TIUPNCV3 ;SLC/DJP ;PNs ==> TIU cnv rtns ;5-7-97 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;;Jun 20, 1997 ERRORLOG ;Captures information on records that are NOT converted. S BADREC=1 I '$D(ERRCTR) S ERRCTR=0 S ERRCTR=ERRCTR+1 S $P(^TIU(8925.97,1,0),U,7)=ERRCTR S ^GMR(121,"ERROR",GMRPIFN)=PROBLEM Q ; TITLE ;Defines variables required for Document Definition look-up ; PNT=^GMR(121.2,TIU("TITLE")),0) ; (1)=TITLE * (2)=TYPE * (3) TYPE NARRATIVE ; (4)=INACTIVE * (5) TIU TITLE IEN S PNT=$G(^GMR(121.2,TIU("TITLE"),0)) I PNT="" S PROBLEM="Progress Note - IFN "_GMRPIFN_": TITLE not defined in ^GMR(121.2 - (broken pointer)." D ERRORLOG K PROBLEM Q S PNT(5)=$P($G(^GMR(121.2,TIU("TITLE"),1)),U,3) I PNT(5)'>0 S PROBLEM="Progress Note IFN "_GMRPIFN_": TITLE not defined in ^TIU(8925.1." D ERRORLOG K PROBLEM Q S PNT(1)=$P($G(PNT),U,1),PNT(2)=$P($G(PNT),U,2),PNT(4)=$P($G(PNT),U,4) I PNT(1)=""!PNT(2)="" S PROBLEM="Progress Note - IFN "_GMRPIFN_": Incomplete TITLE information in ^GMR(121.2." D ERRORLOG K PROBLEM Q S X=PNT(2),DIC=121.1,DIC(0)="X,Z" D ^DIC K DIC I +Y<0 S PROBLEM="Progress Note IFN "_GMRPIFN_": TYPE not defined in ^GMR(121.1 (broken pointer)." D ERRORLOG K PROBLEM Q S PNT(3)=$P(Y,U,2) I $P($G(^TIU(8925.1,PNT(5),0)),U,4)'="DOC" S PROBLEM="Progress Note Title: "_PNT(3)_" not defined correctly in ^TIU(8925.1." D ERRORLOG K PROBLEM Q I PNT(4)'="" S TIU(1701)=PNT(1),X=PNT(2) D TITLESET Q D TITLESET Q ; TITLESET ;Sets pointers for Document Definition ; .01 DOCUMENT TYPE * .04 PARENT DOCUMENT TYPE ; 1506 COSIGNATURE REQUIRED * 1701 SUBJECT (description) S TIU(.01)=PNT(5),TIUNM=$P(^TIU(8925.1,PNT(5),0),U,1) S TIU(.04)="",TIU(.04)=$O(^TIU(8925.1,"AD",TIU(.01),TIU(.04))) K X,Y,DIC Q ; STATUS(TIUSTAT) ;Returns DOCUMENT STATUS pointer N DIC,X,Y I TIU("MHCONV")="Y" S TIUSTAT="COMPLETED" S X=TIUSTAT,DIC="^TIU(8925.6,",DIC(0)="X,Z" D ^DIC Q:+Y<1 Q $P(Y,U,1) ; DXLS(TIUDX) ;Resolves variable DXLS ptr from Final Discharge Note S P5="" S P1=$P(TIUDX,";",2) ; Global reference S P2=$P(TIUDX,";",1) ; IEN S P3="^"_P1_P2_","_0_")" ;^(0) reference S P4="^"_P1_P2_",""D"")" ;^("D") reference I P1["ICD9" D Q P5 .S P5=$P(@P3,U,3)_" ("_$P(@P3,U)_")" .I P1["YSD" D Q P5 ..S P4=$G(@P4) Q:P4']"" ..S P5=P4 ..S P3=$P($G(@P3),U) ..S:P3]"" P5=P5_" ("_P3_")" .I P1["DIC" D ..S P5=$P(@P3,U)_" ("_$P(@P3,U,2)_")" Q P5 ; BEDSEC(TIUBS) ;Resolves D/C Bedsection ptr from the Final Discharge Note N Y S Y=$P(^DIC(42,TIUBS,0),U,1) Q Y ; ROLLEM ;Rolls back ^GMR(121 entries in ^TIU(8925 K DIR W @IOF W !!?16,"****** ROLL BACK ******" W !!?5,"This option will delete all progress notes entered" W !?5,"into ^TIU(8925 from the GMRPN/TIU Conversion. The" W !?5,"option uses ^DIK to roll back the file. Run time is" W !?5,"dependent upon the number of entries made during the" W !?5,"conversion." W !! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you want to continue",DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?")="^D HELP10^TIUPNCV3" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT)!(Y=0) Q W !!?5,"BEGINNING ROLL BACK...",! S TST=$P($G(^TIU(8925.97,1,2)),U,1),LST=$P($G(^TIU(8925.97,1,2)),U,2) S DIK="^TIU(8925," Q:TST!LST="" F DA=TST:1:LST D:$P($G(^TIU(8925,DA,13)),U,3)="C" ^DIK W !!,"ROLLBACK COMPLETED",! K TST,DIK,LST,DA,TIUDIV Q ; HELP10 ;Help text for ROLLBACK prompt W !!?5,"Press to continue with roll back of Progress Notes" W !?5,"entered during the conversion. The rollback will begin and" W !?5,"based on rollback fields in ^TIU(8925.97, TIU Conversions." W !!?5,"Enter NO or ""^"" to stop this option." Q ;