TIUFLJ1 ;SLC/MAM - DOCUMENTATION, LOCKEMB(FILEDA,NAP,LUNLOCK), STATEMB(FILEDA,STATFLG,NAP), EDBTEXT(FILEDA,NAPNAME) ;;7/1/97 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**2**;Jun 20, 1997 ; ; ** Documentation on Array ^TMP("TIUFEMBED") ** ; ; Array looks like ; ^TMP("TIUFEMBED",$J,OBJECTDA,"TIUFTL",NAP,FILEDA) if FILEDA ; is a title, or ; ^TMP("TIUFEMBED",$J,OBJECTDA,"TIUFCO",NAP,FILEDA) if FILEDA ; is a component DESCENDING FROM A TITLE, or ; ^TMP("TIUFEMBED",$J,OBJECTDA,"TIUFORPHAN",NAP,FILEDA) if ; FILEDA is a COMPONENT NOT DESCENDING FROM A TITLE. ; ; ^TMP("TIUFEMBED",$J,OBJECTDA,"TIUFTL",NAP,FILEDA) = original status ;(status when array was set) of FILEDA: ACTIVE, TEST, INACTIVE, or "". ; ; NAP is N, A, P, or ANY. ;NAP="N": Array is set if FILEDA'S boilerplate text has NAME of object ; OBJECTDA embedded in it. ;NAP="A": Array is set if FILEDA'S boilerplate text has ABBREVIATION ; of object OBJECTDA embedded in it. ;NAP="P": Array is set if FILEDA'S boilerplate text has PRINT NAME ; of object OBJECTDA embedded in it. ;NAP="ANY": Array is set if FILEDA'S boilerplate text has ANY of the ; above attributes of object OBJECTDA embedded in it. ;Name, Abbreviation, and Print Name are the values that existed when ;array was SET. ; ; ********** ; LOCKEMB(FILEDA,NAP,LUNLOCK) ; Function returns 1 if has successfully locked or unlocked all Titles in ^TMP("TIUFEMBED",$J,FILEDA,"TIUFTL",NAP) ; NAP See top of rtn TIUFLJ ; LUNLOCK = + or - N TITLEDA,NAME,ABBREV,PNAME,ONODE0,LOCKANS,CONT S LOCKANS=1 S TITLEDA=0 F S TITLEDA=$O(^TMP("TIUFEMBED",$J,FILEDA,"TIUFTL",NAP,TITLEDA)) Q:'TITLEDA D G:'LOCKANS LOCKX . I LUNLOCK="-" L -^TIU(8925.1,TITLEDA,0) Q . L +^TIU(8925.1,TITLEDA,0):1 I '$T W !!," Another user is editing one of the Titles you need to edit. Please try later.",! S LOCKANS=0 LOCKX Q LOCKANS ; STATEMB(FILEDA,STATFLG,NAP) ; Inactivate/reactivate titles in ^TMP("TIUFEMBED",$J,FILEDA,"TIUFTL",NAP). ; Edit Status to original status if STATFLG="O", to inactive if STATFLG="I". ; If restoring to Active, checks for problems, does not reactivate if problems are found. N TITLEDA,TNODE0,TSTATUS,NAME,ABBREV,PNAME,ONODE0,LIST,MSG,PTITLEDA S TITLEDA=0 F S TITLEDA=$O(^TMP("TIUFEMBED",$J,FILEDA,"TIUFTL",NAP,TITLEDA)) Q:'TITLEDA D . S TNODE0=^TIU(8925.1,TITLEDA,0),TSTATUS=^TMP("TIUFEMBED",$J,FILEDA,"TIUFTL",NAP,TITLEDA) ;may be "" . I STATFLG="O",TSTATUS="ACTIVE" D . . S PTITLEDA=+$O(^TIU(8925.1,"AD",TITLEDA,0)) . . D STATLIST^TIUFLF5(TITLEDA,PTITLEDA,"A",.MSG,.LIST) Q:$D(DTOUT) . . I STATFLG="O" W !!,"Restoring IFN ",TITLEDA,"..." . . I LIST'["A" W !,MSG,! D PAUSE^TIUFXHLX Q . . D AUTOSTAT^TIUFLF6(TITLEDA,TNODE0,TSTATUS) W " ." . I STATFLG="O",TSTATUS="TEST" D AUTOSTAT^TIUFLF6(TITLEDA,TNODE0,TSTATUS) W " ." . I STATFLG="I",TSTATUS'="INACTIVE" D AUTOSTAT^TIUFLF6(TITLEDA,TNODE0,"INACTIVE") W " ." I STATFLG="O",$O(^TMP("TIUFEMBED",$J,FILEDA,"TIUFTL",NAP,0)) W !!,"Finished Restoring Titles to original Status.",! Q ; EDBTEXT(FILEDA,NAP) ; Edit boilerplate text of the Titles in ^TMP("TIUFEMBED",$J,FILEDA,"TIUFTL",NAP). N TITLEDA,TNODE0,TSTATUS,NAME,ABBREV,PNAME,ONODE0 S TITLEDA=0 F S TITLEDA=$O(^TMP("TIUFEMBED",$J,FILEDA,"TIUFTL",NAP,TITLEDA)) Q:'TITLEDA D Q:$D(DTOUT) . D EDBOIL^TIUFLD1(TITLEDA,^TIU(8925.1,TITLEDA,0)) Q:$D(DTOUT) . D DEDBOIL^TIUFLD1(TITLEDA) Q ;