XPAREDT1 ;SLC/KCM - Supporting Calls - Entities;12:16 AM 13 May 1998 ;;7.3;TOOLKIT;**26**;Apr 25, 1995 ; BLDLST ; ...continued from BLDLST^XPAREDIT(LST,PAR) ; Build list of entities allowed for this parameter ; # is precedence, 'fixed' is VP to implied instance (i.e., SYS, PKG) ; .LST(#)=file number^message^order^prefix^fixed^lookup info ; ("M", message) = # ; ("P", prefix) = # ; PAR=ien^name N IEN,SEQ,FN,X K LST ; make sure LST is empty initially S SEQ=0,LST=0 F S SEQ=$O(^XTV(8989.51,+PAR,30,"B",SEQ)) Q:'SEQ S IEN=$O(^(SEQ,0)) D . S FN=$P(^XTV(8989.51,+PAR,30,IEN,0),"^",2) I FN=9.4,(DUZ(0)'["@") Q . S X=^XTV(8989.518,FN,0),X=FN_U_$P(X,U,3)_U_U_$P(X,U,2) . S LST=LST+1,LST(SEQ)=X . S LST("M",$$UPPER($P(X,U,2)))=SEQ . S LST("P",$P(X,U,4))=SEQ . ; find IEN's where only one entity instance is possible . I FN=9.4 D ; find package to which this parameter belongs . . N PRN,PRE . . S PRN=$P($G(^XTV(8989.51,+PAR,0)),"^",1) Q:'$L(PRN) . . S PRE=PRN F S PRE=$O(^DIC(9.4,"C",PRE),-1) Q:'$L(PRE) Q:(PRE=$E(PRN,1,$L(PRE))) I '($E(PRE,1)=$E(PRN,1)) S PRE="" Q . . Q:'$L(PRE) . . S X=$O(^DIC(9.4,"C",PRE,0)) . . S $P(LST(SEQ),U,5)=X_";DIC(9.4," . . S $P(LST(SEQ),U,6)=$P(^DIC(9.4,X,0),"^",1) . I FN=4.2 D ; find domain for this system . . S X=$$KSP^XUPARAM("WHERE") . . S $P(LST(SEQ),U,5)=$$FIND1^DIC(4.2,"","QX",X)_";DIC(4.2," . . S $P(LST(SEQ),U,6)=X . I FN=4 D ; find division if this site not multi-divisional . . S X=$$KSP^XUPARAM("INST") . . I $$GET1^DIQ(4,X_",",5,"I")'="Y" D . . . S $P(LST(SEQ),U,5)=X_";DIC(4," . . . S $P(LST(SEQ),U,6)=$$GET1^DIQ(4,X_",",.01) . I '$L($P(LST(SEQ),U,5)) D ; otherwise... . . N XPARY,XPARFN S XPARFN=FN N FN . . D FILE^DID(XPARFN,"","NAME","XPARY") . . S $P(LST(SEQ),U,6)=$G(XPARY("NAME")) Q GETCLS ; ...continued from GETCLS^XPAREDIT(X,PAR,LST) ; Choose the class of entity ; optionally, lookup entity using variable pointer syntax (PRE.NAME) ; .X=returns seq # or entity in VP format ; PAR=ien^name for parameter ; .LST=list from which the entity is selected N TMP,DONE D SHWCLS S DONE=0 F D Q:DONE . W !,"Enter selection: " R X:DTIME S:'$T X="^" S X=$$UPPER(X) . I '$L(X)!(X="^")!(X="^^") S ENT="",DONE=1 Q . I $E(X)="?" D HLPCLS I $E(X,1,2)="??" D SHWCLS ; help requested . I X=" " S X=$G(^DISV(DUZ,"XPAR01",+PAR)) Q:'X ; spacebar recall . I +X,$D(LST(X)) S DONE=1 Q ; # -> seq # . I $D(LST("P",X)) S X=LST("P",X),DONE=1 Q ; PRE -> seq # . I $D(LST("M",X)) S X=LST("M",X),DONE=1 Q ; NAME -> seq # . S TMP=$O(LST("M",X)) . I $E(TMP,1,$L(X))=X S X=LST("M",TMP),DONE=1 Q ; PARTIAL -> seq # . I $L(X,".")>1,$D(LST("P",$P(X,".",1))) D Q:DONE ; if VP syntax . . S TMP=$P(X,".",2) . . D LOOKUP^XPAREDIT(.TMP,+LST(LST("P",$P(X,".",1)))) ; silent lookup . . I $L(TMP) S X=TMP,DONE=1 ; PRE.NAME -> VP . W " ??" D HLPCLS ; invalid entry I +X D . W " ",$P(LST(X),U,2)," ",$P(LST(X),U,6) ; echo selection . I +LST(X)=9.4 D . . W !!,"Parameters set for 'Package' may be replaced if " . . W $P(LST(X),U,6),!,"is installed in this account." . S ^DISV(DUZ,"XPAR01",+PAR)=X Q SHWCLS ; procedure used only by GETCLS ; show entity classes appropriate for this parameter N I,X W !!,$P(PAR,"^",2)," may be set for the following:",!! S I=0 F S I=$O(LST(I)) Q:'I S X=LST(I) D . W ?5,I,?9,$P(X,"^",2),?23,$P(X,U,4),?30 . I $L($P(X,U,5)) W "["_$P(X,U,6)_"]",! . I '$L($P(X,U,5)) W "[choose from "_$P(X,U,6)_"]",! Q HLPCLS ; procedure used only by GETCLS ; display help for entity class selection W !,"Enter the number, name, or abbreviation of the selection." W !,"You may also use variable pointer syntax (Example: LOC.WEST2)." Q UPPER(X) ; function - convert lower to upper case Q $TR(X,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")