TIUHELP ; SLC/JER - On-line help library ;2/28/05 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**100,184**;Jun 20, 1997 ; LINKHELP ; Help for link protocol menus W !," Problems - links to problems in patient's active Problem List;" W !," Patient/Visit - reassigns to a different patient and/or visit;" W !," Other Applic - links, for example, a Consult Result to a Request, or",!," a PRF Note to a Patient Record Flag." Q ; PROTOCOL ; Help for protocols N DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,TIUX,ORU,ORUPRMT,VALMDDF,VALMPGE S TIUX=X D FULL^VALM1 I TIUX="?"!(TIUX="??") D G PROTX . I TIUX="??",($G(VALMAR)="^TMP(""TIUR"",$J)") D STATUS I $D(DIRUT) W ! Q . D DISP^XQORM1 W !!,"Enter selection by typing the name, or abbreviation.",!,"Enter '??' or '???' for additional details.",! . I TIUX="?" W:$$STOP^TIUU "" I TIUX="???" D MENU(XQORNOD) I $D(DIROUT) S (XQORQUIT,XQORPOP)=1 Q PROTX S VALMBCK="R" Q MENU(XQORNOD) ; Unwind protocol menus for help N TIUSEQ,TIUI,TIUJ D CLEAR^VALM1 W:$$CONTINUE "Valid selections are:",! S TIUI=0 F S TIUI=$O(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,10,TIUI)) Q:+TIUI'>0 D . S TIUJ=+$P($G(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,10,TIUI,0)),U,3) S:$D(TIUSEQ(TIUJ)) TIUJ=TIUJ+.1 . S TIUSEQ(TIUJ)=+$P(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,10,TIUI,0),U) S TIUI=0 F S TIUI=$O(TIUSEQ(TIUI)) Q:+TIUI'>0!$D(DIRUT) D . I $D(^ORD(101,+TIUSEQ(TIUI),0)) D ITEM(+TIUSEQ(TIUI),1) Q ITEM(XQORNOD,TAB) ; Show descriptions of items N TIUI Q:$P($G(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,0)),U,2)']"" W:$$CONTINUE ?+$G(TAB),$G(IOINHI),$$UPPER^TIULS($P($G(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,0)),U,2)),$G(IOINORM),! I $D(DIRUT) Q S TIUI=0 F S TIUI=$O(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,1,TIUI)) Q:+TIUI'>0!$D(DIRUT) D . W:$$CONTINUE ?(TAB+2),$G(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,1,TIUI,0)),! Q:$D(DIRUT) S TIUI=0 F S TIUI=$O(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,10,TIUI)) Q:+TIUI'>0 D . D ITEM(+$G(^ORD(101,+XQORNOD,10,+TIUI,0))_";ORD(101,",3) Q STATUS ; Show status descriptions W:$$CONTINUE !!,"The Following Statuses are defined:" D STATEXP W:$$CONTINUE !!,"The Following Indicators are defined:",!! W:$$CONTINUE " '+' to the left of the Title or Patient's name indicates that",!," a report has addenda.",! W:$$CONTINUE " '*' to the left of the Title or Patient's name indicates",!," a priority (STAT) document.",! W:$$CONTINUE " '<' to the left of the Title or Patient's name indicates an",!," interdisciplinary note, which can be expanded to show entries.",! W:$$CONTINUE " '>' to the left of the Title or Patient's name indicates",!," that the note is an entry of an interdisciplinary note.",! ;W:$$CONTINUE "These will appear at the top of the list.",! Q CONTINUE() ; Pagination control N Y I $Y<(IOSL-2) S Y=1 G CONTX S Y=$$STOP^TIUU("",1) W:+Y @IOF,! CONTX Q Y STATEXP ; Explain Statuses N TIUI,TIUJ,TIUY S TIUI=0 D STATUS^TIUSRVL(.TIUY,"ALL",1) F S TIUI=$O(TIUY(TIUI)) Q:+TIUI'>0 D . I TIUI>1 W:$$CONTINUE ! . W:$$CONTINUE !,$G(IOINHI),$P(TIUY(TIUI),U,2),$G(IOINORM) . S TIUJ=0 F S TIUJ=$O(TIUY(TIUI,1,TIUJ)) Q:+TIUJ'>0 D . . W:$$CONTINUE !?2,$G(TIUY(TIUI,1,TIUJ)) Q