TIUP113P ; SLC/JAK - Post-Install for TIU*1*113 Cont. ;9/24/03 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**113**;Jun 20, 1997 MAIL ; -- Send message to user who initiated post-install N XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMDUZ,XMY,XMZ,XMMG N TIUI,TIUK,TIUS,TIUTXT S XMDUZ="PATCH TIU*1*113 DIVISION LOADING",XMY(.5)="" S:$G(DUZ) XMY(DUZ)="" F TIUK=3,5 S TIUTXT(TIUK)="" S TIUTXT(1)="Task Started: "_$$FMTE^XLFDT($G(^XTMP("TIUP113","T0"))) S TIUTXT(2)="Task Ended: "_$$FMTE^XLFDT($G(^XTMP("TIUP113","T1"))) I $G(^XTMP("TIUP113","STOP")) D . S TIUTXT(4)="Task STOPPED: "_$$FMTE^XLFDT($G(^XTMP("TIUP113","STOP")))_"." . S TIUTXT(6)="The post-install has not completed." . S TIUTXT(7)="To restart invoke MAIN^TIUP113 from Programmer mode." . S TIUTXT(8)="The task will continue from the last entry processed." E D . F TIUK=9,13,16,20,24 S TIUTXT(TIUK)="" . S TIUTXT(4)="Task and post-install COMPLETED successfully." . S TIUTXT(6)="This patch post-install has reviewed all of the "_+$P($G(^TIU(8925,0)),U,4) . S TIUTXT(7)="entries in the TIU DOCUMENT file, and has attempted to" . S TIUTXT(8)="load each with DIVISION data." . S TIUTXT(10)="There are "_+$G(^XTMP("TIUP113","EX"))_" total exception entries" . S TIUTXT(11)="that could not be loaded with DIVISION data," . S TIUTXT(12)="however. Here's how they break down by types:",TIUI=13 . F TIUS=1,2 D . . S TIUTXT(TIUI+TIUS)=$P($T(EXHDR+TIUS),";",3)_+$G(^XTMP("TIUP113","EX",TIUS))_" entry/entries" . S TIUTXT(17)="Next, you can print the entries by type of exception so" . S TIUTXT(18)="you can review them before continuing, or you can skip" . S TIUTXT(19)="the printing and finish the post-install." . S TIUTXT(21)="To print: invoke DEVICE^TIUP113 from Programmer mode" . S TIUTXT(22)=" (instructions for finishing the post-install" . S TIUTXT(23)=" are included in this call)" . S TIUTXT(25)="To finish: invoke UPDATE^TIUP113 from Programmer mode" S XMTEXT="TIUTXT(",XMSUB="PATCH TIU*1*113 Division Loading" D ^XMD Q EXHDR ; -- Exception entry headers ;;A. Cannot determine DIVISION from Hospital Location: ;;B. Attempted to load DIVISION data but entry in use: