TIURE ; SLC/JER - Error handler actions ;3/30/05 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**3,21,81,131,113,184**;Jun 20, 1997 PRINT ; Print Buffer record associated w/unresolved filing error N TIUDA,TIUDATA,TIUI,DIROUT I '$D(VALMY) D EN^VALM2(XQORNOD(0)) S TIUI=0 F S TIUI=$O(VALMY(TIUI)) Q:+TIUI'>0 D Q:$D(DIROUT) . S TIUDATA=$G(^TMP("TIUERRIDX",$J,TIUI)) . S (TIUDA,TIUDA(TIUI))=+$P(TIUDATA,U,3) D RESTORE^TIULM(+$O(@VALMAR@("PICK",TIUI,0))) . I +TIUDA'>0!'$D(^TIU(8925.2,+TIUDA,0))!+$P(^TIU(8925.4,+$P(TIUDATA,U,2),0),U,6) W !!,"Item #",+TIUI," is already resolved." K TIUDA(TIUI) H 3 Q I $D(TIUDA)'<9 D . S ZTRTN="PRINT1^TIURE",ZTDESC="Print Report Buffer" . D CLEAR^VALM1,DEVICE^TIUPRDS . S TIUI=$$READ^TIUU("FOA","Press RETURN to continue...") K VALMY S VALMBCK="R" Q PRINT1 ; Print a single buffer record N DIC,TIUI,FLDS,FR,TO,L,BY,IOP S TIUI=0 F S TIUI=$O(TIUDA(TIUI)) Q:+TIUI'>0 D . S IOP=$S($D(ZTIO):ZTIO,$D(ION):ION,1:"") Q:IOP']"" . S DIC="^TIU(8925.2,",FLDS="[TIU PRINT REPORT BUFFER]",L=0 . S BY=.01,(FR,TO)=+$G(^TIU(8925.2,+TIUDA(TIUI),0)) . D EN1^DIP Q EDIT ; Edit Buffer record associated w/unresolved filing error N TIUDA,BUFDA,TIUDATA,TIUI,DIROUT,TIUDI I '$D(VALMY) D EN^VALM2(XQORNOD(0)) S TIUI=0 F S TIUI=$O(VALMY(TIUI)) Q:+TIUI'>0 D Q:$D(DIROUT) . N VALMY . S TIUDATA=$G(^TMP("TIUERRIDX",$J,TIUI)) . S BUFDA=+$P(TIUDATA,U,3) . W !!,"Resolving Event #",TIUI . S TIUDA=+$P(TIUDATA,U,2) . D EN^VALM("TIU DISPLAY FILING EVENT") . D RESTORE^TIULM(+$O(@VALMAR@("PICK",TIUI,0))) W !,"Refreshing the list." M TIUDI=^TMP("TIUERR",$J,"DIV") D BUILD^TIUELST($P(^TMP("TIUERR",$J,0),U,2),$P(^(0),U,3),TIUEDT,TIULDT,.TIUDI) K VALMY S:'$D(VALMBCK) VALMBCK="R" Q EDIT1 ; Single record edit ; Receives TIUDATA N DIC,ERRDA,ERRTYPE,RETRY,DWPK K XQAKILL D FULL^VALM1 I '$D(TIUPRM0)!'$D(TIUPRM1) D SETPARM^TIULE S ERRDA=+$P(TIUDATA,U,2),ERRTYPE=$P(^TIU(8925.4,+ERRDA,0),U,8) I +ERRTYPE=0 W !!,"Item #",+TIUDATA," was a successful filing event." H 3 Q I +ERRTYPE=1 D FILERR(ERRDA) I +ERRTYPE=2 D FLDERR(ERRDA) Q FILERR(ERRDA) ; Resolve filing errors N TIUI,INQUIRE,BUFDA,TIUTYPE,RESCODE,TIUDONE N TIUEVNT,TIUSKIP,ERR0,STATUS,PRFILERR ; Set TIUEVNT for PN resolve code: S TIUEVNT=+ERRDA S TIUI=0,ERR0=$G(^TIU(8925.4,TIUEVNT,0)),STATUS=$P(ERR0,U,6) I STATUS=1 W !,"Error has already been resolved.",! Q S BUFDA=+$P(ERR0,U,5) I +BUFDA'>0 Q I TIUEVNT D I +$G(TIUDONE)!$G(TIUSKIP) G FILEX . D WRITEHDR^TIUPEVNT(TIUEVNT) . S TIUTYPE=$P(ERR0,U,3) . I $L(TIUTYPE) S TIUTYPE=+$$WHATYPE^TIUPUTPN(TIUTYPE) . I TIUTYPE>0 S RESCODE=$$FIXCODE^TIULC1(+TIUTYPE) . ;E S RESCODE="D GETPAT^TIUCHLP" . I $G(RESCODE)]"" D Q . . W ! S INQUIRE=$$READ^TIUU("YO","Inquire to patient record","YES","^D INQRHELP^TIUPEVNT") . . I $D(DIRUT) S TIUSKIP=1 Q . . I +INQUIRE X RESCODE . W !!,"Filing error resolution code could not found for this document type.",!,"Please edit the buffered data directly and refile." W !!,"You may now edit the buffered upload data in an attempt to resolve error:",!,$P(ERR0,U,4),! I '$$READ^TIUU("EA","Press RETURN to continue and edit the buffer or '^' to exit: ") G FILEX S DIC="^TIU(8925.2,"_+BUFDA_",""TEXT"",",DWPK=1 D EN^DIWE S RETRY=$$READ^TIUU("YO","Now would you like to retry the filer","YES","^D FIL^TIUDIRH") I +RETRY D . S PRFILERR=1 ; Tell Patient Record Flag lookup to get flag link . D ALERTDEL^TIUPEVNT(+BUFDA),RESOLVE^TIUPEVNT(TIUEVNT) . K TIUDONE . D FILE^TIUUPLD(+BUFDA) . I '$G(TIUDONE) W !,"Old error marked resolved; new error created. New error may take several more",!,"seconds to file, and may not be within current date/time range.",! H 5 FILEX S VALMBCK="Q" ;TIU*1*81 resolving twice creates errors so don't permit. Q FLDERR(EVNTDA) ; Resolve field errors N DIE,DA,DR,ERRDESC,EVNTDA1,EVNTREC,TIUFIX,ERR0,STATUS S EVNTDA1=0 S ERR0=^TIU(8925.4,+EVNTDA,0),STATUS=$P(ERR0,U,6) I STATUS=1 W "Error has already been resolved",! Q ;TIU*1*81 S ERRDESC=$P(ERR0,U,4) W !!,"You may now enter the correct information:",! W !,ERRDESC F S EVNTDA1=$O(^TIU(8925.4,EVNTDA,1,EVNTDA1)) Q:+EVNTDA1'>0 D . S EVNTREC=$G(^TIU(8925.4,EVNTDA,1,EVNTDA1,0)) Q:+EVNTREC'>0 . S DIE=$P(EVNTREC,U),DA=$P(EVNTREC,U,2) . S DR=$P(EVNTREC,U,3)_"//"_$P(EVNTREC,U,4) . I $$FIXED^TIUPEVN1(DIE,+DA,+DR) Q ;P81 don't ask if already fixed; moved from TIUPEVNT . D ^DIE . ; P81 If missing field was just corrected, delete alert for that field: . S TIUFIX=$$FIXED^TIUPEVN1(DIE,+DA,+DR) ; TIU*1*81 moved from TIUPEVNT . I +TIUFIX=1 N XQAKILL,XQAID S XQAKILL=0,XQAID="TIUERR,"_+EVNTDA_","_+EVNTDA1 D DELETEA^XQALERT . ; If entry is a TIU Document, do Post-filing action and SEND^TIUALRT . I DIE="^TIU(8925," D . . N TIUPOST,TIUREC,DR,DIE . . S TIUPOST=$$POSTFILE^TIULC1(+$G(^TIU(8925,DA,0))) . . S TIUREC("#")=DA . . I TIUPOST]"" X TIUPOST I 1 . . D SEND^TIUALRT(DA) D FLDRSLV^TIUPEVN1(EVNTDA) ; TIU*1*81 moved from TIUPEVNT Q