TIUPS148 ; SLC/CAM-Creates PATIENT ETHNICITY TIU Object;10/31/02 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**148**;JUN 20,1997 ; ; This patch was created to define the PATIENT ETHNICITY TIU data object ; in the TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION file (8925.1). ; Once the PATIENT ETHNICITY object is created and functioning this ; routine can be deleted. ; If a TIU object named PATIENT ETHNICITY already exists on the system ; in which this routine is being installed the Object Method field (9) ; of the TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION file (8925.1) will be overridden with ; the National Object Method for PATIENT ETHNICITY. ; N TIUDA,TIUOBNM S TIUDA=0,TIUOBNM="PATIENT ETHNICITY" S TIUDA=$$FIND1^DIC(8925.1,"","AMX",TIUOBNM,"D^C^B","I $P(^TIU(8925.1,+Y,0),U,4)=""O""","ERR") I TIUDA'=0 D OBCHG Q I TIUDA=0 D CREATE Q ; CREATE ; Creates the PATIENT ETHNICITY TIU Object ; N FDA,FDAIEN,MSG S FDA(8925.1,"+1,",.01)=TIUOBNM S FDA(8925.1,"+1,",.03)=TIUOBNM S FDA(8925.1,"+1,",.04)="O" S FDA(8925.1,"+1,",.05)=DUZ S FDA(8925.1,"+1,",.07)="11" S FDA(8925.1,"+1,",9)="S X=$$ETHNIC^TIULO(DFN)" S FDA(8925.1,"+1,",99)=$H ; D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA","FDAIEN","MSG") ; I $D(MSG) D Q . W !!,"TIU Object failed. The following error message was returned:",!! . S MSG="" F S MSG=$O(MSG("DIERR",1,"TEXT",MSG)) Q:MSG="" W MSG("DIERR",1,"TEXT",MSG),! ; W !!,"TIU Object created successfully" ; Q OBCHG ; Changes existing PATIENT ETHNICITY Object N DA,DIE,DR,X,TIUVAR ; Change Object Method S TIUVAR="S X=$$ETHNIC^TIULO(DFN)",DIE="^TIU(8925.1,",DR="9///^S X=TIUVAR",DA=TIUDA D ^DIE ; Q