TIUPS17 ; SLC/JER - Post-install for TIU*1*7 and TIU*1*51 ;1/12/99@11:33:48 ;;1.0;Text Integration Utilities;**7,51**;Jun 20, 1997 MAIN ; Control Subroutine N TIUDA,TIUCNT,XPDIDTOT S (TIUCNT,TIUDA)=0 ; If "ACL" cross-reference has already been built, then exit ; I +$$XRDONE Q ** RESTORE THIS AFTER TEST v3 ** K ^TIU(8925.1,"ACL") ; Remove the existing ACL x-ref D BMES^XPDUTL("BUILDING NEW ""ACL"" CROSS-REFERENCE ON FILE 8925.1") S XPDIDTOT=$P(^TIU(8925.1,0),U,4) D UPDATE^XPDID(0) F S TIUDA=$O(^TIU(8925.1,TIUDA)) Q:+TIUDA'>0 D . D XREF(TIUDA) S TIUCNT=+$G(TIUCNT)+1 . I '(TIUCNT#10) D UPDATE^XPDID(TIUCNT) Q XREF(DA) ; Call EN1^DIK to build "ACL" cross-reference on ^TIU(8925.1, N DIK S DIK="^TIU(8925.1,",DIK(1)=".01^ACL" D EN1^DIK Q XRDONE() ; Determine whether last entry in 8925.1 has been x-refed N TIULNM,TIUY S TIULNM="",TIUY=0 S TIULNM=$O(^TIU(8925.1,"ACL",38,TIULNM),-1) I TIULNM]"WARN" S TIUY=1 Q TIUY