NPFILEDA,GPFILEDA,OVERRIDE N SCRN1,SCRN2,SCRN3 S GPFILEDA=+$O(^TIU(8925.1,"AD",PFILEDA,0)) ; G'parent of old Title AGAINNEW S DIC=8925.1,DIC(0)="AEMNQZ" K NEWTLY W !!," Selecting target Title." W " Enter '??' for a list of selectable ones.",! W " You may not select PRF Flag Titles or Titles outside" W " the original Class." S DIC("A")="Select TIU TITLE NAME to Move documents to: " ; - Type=TL, not=old title, not addm title, not PRF title, ; same g'parent (i.e. class): S SCRN1="I $P(^(0),U,4)=""DOC""&(Y'=FILEDA)&(Y'=81)" S SCRN2="&'$$ISPFTTL^TIUPRFL(Y)&(GPFILEDA=" S SCRN3="+$O(^TIU(8925.1,""AD"",+$O(^TIU(8925.1,""AD"",Y,0)),0)))" S DIC("S")=SCRN1_SCRN2_SCRN3 D ^DIC I Y=-1 G NEWTLX S NEWTLY=Y,NEWTLY(0)=Y(0),NPFILEDA=+$O(^TIU(8925.1,"AD",+NEWTLY,0)) ;P64 removed "can't move docmts to natl titles" I $$HASITEMS^TIUFLF1(+NEWTLY) W !," ?? Documents cannot be moved to Titles with Components",! G AGAINNEW D CHECK^TIUFLF3(+NEWTLY,NPFILEDA,0,.TIUFCK) I 'TIUFCK D . W !!,"Faulty Title. Please TRY Title and correct problems",!,"before moving documents to it." . S OVERRIDE=$$OVERRIDE^TIUFHA2("select title even though it is FAULTY") . I 'OVERRIDE W " Documents NOT Moved.",! D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX K NEWTLY NEWTLX I $D(DTOUT) S VALMQUIT=1 Q $S($G(NEWTLY):NEWTLY,1:0) ; MTRPOINT(TITLEDA,OLDCLASS) ; Repoint for Move Title from one DC to another: ; Repoints PARENT DOCUMENT TYPE to parent of TITLEDA for documents using ;title TITLEDA. ; If by special arrangement with TIU developers, Title is moved from one ;CLASS to another, ALSO resets class xrefs for documents using TITLEDA. ;Requires OLDCLASS = IFN of class title was moved FROM. Gets OLDCLASS ;from MOVETL, or from UPDATE using ^XTMP("TIUFMOVEN",TITLEDA) = OLDCLASS ; Requires TIUFMOVE,^XTMP("TIUFMOVE"[_N]_TLDA,0) N DIE,DR,DA,FILEDA,NOLOCK,XDCDA I '$O(^TIU(8925,"B",TITLEDA,0)) W !!,"Title has no documents to update.",! Q S NOLOCK=0,XDCDA=+$O(^TIU(8925.1,"AD",TITLEDA,0)) I 'XDCDA W !!,"Title has no parent.",! Q W !!,"Processing documents that use this Title...",! S FILEDA=0 F S FILEDA=$O(^TIU(8925,"B",TITLEDA,FILEDA)) Q:'FILEDA D MTRPT1(TITLEDA,FILEDA,XDCDA,+$G(OLDCLASS),.NOLOCK) W !,"Done." I NOLOCK D D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX Q . W !!," Since some documents needing update were (still) not available, please update",!,"them using action 'Update Documents' (again) for this title.",! . S ^XTMP("TIUFMOVE"_TIUFMOVE_TITLEDA,"ONCETHRU")="" W " All documents updated for selected Title.",! K ^XTMP("TIUFMOVE"_TIUFMOVE_TITLEDA) D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX Q ; MTRPT1(TITLEDA,DA,XDCDA,OLDCLASS,NOLOCK) ; Repoint 1 docmt for Move TL. ; Requires TITLEDA,DA,XDCDA,TIUFMOVE. Requires OLDCLASS>or=0. ; Kills DA node of ^XTMP("TIUFMOVE[N]"_TLDA if successfully updated. I $D(^XTMP("TIUFMOVE"_TIUFMOVE_TITLEDA,"ONCETHRU")),'$D(^XTMP("TIUFMOVE"_TIUFMOVE_TITLEDA,DA)) Q ;DA already updated I TIUFMOVE'="N",XDCDA=$P(^TIU(8925,DA,0),U,4) Q ; move NOT between CLASSES, Parent Docmt Type already ok. L +^TIU(8925,DA,0):1 I '$T W !,"...Document ",DA," can't be locked, not updated.",! S NOLOCK=1 S ^XTMP("TIUFMOVE"_TIUFMOVE_TITLEDA,DA)="" Q S DR=".04////"_XDCDA,DIE=8925 D ^DIE I OLDCLASS D CLXREF^TIUFHA9(DA,OLDCLASS) L -^TIU(8925,DA,0) I $G(ACTION)="U" W !,"Document ",DA," updated" E W "." K ^XTMP("TIUFMOVE"_TIUFMOVE_TITLEDA,DA) Q ; DCDOCMTS(XDCLASS,OLDCLASS) ; Updates CLASS xrefs for documents using DC XDCLASS N TENDA,TITLEDA S TENDA=0 F S TENDA=$O(^TIU(8925.1,XDCLASS,10,TENDA)) Q:'TENDA D . S TITLEDA=+^TIU(8925.1,XDCLASS,10,TENDA,0) Q:'TITLEDA . D TLDOCMTS(TITLEDA,OLDCLASS) Q ; TLDOCMTS(TITLEDA,OLDCLASS) ; Updates CLASS xrefs for documents using title TITLEDA. N DIE,DR,DA,FILEDA,NOLOCK,XDCDA I '$O(^TIU(8925,"B",TITLEDA,0)) Q ;I '$O(^TIU(8925,"B",TITLEDA,0)) W !!,"Title has no documents to update.",! Q ;W !!,"Updating CLASS cross-references for documents that use this Title...",! S FILEDA=0 F S FILEDA=$O(^TIU(8925,"B",TITLEDA,FILEDA)) Q:'FILEDA D CLXREF^TIUFHA9(FILEDA,OLDCLASS) ;W !,"Done." W "." Q ;