TIUSROI1 ; SLC/JER - Reassign actions ; 04/19/2004 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**112,187,173**;Jun 20, 1997 Q FROMTO(TIUODA,TIUDA,TIUTNM) ; Display the from/to information N TIUF,TIUF12,TIUT,TIUT12,TIUFEDT,TIUFLDT,TIUTEDT,TIUTLDT D GETTIU^TIULD(.TIUF,+TIUODA) D GETTIU^TIULD(.TIUT,+TIUDA) S TIUFEDT=$$DATE^TIULS($P(TIUF("EDT"),U),"MM/DD/YY HR:MIN") S TIUFLDT=$$DATE^TIULS($P(TIUF("LDT"),U),"MM/DD/YY HR:MIN") S TIUTEDT=$$DATE^TIULS($P(TIUT("EDT"),U),"MM/DD/YY HR:MIN") S TIUTLDT=$$DATE^TIULS($P(TIUT("LDT"),U),"MM/DD/YY HR:MIN") S TIUF12=$G(^TIU(8925,TIUODA,12)),TIUT12=$G(^TIU(8925,TIUDA,12)) W !!,"You are about to move the ",TIUTNM," as follows:",! W !,?5,"From",?45,"To",! W !,$P(TIUF("DOCTYP"),U,2),?35," --> ",?40,$P(TIUT("DOCTYP"),U,2) W !,TIUF("PNM")," ",TIUF("PID"),?35," --> ",?40,TIUT("PNM")," ",TIUT("PID") W !,TIUFEDT,$S(+TIUFLDT:" - "_TIUFLDT,1:""),?35," --> " W ?40,TIUTEDT,$S(+TIUTLDT:" - "_TIUTLDT,1:""),! W !," Surgeon: ",$$PERSNAME^TIULC1(+$P(TIUF12,U,2)),?35," --> " W ?40,$$PERSNAME^TIULC1(+$P(TIUF12,U,2)) W !," Attending: ",$$PERSNAME^TIULC1(+$P(TIUF12,U,9)),?35," --> " W ?40,$$PERSNAME^TIULC1(+$P(TIUT12,U,9)) W !,"Surg. Case #: ",+$P($G(^TIU(8925,TIUODA,14)),U,5),?35," --> " W ?40,+$P($G(^TIU(8925,TIUDA,14)),U,5),! Q +$$READ^TIUU("YA"," ... Ok? ","NO") ANES(TIUDA) ; Roll back ANESTHESIA REPORT when TIU changes require it N SRODA S SRODA=+$P($G(^TIU(8925,TIUDA,14)),U,5) Q:+SRODA'>0 D ANES^SROTIUD(SRODA) Q NURS(TIUDA) ; Roll back NURSE INTRAOPERATIVE REPORT when TIU changes require it N SRODA S SRODA=+$P($G(^TIU(8925,TIUDA,14)),U,5) Q:+SRODA'>0 D NURS^SROTIUD(SRODA) Q RETRACT(TIUDA) ; N CNT,TITLE,TIUACT,TIUDATA S TIUDATA="ANESTHESIA REPORTS^NURSE INTRAOPERATIVE REPORTS^OPERATION REPORTS^PROCEDURE REPORT (NON-O.R.)" F CNT=1:1:$L(TIUDATA,U) S TITLE=$P(TIUDATA,U,CNT) I $$BELONGS^TIULX(TIUDA,$$FIND1^DIC(8925.1,"","BX",TITLE)) D . S TIUACT=$S(CNT=1:"ANES^TIUSROI1(TIUDA)",CNT=2:"NURS^TIUSROI1(TIUDA)",CNT=3:"RBOR^TIUSROI(TIUDA)",CNT=4:"RBPR^TIUSROI(TIUDA)",1:"QUIT") . I TIUACT="QUIT" Q . D @TIUACT Q CHANGE(TIUDA) ; Redirect the TIU Document to a different Surgical Case N DFN,SROVP,TIUD0,TIUD14,TIUNDA,TIUACT S TIUD0=$G(^TIU(8925,TIUDA,0)),TIUD14=$G(^(14)),SROVP=$P(TIUD14,U,5) S DFN=$P(TIUD0,U,2) Q:+DFN'>0 ; choose destination case W ! S SROVP=$$GETCASE^TIUSROI(DFN) ; if no case is selected, quit I +SROVP'>0 D Q . W !!,$C(7),"Okay, no harm done...",! . W:$$READ^TIUU("EA","Press RETURN to continue...") "" ; if target case is same as current, quit I +SROVP=+$P(TIUD14,U,5) D Q . W !!,$C(7),"You've selected the original case. No changes made.",! . W:$$READ^TIUU("EA","Press RETURN to continue...") "" ; Get the document for the target surgical case S TIUNDA=$$TARGET(SROVP) ; if target document is of a different type than source, quit I $$TYPE(TIUNDA)'=$$TYPE(TIUDA) D Q . W !!,$C(7),"Incompatible document type. No changes made.",! . W:$$READ^TIUU("EA","Press RETURN to continue...") "" ; if target case has empty report, replace S TIUTYP=+TIUD0 S TIUTNM=$$PNAME^TIULC1(TIUTYP) I '$$FROMTO^TIUSROI1(TIUDA,TIUNDA,TIUTNM) D Q . W !!,"Aborting Transaction, No Harm Done...",! . I $$READ^TIUU("EA","Press RETURN to continue...") ; pause I +$$EMPTYDOC^TIULF(TIUNDA) D Q . W !!,"Moving document ",TIUDA," to Surgical Case #",+SROVP,"...",! . I '+$$READ^TIUU("YA","Are you sure? ","NO") Q . D REPLACE(TIUDA,TIUNDA) ; else, ask whether to swap or replace S TIUACT=$$ASKACT($$TITLE(TIUNDA)) I $P(TIUACT,U)="E"!($P(TIUACT,U)="") D Q . W !!,"Great. No harm done.",! . W:$$READ^TIUU("EA","Press RETURN to continue...") "" I $P(TIUACT,U)="R" D Q . W !!,"Replacing ",$$TITLE(TIUNDA)," on Surgical Case #",+SROVP,"...",! . I '+$$READ^TIUU("YA","Are you sure? ","NO") Q . D REPLACE(TIUDA,TIUNDA) I $P(TIUACT,U)="S" D . W !!,"Swapping with ",$$TITLE(TIUNDA)," on Surgical Case #",+SROVP,"...",! . I '+$$READ^TIUU("YA","Are you sure? ","NO") Q . D SWAP(TIUDA,TIUNDA) Q ASKACT(TITLE) ; ask user to choose replace or swap N TIUY,TIUSET S TIUY="" W !!,"Please choose the appropriate action for this "_TITLE_":" S TIUSET="R:replace target document with this document" S TIUSET=TIUSET_";S:swap target document with this document" S TIUSET=TIUSET_";E:exit and do nothing" S TIUY=$$READ^TIUU("S^"_TIUSET,"Select Action","exit") Q TIUY TITLE(TIUDA) ; resolve title of document Q $P($G(^TIU(8925.1,+$G(^TIU(8925,TIUDA,0)),0)),U) TYPE(TIUDA) ; identifies type of document (i.e., Op Report or Proc Report) N TIUY,TIUCOR,TIUCPR S TIUY="" S TIUCOR=+$$CLASS^TIUSROI("OPERATION REPORTS") S TIUCPR=+$$CLASS^TIUSROI("PROCEDURE REPORT (NON-O.R.)") I +$$ISA^TIULX(+$G(^TIU(8925,TIUDA,0)),TIUCOR) S TIUY="OS" I 1 E I +$$ISA^TIULX(+$G(^TIU(8925,TIUDA,0)),TIUCPR) S TIUY="PR" Q TIUY TARGET(TIUCASE) ; Get report ien for case N TIUI,TIUNDA,TIUCOR,TIUCPR S (TIUI,TIUNDA)=0 S TIUCOR=+$$CLASS^TIUSROI("OPERATION REPORTS") S TIUCPR=+$$CLASS^TIUSROI("PROCEDURE REPORT (NON-O.R.)") F S TIUI=$O(^TIU(8925,"G",TIUCASE,TIUI)) Q:+TIUI'>0 D Q:+TIUNDA . I $P($G(^TIU(8925,TIUI,0)),U,5)=15 Q . I +$$ISA^TIULX(+$G(^TIU(8925,TIUI,0)),TIUCOR) S TIUNDA=TIUI Q . I +$$ISA^TIULX(+$G(^TIU(8925,TIUI,0)),TIUCPR) S TIUNDA=TIUI Q TIUNDA REPLACE(TIUDA1,TIUDA2) ; Replace TIUDA2 with TIUDA1 N SRODA1,SRODA2,TIUD01,TIUD02,TIUD141,TIUD142,TIUTYPE,TIUNODEL S TIUD01=$G(^TIU(8925,TIUDA1,0)),TIUD02=$G(^TIU(8925,TIUDA2,0)) I +TIUD01'=+TIUD02 D Q . W !!,$C(7),"The two documents are of different types. No changes made.",! . W:$$READ^TIUU("EA","Press RETURN to continue...") "" S TIUD141=$G(^TIU(8925,TIUDA1,14)),SRODA1=+$P(TIUD141,U,5) S TIUD142=$G(^TIU(8925,TIUDA2,14)),SRODA2=+$P(TIUD142,U,5) ; 1. Swap comments for TIUDA1 and TIUDA2 D SWAPCOMM(TIUDA1,TIUDA2) ; 2. Redirect TIUDA1 to TIUDA2's surgical case D RDTIU(TIUDA1,SRODA2) ; 3. Redirect TIUDA2's surgical case to TIUDA1 D RDSURG(SRODA2,TIUDA1) ; 4. Delete or Retract TIUDA2 I +$P(TIUD02,U,5)<6 D DIK^TIURB2(TIUDA2,1) I 1 E S TIUNODEL=1,TIUDA2=$$RETRACT^TIURD2(TIUDA2,"",14) ; 5. Rollback SRODA1 (create new stub) S TIUTYPE=$$TYPE(TIUDA1) I TIUTYPE="OS" D OS^SROTIUD(SRODA1) I 1 E I TIUTYPE="PR" D NON^SROTIUD(SRODA1) Q SWAP(TIUDA1,TIUDA2) ; Swap TIUDA1 with TIUDA2 N SRODA1,SRODA2,TIUD01,TIUD02,TIUD141,TIUD142 S TIUD01=$G(^TIU(8925,TIUDA1,0)),TIUD02=$G(^TIU(8925,TIUDA2,0)) I +TIUD01'=+TIUD02 D Q . W !!,$C(7),"The two documents are of different types. No changes made.",! . W:$$READ^TIUU("EA","Press RETURN to continue...") "" S TIUD141=$G(^TIU(8925,TIUDA1,14)),SRODA1=+$P(TIUD141,U,5) S TIUD142=$G(^TIU(8925,TIUDA2,14)),SRODA2=+$P(TIUD142,U,5) ; 1. Redirect TIUDA1 to TIUDA2's surgical case D RDTIU(TIUDA1,SRODA2) ; 2. Redirect TIUDA2 to TIUDA1's surgical case D RDTIU(TIUDA2,SRODA1) ; 3. Redirect TIUDA1's surgical case to TIUDA2 D RDSURG(SRODA1,TIUDA2) ; 4. Redirect TIUDA2's surgical case to TIUDA1 D RDSURG(SRODA2,TIUDA1) ; 5. Swap comments for TIUDA1 and TIUDA2 D SWAPCOMM(TIUDA1,TIUDA2) Q RDSURG(SRODA,TIUDA) ; Redirect surgical case to new document N DA,DIE,DR,TIUTYP S TIUTYP=$$TYPE(TIUDA) Q:TIUTYP']"" S DIE=130,DA=SRODA,DR=$S(TIUTYP="OS":1000,TIUTYP="PR":1002,1:"") S DR=DR_"////^S X=TIUDA" D ^DIE Q RDTIU(TIUDA,SRODA) ; Redirect document to new surgical case N DA,DIE,DR,SROVP S SROVP=SRODA_";SRF(" S DIE=8925,DA=TIUDA,DR="1405////^S X=SROVP" D ^DIE Q SWAPCOMM(TIUDA1,TIUDA2) ; Swap the comments field for two TIU Documents N DA,DIE,DR,COMM1,COMM2 S COMM1=$G(^TIU(8925,TIUDA1,17)),COMM2=$G(^TIU(8925,TIUDA2,17)) S DA=TIUDA1,DIE=8925,DR="1701////^S X=COMM2" D ^DIE S DA=TIUDA2,DIE=8925,DR="1701////^S X=COMM1" D ^DIE Q