TIUFXHLX ; SLC/MAM - Xecutable Help PAUSE, RESET, FLDDESC(FLDNO) ;10/26/95 15:33 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;;Jun 20, 1997 ; PAUSE ; Writes Press Return to Continue or ^ to exit on NEXT line without writing !'s. N DIR,X,Y S DIR("?")="Press the RETURN key when you have read the screen and are ready to go on" S DIR(0)="FAO^1:1",DIR("A")="Press RETURN to continue or '^' or '^^' to exit: " D ^DIR I X="",'$D(DTOUT) K DIRUT Q ; FLDHELP(FLDNO) ; Writes FLDNO Help Prompt I $G(TIUFXNOD)["Sort" W ! D HELP^DIE(8925.1,"",FLDNO,"H") D MSG^DIALOG("HW") Q ; FLDDESC(FILENO,FLDNO) ; Sets to scroll mode; Writes FLDNO Field Description to Screen N TIUI,FLDNAME,HERE,MSG K DIRUT D HELP^DIE(8925.1,"",FLDNO,"D") S FLDNAME=$S(FILENO=8925.1:$G(^TMP("TIUF",$J,FLDNO,"LABEL")),FILENO=8925.14:$G(^TMP("TIUF",$J,10,FLDNO)),FILENO=8925.11:$G(^TMP("TIUF",$J,1,FLDNO,"LABEL")),1:"") I FLDNAME="" S FLDNAME=$G(^TMP("TIUF",$J,2,FLDNO,"LABEL")) S FLDNAME=$P(FLDNAME,U) I $D(TIUFTMPL) D FULL^VALM1 S TIUFFULL=1 W ! I $G(TIUFXNOD)["Sort" W ! I FLDNAME'="" W $$CENTER^TIULS("Description of "_FLDNAME),!! D HELP^DIE(8925.1,"",FLDNO,"D") S HERE=1 I $G(TIUFTMPL)="J",(FLDNO=.04)!(FLDNO=.07) S HERE=0 F TIUI=1:1:DIHELP S MSG=^TMP("DIHELP",$J,TIUI) D Q:$D(DIRUT) . I FLDNO=.04,$G(TIUFTMPL)="J",MSG["O OBJECT" S HERE=1 . I FLDNO=.07,$G(TIUFTMPL)="J",MSG["OBJECT STATUS",MSG'["OBJECT STATUS," S HERE=1 . W:HERE&$$CONTINUE MSG,! F Q:$Y>(IOSL-1) W ! I '$D(DIRUT) D PAUSE FLDDX D CLEAN^DILF Q ; RESET ; -- reset scrolling region to bottom of screen N DX,DY W IOELALL S IOTM=10,IOBM=IOSL W IOSC W @IOSTBM W IORC S DX=0,DY=(VALM("BM")+1) X IOXY Q ; NAME ;XECUTABLE HELP for .01 NAME N HELPX S HELPX=X I $G(TIUFSTMP)="T" D Q . I HELPX="??" D PAUSE . W !," Name may be a preexisting file entry OR a NEW file entry.",! . W !," If Name already exists in the file, it must have the appropriate Type for",! . W "the parent, must be owned by the user, must NOT already be used elsewhere",! . W "(unless it is a Shared Component), must not have the same Name as any Item under",! . W "the parent, and must pass Check as OK.",! . W !," Option Add Items does not accept and does not list other Names as choices.",! . W !," If file already has an available entry of a given name and you want to enter a",!,"new entry of that name instead, enclose it in quotation marks.",! . I HELPX'["?" W !," Name is 3-60 characters, not starting with punctuation.",! ; One ?; No to list . I HELPX="??" D FLDDESC(8925.1,.01) ; Edit Basics, Add Entry, Create Entry, Name (Edit Name from front Template): I $G(TIUFTMPL)="C",$G(TIUFSTMP)="" W !!,"You are creating a new entry of Type "_$P(TIUFXNOD,U,3)_" to hang ",!,"under "_$G(TIUFCNM)_". 3-60 characters, not starting with punctuation.",! I HELPX="?" D FLDHELP(.01) I HELPX="??" D FLDDESC(8925.1,.01) Q ; TYPE ; XECUTABLE HELP for .04 TYPE N HELPX S HELPX=X ; For choosing sort criteria, TIUFXNOD="Sort" ; Otherwise, 3rd Piece of TIUFXNOD = "Change View" "Basics" "Create" ;"Class/DocumentClass" "Title" "Component" "Create Document Definitions" I HELPX="?" D FLDHELP(.04),TYPELST I HELPX="??" D FLDDESC(8925.1,.04) Q ; TYPELST ; Writes remarks, list of type choices ; Requires TIUFTMSG, TIUFTLST from TIUFLF7 if editing type N OKTYPES,TAB I $G(TIUFXNOD)["Basics" W !," Permitted Types are limited by Parent Type." I $G(TIUFXNOD)["Change View"!($G(TIUFXNOD)["Sort") W !," File may contain (faulty) entries with no Type (NONE)." I $G(TIUFXNOD)["Sort" W !!," You are limiting the list of entries you will see to those with a",!,"particular Type." I $G(TIUFXNOD)["Create Doc" W !," Type is limited by the Type of your Current Position (Highlighted)." I $G(TIUFXNOD)'["Sort" D PAUSE S OKTYPES=$S($D(TIUFTLST):TIUFTLST,1:"^CL^DC^DOC^CO^O^N^") ;for Sort, Change View I $D(TIUFTMSG(1)) W !,TIUFTMSG(1) W:$D(TIUFTMSG(2)) !,TIUFTMSG(2),! D PAUSE I OKTYPES="" W !,"Type problem; See IRM" Q S TAB=5 I $G(TIUFXNOD)["Sort" W ! W !,"Choose from:" I OKTYPES["CL" W:TAB=5 ! W ?TAB,"Class" S TAB=$S(TAB=51:5,1:TAB+23) I OKTYPES["DC" W:TAB=5 ! W ?TAB,"Document Class" S TAB=$S(TAB=51:5,1:TAB+23) I OKTYPES["DOC" W:TAB=5 ! W ?TAB,"Title" S TAB=$S(TAB=51:5,1:TAB+23) I OKTYPES["CO" W:TAB=5 ! W ?TAB,"Component" S TAB=$S(TAB=51:5,1:TAB+23) I OKTYPES["^O^" W:TAB=5 ! W ?TAB,"Object" S TAB=$S(TAB=51:5,1:TAB+23) I OKTYPES["N" W:TAB=5 ! W ?TAB,"NONE" I $G(TIUFXNOD)["Sort" W !! Q ; STATUS ; XECUTABLE HELP for .07 STATUS N HELPX S HELPX=X ;DO I NEED DBIA? MAM I HELPX="?" D . I $D(TIUFSMSG) W !,TIUFSMSG,! D PAUSE Q:$D(DIRUT) . I $G(TIUFSMSG)["OBJECT" D OBJMSG,PAUSE W ! D:'$D(DIRUT) SLIST Q . D FLDHELP(.07),SLIST I HELPX="??" D FLDDESC(8925.1,.07) W ! Q ; OBJMSG ; Writes msg about Object Status W !," Objects may have Status Active or Inactive. Active designates objects as ready" W !,"for use. It is up to the SITE to embed only Active Objects in Boilerplate Text." W !,"Objects must be Inactive before they can be edited. Inactive objects in",!,"boilerplate text don't retrieve data. For more, enter ??? and see OBJECT STATUS" Q ; SLIST ; Writes remarks, list of Status choices ; If used for edit status rather than select status for sort, requires TIUFSLST as set in SELSTAT^TIUFLF5 I $G(TIUFXNOD)["Basics" W !,"Statuses are limited by Entry Type. Statuses are also limited (to Inactive)",!,"by faults in Entry or by parent with Inactive Status." D PAUSE I $G(TIUFXNOD)["Create",TIUFTMPL="A" W !,"Status is limited to Inactive until the entry is added to the Hierarchy." D PAUSE I $G(TIUFXNOD)["Sort"!($G(TIUFXNOD)["Change View") W !," File may contain (faulty) entries with no Status (NONE)." I $G(TIUFXNOD)["Sort" W !!,"You are limiting the list of entries you will see to those with a",!,"particular Status.",! W !,"Choose from:"_$S($G(TIUFSLST)["A":" ACTIVE",1:"")_$S($G(TIUFSLST)["I":" INACTIVE",1:"")_$S($G(TIUFSLST)["T":" TEST",1:"")_$S($G(TIUFSLST)["N":" NONE",1:"") W:$G(TIUFXNOD)["Sort" !! W:$G(TIUFXNOD)["Change View" ! I $G(TIUFSLST)="" W !,"Status problem; See IRM" Q ; HELP1(FLDNO) ; Xe help for FLDNO's 5, 6, 6.1, 6.12, 6.13, 6.14, 7, 8 N HELPX S HELPX=X I HELPX="??" D FLDDESC(8925.1,FLDNO) Q ; CUSTOM ; Xe help for Allow Custom Form Headers N HELPX S HELPX=X I HELPX="?" D PAUSE I HELPX="??" D FLDDESC(8925.1,6.14) Q ; HELP2(FLDNO) ; XECUTABLE HELP for FLDNO's .1 SHARED and .13 Nat'l N HELPX S HELPX=X I HELPX="?" D FLDHELP(FLDNO) I HELPX="??" D FULL^VALM1,FLDDESC(8925.1,FLDNO) Q ; CONTINUE() ; Pagination control N Y I $Y<(IOSL-2) S Y=1 G CONTX S Y=$$STOP^TIUU("",1) W:+Y @IOF,!! CONTX Q Y ;