TIUPNFIX ; SLC/MAM - Resolve Upload Filing Errors for Progress Notes ;05/06/02 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**131**;Jun 20, 1997 PNFIX ; Progress Note Filing Error Resolution Code ; Requires: TIUEVNT - 8925.4 Upload Log Event IEN ; Requires: TIUTYPE - IEN of Docmt Def whose Filing Error ; Resolution Code is being invoked. ; Taken from alert or filing error. ; ; NOTE: Module PNFIX is written as Filing Error Resolution Code ;for uploading Progress Notes into TIU, replacing the old Filing ;Error Resolution Code, GETPN^TIUCHLP. ;It has been rewritten to take advantage of new generic upload ;modules such as MAKE^TIUFIX1. In its use of these new modules, ;it may serve as a model for uploading other types of documents ;such as Consults or Operative Reports into TIU. See also TIUCNFIX. ;All code which is specific to Progress Notes is included ;in module GETCHECK, before MAKE^TIUFIX1 is called. N TIUFLDS,TIUBUF,SUCCESS,OLDTYPE,DFN,TITLDA,TIU S SUCCESS=0 I '$D(^TIU(8925.1,+$G(TIUTYPE),0)) S SUCCESS="0^Document type is missing or invalid." G PNFIXX I '$D(^TIU(8925.4,+$G(TIUEVNT),0)) S SUCCESS="0^Upload Log event is missing or invalid." G PNFIXX S TIUBUF=$$BUFFER^TIUFIX2(TIUEVNT) I +TIUBUF'>0 S SUCCESS=TIUBUF G PNFIXX I '$D(TIUPRM0) D SETPARM^TIULE ; Sets TIUPRM0 with hdr signal, etc ; -- Load hdr data from buffer into array TIUFLDS: D LOADHDR^TIUFIX2(.TIUFLDS,TIUBUF,TIUPRM0,TIUTYPE) ; -- Get from user all data needed to create a new document ; of the given type; Cross-check user data for consistency. S OLDTYPE=TIUTYPE D GETCHECK(.SUCCESS,.TIUTYPE,.TIUFLDS,.DFN,.TITLDA,.TIU) I 'SUCCESS G PNFIXX ; -- Create new document; file all TIUFLDS nodes which have ; not been killed, execute post-file code, etc.: D MAKE^TIUFIX1(.SUCCESS,TIUEVNT,TIUBUF,.TIUTYPE,.TIUFLDS,.DFN,.TITLDA,.TIU,TIUPRM0) ; -- If docmt filed successfully, set flag to stop - don't go ; on and try to resolve error by editing buffer and refiling. PNFIXX I +SUCCESS S TIUDONE=1 Q W !!,"Filing error could not be resolved." I $P(SUCCESS,U,2)]"" W !,$P(SUCCESS,U,2) W !,"If you wish to try a different approach, edit the buffered data directly",!,"and refile it, or simply exit and try again later.",! Q ; GETCHECK(SUCCESS,TIUTYPE,TIUFLDS,DFN,TITLDA,TIU) ; Get and ;check data ; ;This is written for Progress Notes (PN), but may also serve ;as a model for the use of new generic modules such as ;MAKE^TIUFIX1 in uploading other types of documents such ;as Consults or Operative Reports. See also TIUCNFIX. ;The new generic modules accommodate only documents which ;are uploaded into the TIU DOCUMENT file. ; ;Since a filing error occurred when filer could not locate ;or create a TIU document using data from buffer, we ask the ;user for all data needed to locate/create a document, and ;use that data, instead of the buffer data, to locate/create ;the document. ;Data are acquired from the user is such a way as to guarantee ;that all data necessary to go ahead and create a Progress Note ;are complete and consistent ; ; SUCCESS = 1 - Data are complete and consistent or ; = 0^Explanatory msg ; TIUTYPE = Docmt Def whose methods are being invoked. ; TIUFLDS - array of fields to be filed later in FILE^TIUFIX1. ; See warning in MAKE^TIUFIX1 concerning possible ; need to kill nodes of TIUFLDS before calling MAKE. ; DFN, TITLDA, TIU - Patient, Document title, Demographics ; /visit array. ; Must be gotten from user and passed back. ; Used in GETRECNW to create docmt, in MERGTEXT ; to create components. N DEFAULT,BADTYPES,ASK ; -- Initialize SUCCESS to 0^Error msg: S SUCCESS="0^Patient, visit, and title are required." ; -- Get patient and visit, and title: S DFN=+$$PATIENT^TIULA Q:DFN'>0 D ENPN^TIUVSIT(.TIU,+DFN,1) I '$D(TIU) Q ; -- TIU*1*131 - cf GETPN^TIUCHLP: Before 131, if user ; up-arrowed at OK?, code continued. I '$$CHEKPN^TIUCHLP(.TIU) K TIU Q ; -- Screen out consult titles; don't ask about changing type: S BADTYPES=+$$CLASS^TIUCNSLT,ASK=0 D GETTITLE^TIUFIX(.SUCCESS,TIUTYPE,.TIUFLDS,.TITLDA,BADTYPES,ASK) Q:TITLDA'>0 ; -- If consistent and complete, set SUCCESS=1: S SUCCESS=1 GETX ; Q