XDRDOC ;IHS/OHPRD/JCM - DOCUMENTATION OF KERNEL ROUTINES ;09/13/93 08:39 ;;7.3;TOOLKIT;;Apr 25, 1995 ; XDRDADD ; ADDS POTENTIAL DUPLICATE RECORDS TO DUPLICATE RECORD FILE ; ; Input Variables: XDRCD,XDRCD2,XDRFL,XDRGL,XDRDSCOR(,XDRDTEST( ; ; Called by: XDRDUP ; ; Calls: FILE^DICN,DIE,EN^XDRMAIN ; XDRDADJ ; ADJUSTS DUPLICATE RECORD FILE UPON MERGE OF A PATIENT ; ; This routine is executed by a MUMPS xref on the MERGE STATUS field ; of the DUPLICATE RECORD file only when the status is set to MERGED. ; This routine checks for entries in the file that are affected by ; the merging of this entry, and adjusts their .01 and .02 fields ; accordingly. The problem being addressed is: ; ; 1 to 5 If 5 to 10 merged first 1 to 10 ; 5 to 10 then other entries would 5 to 10 ; 5 to 20 be adjusted as follows: 10 to 20 ; ; Or, if both 1 to 5 and 1 to 10 existed at the time of the ; merge, the 1 to 5 entry would be deleted. ; ; The STATUS field (.03) is re-indexed because it sets xrefs based ; on the values in the .01 and .02 fields. TRIGGERs are not fired ; for the .01, .02, or .03 fields. ; ; Entries previously resolved are ignored. ; ; Called by: Cross Reference on Merge Status field of ; Duplicate Record File entry ; ; Calls: EN^XDRDUP,DIK ; XDRDCOMP ; COMPARE TWO PATIENTS VIA THE DUP CHECKER ALGORITHM ; ; Input variables: XDRFL ; ; Calls: %ZIS,%ZTLOAD,DIC,DR,EN^DITC,FILE^XDRDQUE,XDRDSCOR,XDRDUP ; XDRDLIST ; PRINT POTENTIAL AND VERIFIED DUPLICATES ; ; This routine is the main driver for reports dealing with the ; duplicate record file. It will print listings of Potential ; duplicates, ready and not ready to merge verified duplicates. ; ; Input variables: XDRFL ; ; Calls: EN1^DIP,DIR,FILE^XDRDQUE ; XDRDMAIN ; MAIN DRIVER FOR DUPLICATE CHECKING SOFTWARE ; ; Input Variables: XDRFL - File number of File to be Checked ; XDRDPDTI - Defined if Potential Threshold Increased ; and Previous search completed ; XDRDTYPE - Type of search to run ; ; Calls: NOW^%DTC,DIE,DIK,XDRDPDTI,XDRDUP,XDREMSG,XDRMAINI ; ; We will pass the variable XDRCD for them to then get the candidates ; Expect the routine to send back the possibles in ; ^TMP("XDRD",$J,XDRFL,DFN ; ; There is a basic assumption in the limiting of which records are ; checked. It is assumed that if Record 1 gathers Record 2 as a ; candidate for duplicate checking that Record 2 will in turn ; gather Record 1 as a candidate for duplicate checking. ; ; It was decided that if a record is being checked again outside of ; the BASIC search type any entries in the Duplicate Record file ; other than merged entries will be deleted and then the pair ; rechecked. ; XDRDPDTI ; CHECKS POTENTIAL DUPLICATES IF THRESHOLD RAISED ; ; This routine is called by XDRDMAIN when the Potential Duplicate ; threshold has been increased from a previous value. This routine ; $O's through the "APOT" cross reference on the Duplicate Record file ; and deletes all entries in the Duplicate Record file that had a DC ; Dupe Match Score that did not meet the new Potential Duplicate ; Threshold value. It also updates the DC Potential Dupe Threshold %. ; It should be noted that if a person changes the weights of the ; Duplicate Tests, they should delete all Non-Verified Potential ; Duplicates and rerun the Duplicate Resolution search. ; ; Input Variables: XDRGL,XDRFL,XDRDSCOR( ; ; Called by: XDRDMAIN ; ; Calls: DIE,DIK ; XDRDPRGE ; PURGE DUPLICATE RECORD FILE ; ; This routine is used to purge the Duplicate Record file of either ; Potential Duplicates, Verified Non-Duplicates, or both. ; Verified Duplicates cannot be purged until Fileman institutes ; some sort of archival or merged node. ; ; Input Variable: XDRFL ; ; Calls: %ZTLOAD,DIC,DIR,DIK ;