TIUPREF ; SLC/JER - Enter/edit personal preferences ; 19-AUG-2002 13:10:05 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**10,91,103,111,141**;Jun 20, 1997 ; GOODLOC(LOC) ; Returns 1 if ^SC hospital location IFN LOC is good, else 0 ; Used in TIUVSIT, in DDs for LOCATION field of 8926 N GOODLOC,INACTIVE,OOS,CLINIC S (GOODLOC,INACTIVE)=0 I +$G(^SC(LOC,"I"))>0,(+$G(^("I"))'>DT) D . S INACTIVE=1 . ; check if reactivated: . I +$P($G(^("I")),U,2)>0,$P($G(^("I")),U,2)'>DT S INACTIVE=0 S OOS=+$D(^SC(LOC,"OOS")) ; Occasion of service S CLINIC=+($P(^SC(LOC,0),U,3)="C") I 'INACTIVE,'OOS,CLINIC S GOODLOC=1 Q GOODLOC ; MAIN ; Control branching N DA S DA=+$$GETREC I +DA'>0 Q D EDIT(DA) Q GETREC() ; Get record in picklist file N DIC,DLAYGO,TIUNM,X,Y,ASKNEW S (DIC,DLAYGO)=8926,DIC(0)="NXLZ" S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U)=DUZ" ;TIU*1*91 If user already in file but has same name as another entry, select user S X="`"_DUZ,TIUNM=$P(^VA(200,+$G(DUZ),0),U) W !," Enter/edit Personal Preferences" W !!?5,TIUNM D ^DIC ;TIU*1*91 If DIC adds new entry, can get anyone w/ same name: I Y>0,+Y(0)'=DUZ N DA,DIK D . W !!," Sorry, you can edit preferences for YOURSELF only. Please try again." . I $P(Y,U,3)=1 S DA=+Y,DIK="^TIU(8926," D ^DIK S Y=-1 Q +$G(Y) EDIT(DA) ; Call ^DIE to edit the record N DIE,DR,TIUCLASS,TIUREQCS,LOC S DIE=8926,TIUREQCS=+$$REQCOS(DUZ) S LOC=+$P(^TIU(8926,DA,0),U,2) I LOC>0,'$$GOODLOC(LOC) W !," Your default location is no longer valid and has been deleted.",!," Please choose a new one." S DR=".02///@" D ^DIE S DR=".02:.08;.1;.11;I +TIUREQCS'>0 S Y=""@1"";.09;@1;1" S DR(2,8926.01)=".01;.02;.03" D ^DIE Q REQCOS(DUZ) ; Does user require cosignature for any documents N TIUI,TIUJ,TIUC,TIUY S (TIUI,TIUY)=0 ; Is the user required to have a cosignature on any document? F S TIUI=$O(^TIU(8925.95,TIUI)) Q:+TIUI'>0!+TIUY D . S TIUJ=0 . F S TIUJ=$O(^TIU(8925.95,TIUI,5,TIUJ)) Q:+TIUJ'>0!+TIUY D . . S TIUC=+$G(^TIU(8925.95,TIUI,5,TIUJ,0)) Q:+TIUC'>0 . . S TIUY=+$$ISA^USRLM(DUZ,TIUC) Q TIUY