XDRMERGC ;SF-CIOFO/JDS - CHECK MERGE ;06/02/99 09:10 ;;7.3;TOOLKIT;**40**;Jun 1, 1999 ; Q CHKFROM(FROM,FILE) ; ; ; The following code is used to identify any pairs which have a same internal number in them and to ; exclude any after the first occurence of the internal number from the current merge ; the first occurrence is that based on the lowest ien for the FROM entry and the lowest ien for a ; TO entry associated with it. Any other pairs involving either of these iens is then excluded. ; ; The XDRBROWSER1 device is used to capture any output generated due to exclusion of pairs and is ; then sent as a mail message. ; N FRA,TOA,FR,TO S IOP="XDRBROWSER1" D ^%ZIS U IO F FRA=0:0 S FRA=$O(@FROM@(FRA)) Q:FRA'>0 D . S TOA=$O(@FROM@(FRA,0)) . F FR=FRA,TOA F TO=0:0 S TO=$O(@FROM@(FR,TO)) Q:TO="" I FR'=FRA!(TO'=TOA) D EXCLUDE(FILE,FROM,FR,TO,FR,(TO=FRA)) . F FR=0:0 S FR=$O(@FROM@(FR)) Q:FR'>0 D:$D(@FROM@(FR,FRA)) EXCLUDE(FILE,FROM,FR,FRA,FRA,1) I FR'=FRA D:$D(@FROM@(FR,TOA)) EXCLUDE(FILE,FROM,FR,TOA,TOA,0) D ^%ZISC K ^TMP("DDB",$J,1) I $D(^TMP("DDB",$J)) D SENDMESG^XDRDVAL1("PAIRS EXCLUDED FROM MERGE DUE TO MULTIPLE REFERENCES","^TMP(""DDB"",$J,") Q ; EXCLUDE(FILE,FROM,FR,TO,WHICH,FROMREF) ; N VREF,VFR,VTO S VREF="" S VFR=$O(@FROM@(FR,TO,"")) I VFR="" S VFR=0,VREF=@FROM@(FR,TO) S VTO=$O(@FROM@(FR,TO,VFR,"")) S:VTO="" VTO=0 I VTO>0 S VREF=@FROM@(FR,TO,VFR,VTO) D RMOVPAIR^XDRDVAL1(FR,TO,VREF,FROM) D PAIRID^XDRDVAL1(FILE,FR,TO,VREF) W !," Excluded as a multiple pair including ien=",WHICH,! I FROMREF>0,VREF>0 D RESET^XDRDPICK(VREF) Q ;