TIUPRPN7 ;SLC/MJC - Progress Notes Outpt Batch Prt ;6/26/01 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**45,100,121**;Jun 20, 1997 ; BATCH ;batch print outpatient progress notes sorted by terminal digit ;if you wish to exlude a particular hospital location from this ;print option that can be specified in the ;EXCLUDE FROM BATCH PRINTING field of file 8925.93 ;[TIU PRINT PN BATCH INTERACTIVE] ; N Y,TIUQT,TIUSTART,TIUDIV,ANS,LAST,DIV D SETUP^TIUPRPN3("Batch Print Outpatient Progress Notes by Terminal Digit") W !!?5,"Notes will be printed in terminal digit order." W !!?5,"This option may also be scheduled to run non-interactively" W !?5,"in file #19.2 OPTION SCHEDULING FILE.",!! ; I $D(^TIU(8925.94,0))'=1 W $C(7),$C(7),!?5,"Before using this option " I W "you must enter the divisions for your site in" I W !?5,"file #8925.94 - TIU DIVISION PRINT PARAMETERS FILE." Q ; S DIC=8925.94,DIC(0)="AEQMNZ",DIC("A")="Select DIVISION: " S DIC("B")=$P($G(^DG(40.8,+$G(^DISV(DUZ,"^TIU(8925.94,")),0),""),U) D ^DIC K DIC Q:Y<0 S TIUDIV=+Y(0)_U_+Y_U_Y(0,0) ;ien medical center div^ien tiu param^external division S LAST=$P($G(^TIU(8925.94,+$P(TIUDIV,U,2),1)),U) I LAST']"" S TIUSTART=$$DATE^TIUPRPN4() Q:TIUSTART']"" I LAST]"" D Q:$D(TIUQT) .W !!,"Notes were last printed for '"_$P(TIUDIV,U,3)_"' " .W $$FMTE^XLFDT(LAST,"1P"),! .S ANS=$$READ^TIUU("YA","Print from this DATE/TIME on? ","YES","D HELP^TIUPRPN5") .I $D(DIRUT) S TIUQT=1 Q .I +$G(ANS) S TIUSTART=LAST Q .D 3^TIUPRPN5 S TIUSTART=$$DATE^TIUPRPN4() I TIUSTART']"" S TIUQT=1 Q DEV S %ZIS("B")=$P($G(^%ZIS(1,+$P($G(^TIU(8925.94,$P(TIUDIV,U,2),1)),U,2),0),""),U) ;brings up default prter from 8925.94 param file W ! S %ZIS="Q" D ^%ZIS I POP K POP G EXIT I $E(IOST)="C" W $C(7),$C(7),!?5,"You must select a printer for this " I W "option!!" G DEV S TIUDIV=+$P(TIUDIV,U,2) I $D(IO("Q")) K IO("Q") D G EXIT .S ZTRTN="PRINT^TIUPRPN7",ZTSAVE("TIUSTART")="",ZTSAVE("TIUDIV")="" .S ZTDESC="TIU BATCH PRT PNS OUTPT DIV" .D ^%ZTLOAD W !,$S($D(ZTSK):"Request Queued!",1:"Request Canceled!") .K ZTSK,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTRTN,STSAVE,%ZIS,TIUSTART,TIUDIV .D HOME^%ZIS U IO D PRINT,^%ZISC Q PRINT ;entry point for non-interactive tasked job ;requires TIUDIV set to the division you want notes for ;if queued non-interactively, file 8925.94- field #1.02 will need ;to contain the start time of the batch ;[TIU PRINT PN BATCH SCHEDULED]- entry point if called from file #19.2 ; I '$D(TIUDIV) D TROUBLE G EXIT N DATE,LOC,IFN,SSN,DFN,STOP,DIV K ^TMP("TIUREPLACE",$J),^TMP("TIUPR",$J),^TMP("TIULQ",$J) S STOP=$$NOW^XLFDT I '$D(TIUSTART) S TIUSTART=$P($G(^TIU(8925.94,TIUDIV,1)),U) Q:TIUSTART']"" ;date not passed/no date in field 1.01 file #8925.94 S DIV=+$P($G(^TIU(8925.94,TIUDIV,0)),U) S LOC=0 F S LOC=$O(^TIU(8925,"ALOCP",LOC)) Q:'LOC D .Q:+$$LOC(LOC,DIV) S DATE=TIUSTART .F S DATE=$O(^TIU(8925,"ALOCP",LOC,DATE)) Q:'DATE!(DATE>STOP) D ..S IFN=0 F S IFN=$O(^TIU(8925,"ALOCP",LOC,DATE,IFN)) Q:'IFN D ...D REPLACE^TIUPRPN3(IFN,DATE,1501) S IFN=0 F S IFN=$O(^TMP("TIUREPLACE",$J,IFN)) Q:'IFN D .S DFN=$P(^TIU(8925,IFN,0),U,2),SSN=$P(^DPT(DFN,0),U,9) .S SSN=$E(SSN,8,9)_$E(SSN,6,7)_$E(SSN,4,5)_$E(SSN,1,3) .S DATE=^TMP("TIUREPLACE",$J,IFN,"DT") .S ^TMP("TIUPR",$J,SSN_";"_DFN,DATE,IFN)="Vice SF 509" I '$D(^TMP("TIUPR",$J)) D TROUBLE G EXIT D PRINT^TIUPRPN1(1,1) S $P(^TIU(8925.94,TIUDIV,1),U)=STOP EXIT K ^TIU("TIUPR",$J),^TMP("TIULQ",$J),^TMP("TIUREPLACE",$J) Q LOC(LOC,DIV) ;checks if this location should be batch prted N IEN S IEN=$O(^TIU(8925.93,"B",LOC,0)) Q $S($P($G(^SC(LOC,0)),U,3)="W":1,$P($G(^SC(LOC,0)),U,15)'=DIV:1,'$D(^TIU(8925.93,+IEN,0)):"",+$G(^TIU(8925.93,IEN,3)):1,1:"") ; TROUBLE ;message to print if no output W !!,"The option [TIU PRINT PN BATCH OUTPT] ran to completion at " W !,$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT,"1P")," but did not find any notes." W !!,"If you were expecting notes to print review the following:" ; W !!,"INTERACTIVE" W !,"-----------" W !,"1. Very little can go wrong- the required criteria is screened" W !,"while the user is manually queueing the job." W !!,"2. This option prints all the outpatient progress notes, in" W !,"terminal digit order, for the selected date range for ALL CLINICS" W !,"for the selected DIVISION. Verify that you have signed progress" W !,"notes satisfying this criteria.",! ; W !!,"NON-INTERACTIVE (job set to run in OPTION SCHEDULING FILE (#19.2)" W !,"-----------------------------------------------------------------" W !,"1. DIVISION must be defined in file #8925.94 (TIU DIVISION PRINT" W !,"PRINT PARAMETERS FILE)." W !!,"2. The variable TIUDIV must be defined in the VARIABLE NAME " W !,"multiple of the OPTION SCHEDULING FILE (#19.2). TIUDIV should" W !,"be set to the IEN of an entry in the TIU DIVISION PRINT PARAMETERS" W !,"FILE (#8925.94)." W !!,"3. This option must find a valid date in field #1.01 of" W !,"file #8925.94 to start looping on. If a valid date is not " W !,"found, the option will terminate with this message." W !!,"4. To assist in troubleshooting, if no notes are found, the" W !,"DATE/TIME field (#1.01) of file #8925.94 will not be re-set" W !,"to the new value (which is NOW) when the option begins " W "calculating." Q