TIUPXAP3 ;SLC/RMO - Link Document to Visit API ;10/24/03@1000 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**179**;Jun 20, 1997 ; LNKVST(TIUDA,TIUVSIT) ;Entry point to link a document to an existing visit ; Input -- TIUDA TIU Document file (#8925) IEN ; Output -- 1=Successful and 0=Failure ; TIUVSIT Visit file (#9000010) IEN N OKF,TIUMVSTF ; ;Check if document needs to be linked to a visit I $D(^TIU(8925,TIUDA,0)),$P(^(0),U,3)'>0 D . ;Get existing visit to associate with document . D GETVST(TIUDA,.TIUVSIT,.TIUMVSTF) . ;If only one visit update the document with the visit . I $G(TIUVSIT)>0,'$G(TIUMVSTF) D . . I $$UPDVST^TIUPXAP2(TIUDA,TIUVSIT) S OKF=1 Q +$G(OKF) ; GETVST(TIUDA,TIUVSIT,TIUMVSTF) ;Get visit to associate with document ; Input -- TIUDA TIU Document file (#8925) IEN ; Output -- TIUVSIT Visit file (#9000010) IEN ; TIUMVSTF Multiple Visit Flag ; 1=Multiple Visits ; N TIUD0,TIUDFN,TIUEDT,TIUHL,TIUVSITS,TIUVSTR ; ;Set variables S TIUD0=$G(^TIU(8925,TIUDA,0)) S TIUDFN=$P(TIUD0,U,2),TIUEDT=$P(TIUD0,U,7) S TIUHL=$P($G(^TIU(8925,TIUDA,12)),U,11) S TIUVSTR=TIUHL_";"_TIUEDT_";"_$P(TIUD0,U,13) ; ;Check if document is an addendum, if it is use visit of parent I +$$ISADDNDM^TIULC1(TIUDA) D G GETVSTQ . I $D(^TIU(8925,+$P(TIUD0,U,6),0)),$P(^(0),U,3)>0 S TIUVSIT=$P(^(0),U,3) ; ;Check if a document has already been entered for the Vstring, ;if it has use the visit in the AVSTRV cross-reference I +$G(TIUVSTR),+$O(^TIU(8925,"AVSTRV",+TIUDFN,TIUVSTR,0))>0 D G GETVSTQ:$G(TIUVSIT)>0 . S TIUVSIT=+$O(^TIU(8925,"AVSTRV",+TIUDFN,TIUVSTR,0)) . I $P($G(^AUPNVSIT(+TIUVSIT,0)),U,5)'=TIUDFN S TIUVSIT="" ; ;Check PCE for a visit S TIUVSITS=$$GETENC^PXAPI(TIUDFN,TIUEDT,TIUHL) I TIUVSITS>0 S TIUVSIT=+TIUVSITS ; ;Set a flag if multiple visits I $P(TIUVSITS,U,2)'="" S TIUMVSTF=1 GETVSTQ K ^TMP("PXKENC",$J) Q