TIUFIX ; SLC/JER,MAM - Resolve Upload Filing Errors Library ;10/19/06 14:31 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**131,211**;Jun 20, 1997;Build 26 ; TITLDFLT(TRANTITL,TIUTYPE,BADTYPES) ; Return default title ; Call with: [TRANTITL] - transcribed title ; [TIUTYPE] - type of docmt being uploaded ; [BADTYPES] - ^-delimited string of types default ; should NOT be (optional) ; Returns: Title - transcribed title if TRANTITL is a ; unique TITLE of type TIUTYPE and ; not of a type in list BADTYPES. ; Null Otherwise N DIC,X,Y,TITLE,TITLDA S DIC=8925.1,DIC(0)="X" S X=TRANTITL,DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,4)=""DOC""" D ^DIC D ^DIC S TITLDA=+Y S TITLE=$S(Y>0:$P(Y,U,2),1:"") ; -- Require/Disallow types: I TITLDA>0,+$$ISA^TIULX(TITLDA,TIUTYPE)'>0 S TITLE="" I TITLDA>0,$$ISTYPE(TITLDA,BADTYPES) S TITLE="" Q TITLE ; ISTYPE(TITLDA,TYPELIST) ; Is TITLDA in list TYPELIST? ; Requires TITLDA ; Requires TYPELIST of form typeien^typeien^typeien etc., or null N ANS,TIUI,TYPE S ANS=0 F TIUI=1:+1 S TYPE=$P(TYPELIST,U,TIUI) Q:'TYPE D G:ANS ISTYPEX . I +$$ISA^TIULX(TITLDA,TYPE)>0 S ANS=1 ISTYPEX Q ANS ; GETTITLE(SUCCESS,TIUTYPE,TIUFLDS,TITLDA,BADTYPES,ASK) ; Get title from user ; SUCCESS - Passed back ; TIUTYPE - Type of docmt being uploaded ; TIUFLDS - Array of transcribed data, as set in LOADHDR^TIUFIX2 ; TITLDA - Gotten from user and passed back ; BADTYPES - ^-delimited list of types title CANNOT be (optional) ; ASK - Flag to ask user if they want to change ; type to progress note (optional) N DEFAULT,Y,SCREEN,TYPENM S SUCCESS="0^Title is Required." S DEFAULT=$$TITLDFLT($G(TIUFLDS(.01)),TIUTYPE,$G(BADTYPES)) S SCREEN="I $P(^TIU(8925.1,+Y,0),U,4)=""DOC"",($P(^(0),U)'[""ADDENDUM""),+$$ISA^TIULX(+Y,+TIUTYPE),+$$CANPICK^TIULP(+Y),+$$CANENTR^TIULP(+Y),'$$ISTYPE^TIUFIX(+Y,$G(BADTYPES))" S TYPENM=$$PNAME^TIULC1(+TIUTYPE) W !!," Please enter a ",$$PNAME^TIULC1(+TIUTYPE)," title" I '$G(ASK) W "." I $G(ASK) W ", or enter '^' to exit",!,"or to change document to a Progress Note." ; -- Ask user for title: S TITLDA=$$ASKTYP^TIULA2(+TIUTYPE,DEFAULT,SCREEN,"TITLE: ",1) I TITLDA>0 S SUCCESS=1 Q:'$G(ASK) I TITLDA'>0 D . W !,"Title is Required.",! . ; -- Ask user if want to change to PN: . K DIRUT S Y=$$ASKCHNG(1,.TIUTYPE) . ; -- Quit if user ^d or user said yes: . Q:$D(DIRUT) . Q:TIUTYPE=3 . ; -- Reprompt for same type of title if user said no: . W !," OK, please enter a ",TYPENM," title." . S TITLDA=$$ASKTYP^TIULA2(+TIUTYPE,DEFAULT,SCREEN,"TITLE: ",1) . I TITLDA>0 S SUCCESS=1 Q ; ASKCHNG(ONEORTWO,TIUTYPE) ; Ask user if they want to change doc type ;to Progress Notes ; [ONEORTWO] - Which help msg, as below ; [TIUTYPE] - Passed back = 3 if user wants to change to PN N HELP,HELP1,HELP2,ANS S HELP="If you are sure there is no request to associate with this document, answer 'YES' to upload into a progress note. If you are not sure," S HELP1=HELP_" answer 'NO' and enter a consult title. You can change your mind later." S HELP2=HELP_" answer 'NO' and come back and resolve the error later." S HELP=$S(ONEORTWO=1:HELP1,1:HELP2) S ANS=$$READ^TIUU("YO","Want to upload into a progress note instead of a consults title","NO",HELP) I ANS S TIUTYPE=3 ASKX Q ANS