TIUPNCV4 ;SLC/DJP ;2/26/98 13:30 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**9**;Jun 20, 1997 ; ENTRY ;Entry point to set-up conversion N DIC,TIUQUEUE I $G(DUZ)'>0 W !!,"DUZ must be defined as an active user!",! Q S TIU("DUZ")=DUZ D INTRO^TIUPNCV5 I $G(TIU("QUIT")) K TIU Q I $P($G(^TIU(8925.97,1,0)),U,3) W !!,"Conversion has been completed.",! K TIU Q W ! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Are you sure everything is okay" S DIR("B")="NO",DIR("?")="^D HELP1^TIUPNCV4" D ^DIR Q:$D(DIRUT)!(Y=0) S TIUQUEUE=$$READ^TIUU("Y","Would you like to QUEUE this Process","NO") I +TIUQUEUE D PNDEVICE Q W !!?9,$C(7),"Progress Notes Conversion Running in Foreground",! D DRIVER^TIUPNCV Q ; PNDEVICE ;Permits site to queue conversion N %,ZTDTH,ZTDESC,ZTIO,ZTSAVE,ZTSK,ZTRTN S ZTSAVE("TIU*")="",ZTSAVE("GMRP*")="" S:'$D(ZTDESC) ZTDESC="TIU PN CONVERSION" S ZTRTN="DRIVER^TIUPNCV",ZTIO="" D ^%ZTLOAD W !,$S($D(ZTSK):"Request Queued!",1:"Request Cancelled."),! D ^%ZISC Q ; REPORT ;sends bulletin to initiator of conversion I '$D(TIUUSER) S TIUUSER=DUZ S XMY(TIUUSER)="" S XMB="TIU PRN CONVERSION "_$S(GMRPCTR:"ERRORS",1:"CLEAN") S XMDUZ="TIU PROGRESS NOTE CONVERSION" S XMB(1)=TIUSTRT,XMB(2)=TIUEND,XMB(3)=TIUCTR I ERRCTR S XMB(4)=ERRCTR,XMTEXT="^GMR(121,""ERROR""," D ^XMB,KILL^XM K TIUEND,TIUSTRT,ERRCTR Q ; RESTART ;Permit restarting of conversion from last successfully processed note. W ! K DIR W @IOF W !!?10,"****** RESTART PROGRESS NOTE/TIU CONVERSION ******",!! S GMRPST1=$P($G(^TIU(8925.97,1,0)),U,5) I GMRPST1'>0 W !?5,"Conversion has NOT been previously run",!?5,"Please use the CONVERT PROGRESS NOTE option." K GMRPST1 Q K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you wish to restart the conversion" S DIR("B")="YES",DIR("?")="^D HELP2^TIUPNCV4" D ^DIR Q:$D(DIRUT)!(Y=0) W !!?5,"A mail message documenting discrepancies encountered during " W !,?5,"processing will be sent to you.",! S TIU("DUZ")=DUZ D MAIL^TIUPNCV5 S GMRPST=(GMRPST1+1) W !!,"Restarting Progress Note Conversion at Record #"_GMRPST_"...",! S $P(^TIU(8925.97,1,0),U,3)="" S GMRPST=(GMRPST-1),RESTARTD=$$NOW^XLFDT S ^GMR(121,"RESTART",GMRPST)=RESTARTD ;Records restart date/time S ZTDESC="RESTART PN CONVERSION" D PNDEVICE Q ; INDY ;Converts individual Progress Notes based on IEN in ^GMR(121 S TIUFPRIV=1 W @IOF W !!?18,"***** INDIVIDUAL RECORD CONVERSION *****",! ; ENINDY ;Entry of IEN K DIR S DIR(0)="NO^1:9999999" S DIR("A")="Enter IEN of Note to be converted" S DIR("?")="^D HELP4^TIUPNCV4" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) K DIR Q I '$D(^GMR(121,Y)) W !,"Entry ",Y," not found in file 121",$C(7) G ENINDY I +$P($G(^GMR(121,Y,1)),U,3)&($P($G(^GMR(121,Y,5)),U)=1) S TIUECS=$$ASKCOS^TIUPNCVU Q:'TIUECS ;If signed and uncosigned need to ask for expected cosigner, quit if none entered. ; EMERG ;Emergency entrance - must pass "Y" and "EMER" S GMRPIFN=Y,TIU("INDY")=1,GMRPCTR=0,TIUCTR=0 I $D(^GMR(121,"CNV",GMRPIFN)) W !?5,"Progress Note IEN "_GMRPIFN_" was converted in a prior session.",! K GMRPIFN,TIU("INDY") G ENINDY:'$D(EMER) S NEWNODE=1 W:'$D(EMER) !!?5,"Now converting Progress Note "_GMRPIFN_"...",! D MAIN^TIUPNCV8 I '$D(^GMR(121,"CNV",GMRPIFN)),$D(^GMR(121,"ERROR",GMRPIFN)) D G KILINDY . W !!,"*****Progress Note "_GMRPIFN_" NOT converted*****",! . W ^GMR(121,"ERROR",GMRPIFN),! W:'$D(EMER) !,"Progress Note "_GMRPIFN_" successfully converted",! ; KILINDY ;Cleans up the debris K GMRPIFN,TIU("INDY"),DIR,NEWNODE,BADREC,TIUCTR I $D(EMER) Q G ENINDY ; HELP1 ;Help for are you sure prompt W !!,"Enter Yes if you're ready to start the conversion." W !,"Press return or enter NO to stop this process." Q HELP2 ;Help for RESTART prompt W !!?5,"Enter YES to re-start/re-queue the conversion." W !?5,"Press or enter NO to stop this option." Q ; HELP3 ;Help for IEN prompt W !!?5,"The default is the next expected Internal File Number (IEN)" W " for a note." W !?5,"If another starting point is required, enter the IEN for that" W " note." W !?5,"Enter ""^"" to stop option without processing." Q ; HELP4 ;Help for INDY prompt W !!?5,"Enter the Internal Entry Number (IEN) of the single Progress" W !?5,"you wish to convert to TIU.",! Q ;