TIUPS14 ; SLC/JER - Post-Install for TIU*1*4;Dec 05, 1997 08:30 ;2/3/98@09:52:05 ;;1.0;Text Integration Utilities;**4**;Jun 20, 1997 MAIN ; Control subroutine N TIUDA,TIULVL,TIULNM,TIUCONT,TIUFPRIV,TIUNEW I +$L($T(GET^GMRCTIU))'>0 D Q . W !!,$C(7),"You must install CONSULT/REQUEST TRACKING 3.0 before",!?6,"implementing this part of patch TIU*1*4." S TIUFPRIV=1,TIUNEW=0,TIUDA=$$TEST I +TIUDA>0 D Q:+$G(TIUCONT)'>0 . S TIULVL=$P(TIUDA,U,2) . S TIULNM=$S(TIULVL="CL":"CLASS",1:"DOCUMENT CLASS") . W !!,"You already have a ",TIULNM," called CONSULTS under " . W $$CLNAME(+TIUDA),"...",! . W !,"The new methods and properties to support the TIU/CT interface" . W !,"will be MERGED with the existing data. UPLOAD HEADERS and" . W !,"PRINT METHODS which you have defined will NOT be overwritten.",! . S TIUCONT=+$$READ^TIUU("Y"," Okay to continue","NO") . I 'TIUCONT W !!,"Great...No harm done!",! . S TIUDA=+TIUDA I +TIUDA'>0 D Q:+TIUDA'>0 . W !!,"I'm going to create a new Document Definition for CONSULTS now." . S TIUDA=$$CREATE S:+TIUDA TIUNEW=1 . W:+TIUDA'>0 !!,$C(7),"Couldn't create Document Definition entry for CONSULTS...",! D:$G(TIULVL)']"" ASK(TIUDA,.TIULVL) I $G(TIULVL)']"" W !!,"Great...No harm done!",! Q D SET(TIUDA,TIULVL) D INDEX(TIUDA) I +TIUNEW D ATTACH(TIUDA,TIULVL) D DONE(TIULVL) Q DONE(TIULVL) ; Let the user know N TIUCRLF S TIUCRLF=$C(13)_$C(10) W !!,"Okay, I'm done...Please finish your implementation of CONSULTS by" W " adding any",!,$S(TIULVL="CL":"Document Classes and ",1:""),"Titles" W " as appropriate using the Create Document Definitions",$S(TIULVL="CL":TIUCRLF,1:" "),"Option",$S(TIULVL="CL":" ",1:TIUCRLF) W "under the TIUF DOCUMENT DEFINITION MGR Menu, as described in" W " Step #3",!,"of the Post-Installation Instructions.",! Q CLNAME(TIUDA) ; Get parent class's name N TIUY S TIUY=$P($G(^TIU(8925.1,+$$DOCCLASS^TIULC1(TIUDA),0)),U) Q $G(TIUY) TEST() ; Check for CONSULTS entry in Document Defintion file N TIUY S TIUY=+$O(^TIU(8925.1,"B","CONSULTS",0)) I +TIUY S $P(TIUY,U,2)=$P($G(^TIU(8925.1,+TIUY,0)),U,4) Q TIUY CREATE() ; Create a record for the CONSULTS Document Definition N DIC,DLAYGO,X,Y S (DIC,DLAYGO)="^TIU(8925.1,",DIC(0)="MXL",X="CONSULTS" D ^DIC Q +$G(Y) ASK(TIUDA,LEVEL) ; Ascertain whether to make CONSULTS a CLASS or DC N TIUPRMT W !!,"GREAT! A new Document Definition has been created for CONSULTS." W !,"Next, you need to decide whether you want CONSULTS to be set up" W !,"as a separate CLASS (comparable to DISCHARGE SUMMARY or PROGRESS" W !,"NOTES), or whether you want CONSULTS defined as a DOCUMENT CLASS" W !,"under PROGRESS NOTES. The benefits of each strategy are outlined" W !,"in the POST-INSTALLATION instructions for this patch.",! W !,"NOTE: If you're not yet CERTAIN which strategy you want your site" W !,"to adopt, then quit here, and get consensus first (it's easier to" W !,"get permission than forgiveness, in this case)!",! S TIUPRMT="Define CONSULTS as a CLASS or DOCUMENT CLASS" S LEVEL=$$READ^TIUU("S^CL:Class;DC:Document Class",TIUPRMT) I $P(LEVEL,U)']"" S LEVEL="" Q W !!,"Okay, you've indicated that you want to make CONSULTS a " W $P(LEVEL,U,2),".",! S TIUPRMT=" Okay to continue" S TIUY=$$READ^TIUU("Y",TIUPRMT,"NO") I +TIUY'>0 S LEVEL="" E S LEVEL=$P(LEVEL,U) Q INDEX(DA) ; Call IX^DIK to re-index the CONSULTS entry N DIK S DIK="^TIU(8925.1," D IX^DIK Q SET(TIUDA,LEVEL) ; Set the data in the new Document Definition record N TIUCLP S TIUCLP=$$CLPAC S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,0)="CONSULTS^CNST^CONSULTS^"_LEVEL_"^^"_TIUCLP_"^11" S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,1)="8925^1^2;TEXT" S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,3)="^^0" S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,4)="D LOOKUP^TIUPUTCN" S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,4.1)="D POST^TIUCNSLT(DA,""INCOMPLETE"")" S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,4.4)="D ROLLBACK^TIUCNSLT(TIUDA)" S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,4.45)="D CHANGE^TIUCNSLT(TIUDA)" S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,4.5)="D FOLLOWUP^TIUPUTCN(TIUREC(""#""))" S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,4.8)="D GETPN^TIUCHLP" S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,4.9)="D POST^TIUCNSLT(DA,""COMPLETED"")" S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,5)="[TIU ENTER/EDIT CONSULT RESULT]" ; -- Don't modify PRINT METHOD if already defined -- I '$D(^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,6)) S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,6)="D ENTRY^TIUPRCN" ; -- If not already specified initialize ALLOW CUSTOM HEADERS to O I '$D(^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,6.1)) S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,6.1)="^^^0" S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,7)="D ENPN^TIUVSIT(.TIU,.DFN,1)" S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,8)="S TIUASK=$$CHEKPN^TIULD(.TIU,.TIUBY)" ; -- Don't modify upload header, if already defined -- I '$D(^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,"HEAD")) D . S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,"HEAD",0)="^8925.12A^8^8" . S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,"HEAD",1,0)="TITLE^TITLE OF CONSULT^.01^TIUTITLE^PULMONARY CONSULT^1^1" . S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,"HEAD",2,0)="SSN^PATIENT SSN^.02^TIUSSN^555-12-1234^1^1" . S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,"HEAD",2,1)="S X=$TR(X,""-/"","""")" . S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,"HEAD",3,0)="VISIT/EVENT DATE^VISIT/EVENT DATE^.07^TIUVDT^5/15/97@08:15^1^1" . S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,"HEAD",4,0)="AUTHOR^DICTATING PROVIDER^1202^^HOWSER,DOOGEY^1^1" . S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,"HEAD",5,0)="DATE/TIME OF DICTATION^DICTATION DATE/TIME^1301^TIUDDT^5/16/97@09:25^0^1" . S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,"HEAD",6,0)="LOCATION^PATIENT LOCATION^1205^TIULOC^MEDICAL-CONSULT 6200^1^1" . S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,"HEAD",7,0)="EXPECTED COSIGNER^EXPECTED COSIGNER^1208^^WELBY,MARCUS^1^0" . S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,"HEAD",8,0)="CONSULT REQUEST NUMBER^CONSULT REQUEST #^1405^TIUCNNBR^1455^1^1" . S ^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA,"HEAD",8,1)="S X=""C.""_X" Q ATTACH(TIUDA,TIULVL) ; Attach CONSULTS to appropriate parent N DIC,DLAYGO,DIE,DR,TIULNM,TIUSEQ,X,Y S TIULNM=$S(TIULVL="DC":"DOCUMENT CLASS",1:"CLASS") W !!,"FANTASTIC! Your NEW ",TIULNM," CONSULTS will now be added under" S DA(1)=$S(TIULVL="DC":3,1:38) W !,"the ",$P(^TIU(8925.1,DA(1),0),U)," Class...",! S DIC="^TIU(8925.1,"_DA(1)_",10,",DIC(0)="NXL" S DIC("P")=$P(^DD(8925.1,10,0),U,2),X="`"_TIUDA D ^DIC ; Create the sub-entry for CONSULTS I +Y'>0 D Q . W !!,$C(7),"Unable to add CONSULTS under ",$P($G(^TIU(8925.1,DA(1),0)),U) . W !,"You'll have to attach it manually." S DA=+Y,DIK=DIC,TIUSEQ=$P(@(DIC_"0)"),U,4) K DIC S ^TIU(8925.1,DA(1),10,DA,0)=$G(^TIU(8925.1,DA(1),10,DA,0))_U_TIUSEQ_U_TIUSEQ_U_"Consults" D IX^DIK ; Cross-reference new subfile entry Q CLPAC() ; Get pointer to CLINICAL COORDINATOR User Class N TIUY S TIUY=$O(^USR(8930,"B","CLINICAL COORDINATOR",0)) Q TIUY