TIUFHLP ; SLC/MAM,JER - On-line help library: HELP ;4/23/97 11:19 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;;Jun 20, 1997 ; HELP ; Action Help for TIUF Document Definition Templates A, C, H, J,T,D,X N TIUX,ORU,ORUPRMT,VALMDDF,VALMPGE,CREATE,DTOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT S TIUX=$$UPPER^TIULS(X),CREATE=$G(TIUFCBEG) S VALMBCK="R",VALMSG=$$VMSG^TIUFL D ONE:TIUX="?NEW",ONE:TIUX="?",TWO:TIUX="??",THREE:TIUX="???" HELPX I $D(DTOUT) S VALMBCK="Q" Q ; ONE ; Help for One ?. ;Requires CREATE I TIUX="?NEW" W !?3 D FULL^VALM1,ITEM(^TMP("TIUF",$J,"NEWHELP")) D Q ;Option Create . W !," Enter ? for Help" . W !," Enter ?? for detailed help on actions including PRINTING" . W !," Enter ??? for detailed help on display" . D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX I TIUFTMPL="C",'$D(TIUFSTMP) W !,TIUFCMSG(1),!,TIUFCMSG(2),! W:$D(TIUFCMSG(3)) TIUFCMSG(3),! D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX Q:$D(DIRUT) D DISP^XQORM1 D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX Q:$D(DIRUT) W !!," Type action name from Action List. Example: Type 'D' or 'DET' for Detailed",!,"Display. There are also 'Hidden Actions' which don't show on the Action List",!,"such as PL Print List." W " Enter ?? to see hidden actions, and for",!,"descriptions of actions." D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX Q:$D(DIRUT) W !," Action and Entry Number can be selected in a single step. Examples: To see a",!,"Detailed Display of Entry 3, enter 'DET=3'. To scroll to the extreme right,",!,"enter '>=>'.",! D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX Q:$D(DIRUT) I ("HACJ"[TIUFTMPL&'$D(TIUFSTMP))!($G(TIUFSTMP)="T") D Q:$D(DIRUT) . W !!,"To see more columns of essential information, enter '>' to scroll to the right",!,"whenever >>> shows on the highlighted message bar. Enter '<' to scroll left.",!! . D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX W !," Enter ? for Help" W !," Enter ?? for detailed help on actions including PRINTING" W !," Enter ??? for detailed help on display",! I TIUFTMPL="C" W " Enter '?NEW' for New User Help" D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX Q:$D(DIRUT) W !," When editing a field (as opposed to Selecting an Action), ? will give you one" W !,"line of help on the field. ?? will give you a complete description of the" W !,"field and how it works.",! D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX Q ; TWO ; Help for ?? D FULL^VALM1,CLEAR^VALM1 W !!,$$CENTER^TIUFL("Help on Listed Actions",80),!! W !,"Actions are not selectable when they are enclosed in parentheses.",!! K DIRUT D MENU(XQORNOD) Q:$D(DIRUT) W !!,$$CENTER^TIUFL("Help on Hidden Actions including PRINTING",80),!! D MENU(^TMP("TIUF",$J,"HIDDEN")) Q ; THREE ; Help for ??? D FULL^VALM1,CLEAR^VALM1 I "HACJ"[TIUFTMPL,'$D(TIUFSTMP) D BASINFD I $G(TIUFSTMP)="T" D ITEMINFD I $G(TIUFSTMP)="D" D EDITVW^TIUFHLP1 I $G(TIUFSTMP)="X" D BOILTX^TIUFHLP1 Q ; BASINFD ; Write Field Description for Basic Info Fields N TIUI,FLDNM,FLDNO,MSG,HERE W !,$$CENTER^TIUFL("Help on Display",80),! K DIROUT F FLDNO=.01,.04,.1,.13,.07,.05,.06,.08,.12,.03,.11 D Q:$D(DIROUT) . I $G(TIUFTMPL)="J",(FLDNO=.1)!(FLDNO=.08)!(FLDNO=.12)!(FLDNO=.11) Q . S FLDNM=$P(^TMP("TIUF",$J,FLDNO,"LABEL"),U) . K DIRUT W:$$CONTINUE !?1,$G(IOINHI),FLDNM,$G(IOINORM),! Q:$D(DIRUT) . I FLDNO=.01,TIUFTMPL="H",'$D(TIUFSTMP) W !," Plus (+) indicates entry has Items under it and can be expanded.",!! . D HELP^DIE(8925.1,"",FLDNO,"D") . S HERE=1 I $G(TIUFTMPL)="J",(FLDNO=.04)!(FLDNO=.07)!(FLDNO=.01) S HERE=0 . F TIUI=1:1:DIHELP S MSG=^TMP("DIHELP",$J,TIUI) K DIRUT D Q:$D(DIRUT) . . I FLDNO=.04,$G(TIUFTMPL)="J",MSG["O OBJECT" S HERE=1 . . I FLDNO=.07,$G(TIUFTMPL)="J",MSG["OBJECT STATUS",MSG'["OBJECT STATUS," S HERE=1 . . I FLDNO=.01,$G(TIUFTMPL)="J",MSG["OBJECT Name" S HERE=1 . . W:HERE&$$CONTINUE ?3,MSG,! D CLEAN^DILF Q ; ITEMINFD ; Write Field Description for Item Fields N TIUI,FLDNM,FLDNO,MSG W !,$$CENTER^TIUFL("Help on Display",80),! K DIROUT F FLDNO=10 D Q:$D(DIROUT) . S FLDNM=^TMP("TIUF",$J,FLDNO,"LABEL") . K DIRUT W:$$CONTINUE !?1,$G(IOINHI),FLDNM,$G(IOINORM),! Q:$D(DIRUT) . D HELP^DIE(8925.1,"",FLDNO,"D") . F TIUI=1:1:DIHELP S MSG=^TMP("DIHELP",$J,TIUI) K DIRUT D Q:$D(DIRUT) . . W:$$CONTINUE ?3,MSG,! K DIROUT F FLDNO=2:1:4 D Q:$D(DIROUT) . S FLDNM=^TMP("TIUF",$J,10,FLDNO,"LABEL") . K DIRUT W:$$CONTINUE !?1,$G(IOINHI),FLDNM,$G(IOINORM),! Q:$D(DIRUT) . D HELP^DIE(8925.14,"",FLDNO,"D") . F TIUI=1:1:DIHELP S MSG=^TMP("DIHELP",$J,TIUI) K DIRUT D Q:$D(DIRUT) . . W:$$CONTINUE ?3,MSG,! D CLEAN^DILF Q ; MENU(XQORNOD) ; Unwind protocol menus for help N TIUSEQ,TIUI,TIUJ K DIRUT W:$$CONTINUE "The following actions are available:",! Q:$D(DIRUT) S TIUI=0 F S TIUI=$O(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,10,TIUI)) Q:+TIUI'>0 K DIRUT D Q:$D(DIRUT) . S TIUJ=+$P($G(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,10,TIUI,0)),U,3) S:$D(TIUSEQ(TIUJ)) TIUJ=TIUJ+.1 . S TIUSEQ(TIUJ)=+$P(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,10,TIUI,0),U) S TIUI=0 F S TIUI=$O(TIUSEQ(TIUI)) Q:+TIUI'>0 K DIRUT D Q:$D(DIRUT) . I $D(^ORD(101,+TIUSEQ(TIUI),0)) D ITEM(+TIUSEQ(TIUI)) Q ITEM(XQORNOD) ; Show descriptions of protocol menu actions N TIUI,TMPQUIT,HERE Q:$P($G(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,0)),U,2)']"" I $G(TIUFTMPL)="J",$G(TIUFSTMP)="D",(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,0)["Items")!(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,0)["Boil")!(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,0)["Upload") Q I $G(TIUFSTMP)="T",^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,0)["Try" Q Q:XQORNOD=^TMP("TIUF",$J,"STOP") ;protocol TIUF QUIT1 in hidden actions - dummy to allow user to enter QU ; ?NEW for create is contained in protocol TIUFC ACTION MENU; don't write the name of the protocol: ; Note on heritable fields is contained in protocol TIUFD ACTION MENU MGR; don't write the name of the protocol: I XQORNOD'=^TMP("TIUF",$J,"NEWHELP"),XQORNOD'=^TMP("TIUF",$J,"INHERIT") K DIRUT W:$$CONTINUE ?1,$G(IOINHI),$$UPPER^TIULS($P($G(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,0)),U,2)),$G(IOINORM),! Q:$D(DIRUT) S HERE=1 I $G(TIUFTMPL)="J",$G(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,0))["Delete" S HERE=0 S TIUI=0 F S TIUI=$O(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,1,TIUI)) Q:+TIUI'>0 K DIRUT D Q:$D(DIRUT) . S LINE=$G(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,1,TIUI,0)) . Q:'$$CONTINUE . I 'HERE,LINE["OBJECT DELETE" S HERE=1 . I 'HERE Q . ; ?NEW for create, note on heritable: first 2 lines aren't relevant: . I XQORNOD=^TMP("TIUF",$J,"NEWHELP")!(XQORNOD=^TMP("TIUF",$J,"INHERIT")),TIUI<3 Q . ;protocol description is written in 2 parts, first for clinicians, second for managers. Display appropriate part: . I TIUFWHO="C" D . . Q:LINE["CLINICIAN OPTIONS" . . I LINE'["MANAGER OPTIONS" W ?3,$G(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,1,TIUI,0)),! Q . . S TIUI=5000 . I "NM"[TIUFWHO D . . I LINE["CLINICIAN OPTIONS" S TMPQUIT=1 Q . . I LINE["MANAGER OPTIONS" S TMPQUIT=0 Q . . Q:$G(TMPQUIT) . . W ?3,$G(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,1,TIUI,0)),! Q:XQORNOD=^TMP("TIUF",$J,"NEWHELP") ;don't show items of TIUFC ACTION MENU Q:XQORNOD=^TMP("TIUF",$J,"INHERIT") ;don't show items of TIUFD ACTION MENU MGR S TIUI=0 F S TIUI=$O(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,10,TIUI)) Q:+TIUI'>0 K DIRUT D Q:$D(DIRUT) . D ITEM(+$G(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,10,+TIUI,0))_";ORD(101,") Q CONTINUE() ; Pagination control N Y K DIRUT I $Y<(IOSL-2) S Y=1 G CONTX S Y=$$BOTTM W @IOF,! CONTX Q Y ; BOTTM() ; Call DIR at bottom of screen N DIR,X,Y I $E(IOST)'="C" S Y=1 G BOTTX I (IOSL>($Y+5)) F W ! Q:IOSL<($Y+6) S DIR(0)="FO^1:1",DIR("A")="Press RETURN to continue or '^' or '^^' to exit" S DIR("?")="Enter '^' to quit present section or '^^' to quit to menu" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT),(Y="") K DIRUT S Y=$S(Y="^"!(Y="^^"):Y,$D(DTOUT):"",1:1) BOTTX Q Y