TIUMAP1 ; ISL/JER - TIU/VHA Enterprise Document Type Ontology Mapper ;10/24/06 09:01 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**211**;Jun 20, 1997;Build 26 PARSE(RESULT,TIUNM) ; Attempt to map each word to one of the LOINC axes - build parse tree N TIUI,TIUPTREE,TIUWORD,TIULOCAL,TIUY S TIULOCAL=TIUNM,TIUY=0 S TIUPTREE=$NA(^TMP("TIUMAP",$J)) K @TIUPTREE ; Test whether each word maps to a Subject Matter Domain F TIUI=1:1:$L(TIUNM," ") S TIUWORD=$P(TIUNM," ",TIUI) Q:TIUWORD']"" D SMD(TIUPTREE,TIUWORD,.TIUNM,TIUI) Q:+$G(@TIUPTREE@("SubjectMatterDomain"))!+$G(DIRUT) Q:+$G(DIRUT) ; Test whether each REMAINING word maps to a Role F TIUI=1:1:$L(TIUNM," ") S TIUWORD=$P(TIUNM," ",TIUI) Q:TIUWORD']"" D ROLE(TIUPTREE,TIUWORD,.TIUNM,TIUI) Q:+$G(@TIUPTREE@("Role"))!+$G(DIRUT) Q:+$G(DIRUT) ; Test whether each REMAINING word maps to a Setting F TIUI=1:1:$L(TIUNM," ") S TIUWORD=$P(TIUNM," ",TIUI) Q:TIUWORD']"" D SET(TIUPTREE,TIUWORD,.TIUNM,TIUI) Q:+$G(@TIUPTREE@("Setting"))!+$G(DIRUT) Q:+$G(DIRUT) ; Test whether each REMAINING word maps to a Service F TIUI=1:1:$L(TIUNM," ") S TIUWORD=$P(TIUNM," ",TIUI) Q:TIUWORD']"" D SVC(TIUPTREE,TIUWORD,.TIUNM,TIUI) Q:+$G(@TIUPTREE@("Service"))!+$G(DIRUT) Q:+$G(DIRUT) ; Test whether each REMAINING word maps to a Document Type F TIUI=1:1:$L(TIUNM," ") S TIUWORD=$P(TIUNM," ",TIUI) Q:TIUWORD']"" D DTYP(TIUPTREE,TIUWORD,.TIUNM,TIUI) Q:+$G(@TIUPTREE@("DocumentType"))!+$G(DIRUT) Q:+$G(DIRUT) I $D(@TIUPTREE) D . N SMD,ROLE,SET,SVC,DTYP,SCRN,DIC,X S SCRN="I ",X="" . S SMD=$G(@TIUPTREE@("SubjectMatterDomain")) . S ROLE=$G(@TIUPTREE@("Role")) . S SET=$G(@TIUPTREE@("Setting")) . S SVC=$G(@TIUPTREE@("Service")) . S DTYP=$G(@TIUPTREE@("DocumentType")) . I DTYP="" S DTYP=+$O(^TIU(8926.6,"B","NOTE",0))_U_"NOTE" . I W !,"No Document Type found...Setting Document Type to 'NOTE.'",! . Q:'$$PAGE^TIUMAP2(TIULOCAL) W !,"Now, we'll query the VHA Enterprise Standard Titles for an entry with:",! . Q:'$$PAGE^TIUMAP2(TIULOCAL) W !?12,"LOCAL Title: ",TIULOCAL . I +SMD D . . S SCRN=SCRN_"$P(^(0),U,4)="_+SMD . . S:X="" X=$P(SMD,U,2) . . Q:'$$PAGE^TIUMAP2(TIULOCAL) W !?2,"Subject Matter Domain: ",$P(SMD,U,2) . I +ROLE D . . S SCRN=SCRN_$S(SCRN="I ":"",1:",")_"$P(^(0),U,5)="_+ROLE . . S:X="" X=$P(ROLE,U,2) . . Q:'$$PAGE^TIUMAP2(TIULOCAL) W !?19,"Role: ",$P(ROLE,U,2) . I +SET D . . S SCRN=SCRN_$S(SCRN="I ":"",1:",")_"$P(^(0),U,6)="_+SET . . S:X="" X=$P(SET,U,2) . . Q:'$$PAGE^TIUMAP2(TIULOCAL) W !?16,"Setting: ",$P(SET,U,2) . I +SVC D . . S SCRN=SCRN_$S(SCRN="I ":"",1:",")_"$P(^(0),U,7)="_+SVC . . S:X="" X=$P(SVC,U,2) . . Q:'$$PAGE^TIUMAP2(TIULOCAL) W !?16,"Service: ",$P(SVC,U,2) . I +DTYP D . . S SCRN=SCRN_$S(SCRN="I ":"",1:",")_"$P(^(0),U,8)="_+DTYP . . S:X="" X=$P(DTYP,U,2) . . Q:'$$PAGE^TIUMAP2(TIULOCAL) W !?10,"Document Type: ",$P(DTYP,U,2) . Q:'$$PAGE^TIUMAP2(TIULOCAL) W !!,"First, we'll try an EXCLUSIVE match (i.e., ALL conditions met):" . S DIC("S")=SCRN_",'$$SCREEN^XTID(8926.1,"""",+Y_"","")",DIC=8926.1 . S TIUY=$$ASK(X,.DIC) Q:+$G(DIRUT) . I +TIUY'>0,($L(SCRN,"$P")>2) D Q:+$G(DIRUT) . . Q:'$$PAGE^TIUMAP2(TIULOCAL) W !!,"Since that failed, we'll try an INCLUSIVE match (i.e., ANY conditions met):" . . S SCRN=$$ANDTOOR(SCRN) . . S DIC("S")=SCRN_",'$$SCREEN^XTID(8926.1,"""",+Y_"","")",DIC=8926.1 . . S TIUY=$$ASK(X,.DIC) I +TIUY'>0 D Q:+$G(DIRUT) . N TIUCONT S TIUCONT=1 . Q:'$$PAGE^TIUMAP2(TIULOCAL) W !!,$$EXPLAT," Let's try a manual look-up..." . Q:'$$PAGE^TIUMAP2(TIULOCAL) W !,"Again, your LOCAL Title is: ",TIULOCAL,!!," NOTE: Only ACTIVE Titles may be selected...",! . F D Q:+TIUCONT'>0 . . N DIC S DIC=8926.1,DIC(0)="AEMQ",DIC("A")="Select VHA ENTERPRISE STANDARD TITLE: " . . S DIC("S")="I '$$SCREEN^XTID(8926.1,"""",+Y_"","")" . . S TIUY=$$ASK("",.DIC) I +TIUY>0 S TIUCONT=0 Q . . I '$$PAGE^TIUMAP2(TIULOCAL) S TIUCONT=0 Q . . W !!,"You didn't select a VHA Enterprise Standard Title...",! . . S TIUCONT=$$READ^TIUU("Y","... Try to map "_TIULOCAL_" again","NO") W ! . . S:+$G(DIRUT) TIUOUT=1 Q:+TIUY'>0!+$G(DIRUT) S RESULT=+TIUY,RESULT(1)=TIUY_U_TIULOCAL Q LOG(TIULOCAL,DA) ; Log a mapping failure N DIE,DR W !!,"Recording the unmapped LOCAL Title: ",TIULOCAL,! S ^XTMP("TIUMAP","FAIL",TIULOCAL,DA)="" S DIE=8925.1,DR="1502////^S X="_$$NOW^XLFDT_";1503////^S X="_DUZ D ^DIE ; Drop LOCK L -^TIU(8925.1,DA,15):1 Q EXPLAT() ; Random selector of explatives N EXP S EXP="AUGH!;OUCH!;YUCK!;BLECH!;OY VEY!;UFF DAH!" Q $P(EXP,";",$R(6)+1) ANDTOOR(SCRN) ; Replaces AND operators with OR F Q:'$F(SCRN,",$P") S $E(SCRN,$F(SCRN,",$P")-3)="!" Q SCRN SMD(RESULT,TIUWORD,TIUNM,TIUI) ; Is word a SMD? N TIUY S TIUY=0 Q:'$$PAGE^TIUMAP2(TIULOCAL) W !,"Is """,TIUWORD,""" a Subject Matter Domain? " S TIUY=$$ASK(TIUWORD,8926.2) I +$G(DIRUT) Q ; First, inquire to the SMD file (#8926.2) I +TIUY>0 S @RESULT@("SubjectMatterDomain")=TIUY D PLUCK(.TIUNM,TIUWORD,TIUI) I 1 ; That failing, try the SMD Synonyms File (#8926.72) E D Q:+$G(DIRUT) . W "No." . Q:'$$PAGE^TIUMAP2(TIULOCAL) W !,"Is """,TIUWORD,""" a SYNONYM for a Subject Matter Domain? " . S TIUY=$$ASK(TIUWORD,8926.72) Q:+$G(DIRUT) . I +TIUY>0 D . . S TIUY=+$P($G(^TIU(8926.72,+TIUY,0)),U,2) . . S TIUY=TIUY_U_$P($G(^TIU(8926.2,+TIUY,0)),U) . . S @RESULT@("SubjectMatterDomain")=TIUY . . D PLUCK(.TIUNM,TIUWORD,TIUI) I +TIUY'>0 W "No.",! Q ROLE(RESULT,TIUWORD,TIUNM,TIUI) ; Is word a ROLE? N TIUY S TIUY=0 Q:'$$PAGE^TIUMAP2(TIULOCAL) W !,"Is """,TIUWORD,""" a LOINC Role? " ; First, inquire to the ROLE file (#8926.3) S TIUY=$$ASK(TIUWORD,8926.3) Q:+$G(DIRUT) I +TIUY>0 S @RESULT@("Role")=TIUY D PLUCK(.TIUNM,TIUWORD,TIUI) I 1 ; That failing, try the Role Synonyms File (#8926.73) E D Q:+$G(DIRUT) . W "No." . Q:'$$PAGE^TIUMAP2(TIULOCAL) W !,"Is """,TIUWORD,""" a SYNONYM for a LOINC Role? " . S TIUY=$$ASK(TIUWORD,8926.73) Q:+$G(DIRUT) . I +TIUY>0 D . . S TIUY=+$P($G(^TIU(8926.73,+TIUY,0)),U,2) . . S TIUY=TIUY_U_$P($G(^TIU(8926.3,+TIUY,0)),U) . . S @RESULT@("Role")=TIUY . . D PLUCK(.TIUNM,TIUWORD,TIUI) I +TIUY'>0 W "No.",! Q SET(RESULT,TIUWORD,TIUNM,TIUI) ; Is word a SETTING? N TIUY S TIUY=0 Q:'$$PAGE^TIUMAP2(TIULOCAL) W !,"Is """,TIUWORD,""" a Setting? " ; First, inquire to the Setting file (#8926.4) S TIUY=$$ASK(TIUWORD,8926.4) Q:+$G(DIRUT) I +TIUY>0 S @RESULT@("Setting")=TIUY D PLUCK(.TIUNM,TIUWORD,TIUI) I 1 ; That failing, try the Setting Synonyms File (#8926.74) E D Q:+$G(DIRUT) . W "No." . Q:'$$PAGE^TIUMAP2(TIULOCAL) W !,"Is """,TIUWORD,""" a SYNONYM for a Setting? " . S TIUY=$$ASK(TIUWORD,8926.74) Q:+$G(DIRUT) . I +TIUY>0 D . . S TIUY=+$P($G(^TIU(8926.74,+TIUY,0)),U,2) . . S TIUY=TIUY_U_$P($G(^TIU(8926.4,+TIUY,0)),U) . . S @RESULT@("Setting")=TIUY . . D PLUCK(.TIUNM,TIUWORD,TIUI) I +TIUY'>0 W "No.",! Q SVC(RESULT,TIUWORD,TIUNM,TIUI) ; Is word a SERVICE? N TIUY S TIUY=0 Q:'$$PAGE^TIUMAP2(TIULOCAL) W !,"Is """,TIUWORD,""" a Service? " ; First, inquire to the Service file (#8926.5) S TIUY=$$ASK(TIUWORD,8926.5) Q:+$G(DIRUT) I +TIUY>0 S @RESULT@("Service")=TIUY D PLUCK(.TIUNM,TIUWORD,TIUI) I 1 ; That failing, try the Role Synonyms File (#8926.75) E D Q:+$G(DIRUT) . W "No." . Q:'$$PAGE^TIUMAP2(TIULOCAL) W !,"Is """,TIUWORD,""" a SYNONYM for a Service? " . S TIUY=$$ASK(TIUWORD,8926.75) Q:+$G(DIRUT) . I +TIUY>0 D . . S TIUY=+$P($G(^TIU(8926.75,+TIUY,0)),U,2) . . S TIUY=TIUY_U_$P($G(^TIU(8926.5,+TIUY,0)),U) . . S @RESULT@("Service")=TIUY . . D PLUCK(.TIUNM,TIUWORD,TIUI) I +TIUY'>0 W "No.",! Q DTYP(RESULT,TIUWORD,TIUNM,TIUI) ; Is word a DOCUMENT TYPE? N TIUY S TIUY=0 Q:'$$PAGE^TIUMAP2(TIULOCAL) W !,"Is """,TIUWORD,""" a Document Type? " ; First, inquire to the Document Type file (#8926.6) S TIUY=$$ASK(TIUWORD,8926.6) Q:+$G(DIRUT) I +TIUY>0 S @RESULT@("DocumentType")=TIUY D PLUCK(.TIUNM,TIUWORD,TIUI) I 1 ; That failing, try the Role Synonyms File (#8926.76) E D Q:+$G(DIRUT) . W "No." . Q:'$$PAGE^TIUMAP2(TIULOCAL) W !,"Is """,TIUWORD,""" a SYNONYM for a Document Type? " . S TIUY=$$ASK(TIUWORD,8926.76) Q:+$G(DIRUT) . I +TIUY>0 D . . S TIUY=+$P($G(^TIU(8926.76,+TIUY,0)),U,2) . . S TIUY=TIUY_U_$P($G(^TIU(8926.6,+TIUY,0)),U) . . S @RESULT@("DocumentType")=TIUY . . D PLUCK(.TIUNM,TIUWORD,TIUI) I +TIUY'>0 W "No.",! Q PLUCK(TIUNM,TIUWORD,TIUI) ; Pluck word from name N TIUOUT S TIUOUT=$P(TIUNM," ",TIUI) Q:TIUOUT'=TIUWORD S TIUNM=$S(TIUI=1:$P(TIUNM," ",2,$L(TIUNM," ")),1:$P(TIUNM," ",1,(TIUI-1))_$S(TIUI=$L(TIUNM," "):"",1:" "_$P(TIUNM," ",(TIUI+1),$L(TIUNM," ")))) Q CONFIRM(RESULT,DEFAULT) ; Show selected title to user, ask to confirm N TIUY,DUOUT,DTOUT,DIRUT S TIUY=0 W !?5,"Ready to map LOCAL Title: ",$P(RESULT(1),U,3)," to",!,"VHA Enterprise Standard Title: ",$P(RESULT(1),U,2),"." S TIUY=$$READ^TIUU("YA"," ... OK? ",DEFAULT) I +TIUY'>0 S RESULT=0 K RESULT(1) Q ASK(X,DIC) ; Call DIC to perform look-up N Y,TIUY,TIUSYN,TIUSNM S TIUY=0,TIUSNM="" S TIUSNM=$S(DIC=8926.72:"Subject Matter Domain",DIC=8926.73:"LOINC Role",DIC=8926.74:"Setting",DIC=8926.75:"Service",DIC=8926.76:"Document Type",1:"") S TIUSYN=$S(DIC=8926.72:8926.2,DIC=8926.73:8926.3,DIC=8926.74:8926.4,DIC=8926.75:8926.5,DIC=8926.76:8926.6,1:0) S:'$D(DIC(0)) DIC(0)="EM" S:TIUSYN&(DIC(0)'["Z") DIC(0)=DIC(0)_"Z" D ^DIC I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S DIRUT=1 S:X="^^" DIROUT=1 I +Y>0 D . W !?4,"I found a match of: ",$P(Y,U,2) . I +TIUSYN,$D(Y(0)) W !?(22-$L(TIUSNM)),TIUSNM,": ",$P($G(^TIU(TIUSYN,+$P(Y(0),U,2),0)),U) . S TIUY=$$READ^TIUU("YA"," ... OK? ","Yes") W ! . S:+TIUY'>0 Y=-1 Q Y