XDREMSG ;SF-IRMFO/IHS/OHPRD/JCM - ERROR MESSAGE PROCESSOR ;12/2/96 12:58 ;;7.3;TOOLKIT;**23**;Apr 25, 1995 ;; START ; S XDRQFLG=1 S XDREMSG=$P($T(ERRTXT+XDRERR),";; ",2) S ^XTMP("XDRERR",XDRFL)=XDREMSG I '$D(ZTQUEUED) W !,XDREMSG,! E D BULL END D EOJ Q ; BULL ; G:'$D(XDRD("DMAILGRP")) BULLX F XDRI=0:0 S XDRI=$O(XDRD("DMAILGRP",XDRI)) Q:'XDRI S XMY(XDRI)="" K XDRI S XMB="XDR ERROR" S:$D(XDRFL) XMB(1)=$P(^DIC(XDRFL,0),U) S:$D(XDRMRG("FR")) XMB(2)=XDRMRG("FR") S:$D(XDRMRG("TO")) XMB(3)=XDRMRG("TO") I $D(XDRGL),$D(XDRMRG("FR")),$D(@(XDRGL_XDRMRG("FR")_",0)")) S XMB(4)=$P(@(XDRGL_XDRMRG("FR")_",0)"),U) I $D(XDRGL),$D(XDRMRG("TO")),$D(@(XDRGL_XDRMRG("TO")_",0)")) S XMB(5)=$P(@(XDRGL_XDRMRG("TO")_",0)"),U) S XMB(6)=XDREMSG,XMDUZ=.5 D ^XMB K XMB,XMDUZ BULLX Q ; EOJ ; K XMB,XDREMSG,XDRERR Q ERRTXT ;; ;; The Candidate Collection Routine is Undefined ;; The Candidate Collection Routine is not present ;; The Potential Duplicate Threshold is Undefined ;; There are no Duplicate Tests entered for this Duplicate Resolution entry ;; The Global root node in DIC is undefined ;; No entry in Duplicate Resolution file for this file ;; The From and To Record are undefined ;; The test routine is not present ;; The routine defined as the Pre-Merge routine is not present ;; The routine defined as the Post-Merge routine is not present ;; The routine defined as the Verified Msg routine is not present ;; The routine defined as the Merged Msg routine is not present ;; You can not have a 'Non-Interactive' merge style with entries in the Dinum Files multiple ;; The file for checking duplicates is not defined (XDRFL) ;; The entry for checking duplicates is not defined (XDRCD) ;; The routine defined as the Merge Direction input transform routine is not present ;; The NEW x-ref has not been entered for this Duplicate Resolution entry