TIUFIX2 ; SLC/JER,MAM - Resolve Upload Filing Errors Library Two ;05/06/02 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**131**;Jun 20, 1997 ; BUFFER(TIUEVNT) ; Return 8925.2 Upload Buffer IEN ; Gets Buffer for UNRESOLVED upload errors. (Returns error msg ;for resolved filing errors, where buffer is 0.) ; Requires [TIUEVNT] - Upload Log Event IEN (8925.4) N TIUBUF I '$D(^TIU(8925.4,TIUEVNT,0)) S TIUBUF="0^Invalid Upload Log event." G BUFX S TIUBUF=+$P($G(^TIU(8925.4,TIUEVNT,0)),U,5) I TIUBUF'>0 S TIUBUF="0^Upload Buffer record is missing from Upload Log event." G BUFX I '$D(^TIU(8925.2,TIUBUF,0)) S TIUBUF="0^Upload Log event references an invalid Upload Buffer record." BUFX Q TIUBUF ; LOADHDR(TIUARR,TIUBUF,TIUPRM0,TIUTYPE) ; Load array with header data ;from upload buffer ; Requires [TIUARR] - Array of header data. Loaded and passed back ; [TIUBUF] - 8925.2 Upload Buffer IEN ; [TIUPRM0] - Header signal, etc. See SETPARM^TIULE ; [TIUTYPE] - IEN of Docmt Def whose Filing Error ; Resolution Code is being invoked ;NOTE: LOADHDR does NOT kill ANY nodes of TIUARR. ; (LOADTIUX^TIUPEFIX does kill certain nodes.) ; See warning in MAKE^TIUFIX1 concerning possible ; need to kill nodes of array. N TIUI,TIUHSIG,TIUBGN,TIULINE S TIUHSIG=$P(TIUPRM0,U,10),TIUBGN=$P(TIUPRM0,U,12) S TIUI=0 F S TIUI=$O(^TIU(8925.2,+TIUBUF,"TEXT",TIUI)) Q:+TIUI'>0 D . S TIULINE=$G(^TIU(8925.2,+TIUBUF,"TEXT",TIUI,0)) . I TIULINE[TIUHSIG D . . F D Q:TIULINE[TIUBGN!(+TIUI'>0) . . . N TIUN,TIUCAP,TIUFLD,TIUREQ S TIUREQ=0 . . . S TIUI=$O(^TIU(8925.2,+TIUBUF,"TEXT",TIUI)) Q:+TIUI'>0 . . . S TIULINE=$G(^TIU(8925.2,+TIUBUF,"TEXT",TIUI,0)) Q:TIULINE[TIUBGN . . . S TIUCAP=$P(TIULINE,":") Q:TIUCAP']"" . . . ; -- Get upload header definition data for transcribed . . . ; caption: . . . S TIUN=$O(^TIU(8925.1,TIUTYPE,"HEAD","B",TIUCAP,0)) . . . Q:+TIUN'>0 . . . S TIUFLD=$P(^TIU(8925.1,TIUTYPE,"HEAD",+TIUN,0),U,3) . . . ; -- Ignore caption if hdr def does not associate a . . . ; field number with it: . . . Q:TIUFLD']"" . . . S TIUREQ=$P(^TIU(8925.1,TIUTYPE,"HEAD",+TIUN,0),U,7) . . . S TIUARR(TIUFLD)=$$STRIP^TIULS($P(TIULINE,":",2,99)) . . . S TIUARR(TIUFLD)=$$TRNSFRM(TIUTYPE,TIUFLD,TIUARR(TIUFLD)) . . . ; -- If caption has no data, and hdr def requires data, . . . ; set node to create missing field msg in FILE^TIUFIX1. . . . ; For most fields, "** REQUIRED FIELD MISSING FROM . . . ; UPLOAD**" will be invalid data and will not file. . . . ; If field is free text so that it does file, at . . . ; least it's intelligible. . . . I +TIUREQ,TIUARR(TIUFLD)="" S TIUARR(TIUFLD)="** REQUIRED FIELD MISSING FROM UPLOAD **" ; -- Leave missing captions fix til later; TIUPUTC1?? needs ; same change 4/21/02: ; -- Set nodes for any captions required in upload hdr ; def but missing from buffer. Check only captions that ; do NOT have Lookup variables, since that info is supplied ; by user and is not a missing field. Even if set here, ; message will be created only for nodes not killed before ; filing. ;N TIUCAP,TIUREQ,TIUFLD,LOOKV ;S TIUCAP="" ;S TIUCAP=$O(^TIU(8925.1,TIUTYPE,"HEAD","B",TIUCAP)) Q:TIUCAP="" D ;. S TIUN=$O(^TIU(8925.1,TIUTYPE,"HEAD","B",TIUCAP,0)) ;. S TIUREQ=$P(^TIU(8925.1,TIUTYPE,"HEAD",+TIUN,0),U,7) ;. Q:'TIUREQ ;. S TIUFLD=$P(^TIU(8925.1,TIUTYPE,"HEAD",+TIUN,0),U,3) ;. Q:'TIUFLD ;. S LOOKV=$P(^TIU(8925.1,TIUTYPE,"HEAD",+TIUN,0),U,4) ;. Q:LOOKV]"" ;. I '$D(TIUARR(TIUFLD)) S TIUARR(TIUFLD)="** REQUIRED CAPTION MISSING FROM UPLOAD **" Q TRNSFRM(RTYPE,FLD,X) ; Executes Transform code for a given header field N XFORM S FLD=$O(^TIU(8925.1,+RTYPE,"HEAD","D",+FLD,0)) I +FLD'>0 G TRNSFRMX S XFORM=$G(^TIU(8925.1,+RTYPE,"HEAD",+FLD,1)) I XFORM']"" G TRNSFRMX X XFORM TRNSFRMX Q X