TIUPRPN6 ;SLC/MJC-Print PNs-Most Current Admission ; 6/26/01 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**100,121**;Jun 20, 1997 ; ADM ;prints PNs for LAST admission to either date of discharge or NOW ;this sort is chartable for either contiguous or separate ;also supports WORK copy ;TIU PRINT PN ADMISSION] ; N TIUDFN,TIUQT,DIC,Y D SETUP^TIUPRPN3("Print Progress Notes for selected patient's LAST admission") F W ! S DIC=2,DIC(0)="AEQMN" D ^DIC Q:Y<0 D K TIUQT .I '$O(^TIU(8925,"APTP",+Y,0)) W !!?5,$C(7),"There are no signed " .I W "progress notes on file for this patient.",! Q .N TIUFLAG,TIUSPG .S TIUDFN=Y .D NOTES(TIUDFN) Q:$D(TIUQT) .S TIUFLAG=$$FLAG^TIUPRPN3() Q:TIUFLAG']"" .S TIUSPG=1 .D DEVICE^TIUPRPN(TIUFLAG,TIUSPG) Q ; NOTES(TIUDFN) ;get the notes for the admission N VAIP,ADMDT,BEG,END,HOLD,CTR,DATE,IFN,DFN,DIR,Y S DFN=+TIUDFN,VAIP("D")="LAST" D IN5^VADPT I '$G(VAIP(1)) W !!?5,$C(7),"I don't have any record of an admission " I W "for this patient.",!?5,"Select another patient." S TIUQT=1 Q S ADMDT=VAIP(13,1) W !!,"Patient was admitted: ",$P(ADMDT,U,2) I $D(VAIP(17,1)) D .W !,"Patient was discharged: ",$P(VAIP(17,1),U,2),! .S DIR("A")="Print all progress notes written during this admission? " E D .W !!,"Patient has not been DISCHARGED.",! .S DIR("A")="Print all progress notes from admission date until NOW? " S DIR(0)="YA",DIR("B")="YES",DIR("A")=DIR("A")_"(Y/N) " S DIR("?")="^D HELP^TIUPRPN6" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S TIUQT=1 Q I +$G(Y) S BEG=+ADMDT,END=$S($G(VAIP(17,1)):+VAIP(17,1),1:9999999) E D K %DT Q:$D(TIUQT) .W ! S %DT="AEPTX",%DT(0)="-NOW",%DT("A")="Print Notes Beginning: " .D ^%DT I $D(DTOUT)!(Y<0) S TIUQT=1 Q .S BEG=Y,%DT("A")=" Thru: " .S %DT="AEPTX" D ^%DT I $D(DTOUT)!(Y<0) S TIUQT=1 Q .S END=Y I ENDEND) D .S IFN=0 F S IFN=$O(^TIU(8925,"APTP",DFN,DATE,IFN)) Q:'IFN D ..W "." D REPLACE^TIUPRPN3(IFN,DATE,1501) S IFN=0 F S IFN=$O(^TMP("TIUREPLACE",$J,IFN)) Q:'IFN D .S DATE=^TMP("TIUREPLACE",$J,IFN,"DT") .S ^TMP("TIUPR",$J,$P(TIUDFN,U,2)_";"_DFN,DATE,IFN)="Vice SF 509" S CTR=+$G(^TMP("TIUREPLACE",$J)) I '$D(^TMP("TIUPR",$J)) W !!,"No SIGNED notes found in this date " I W "range for this patient." S TIUQT=1 G NOTESX W !!,">> "_CTR_" note"_$S(CTR>1:"s",1:"")_" found.",! NOTESX ; K ^TMP("TIUREPLACE",$J) Q HELP ;help for yes/no print all notes for admission question W !!?5,"Answer YES and all the progress notes for this admission will " W !?5,"be printed in CONTIGUOUS format." W !!?5,"Answer NO and you will be asked to select a date range for " W !?5,"this patient." Q