IBQYPT ;ALB/CPM - POST-INITIALIZATION FOR PATCH IBQ*1*1 ; 04-DEC-95 ;;1.0;UTILIZATION MGMT ROLLUP LOCAL;**1**;Oct 01, 1995 ; ; EN ; Patch IBQ*1*1 post-initialization. ; D RECNVT ; re-convert HR Acute Care Discharge Date to CT entries D COMP ; post completed-installation message Q ; ; RECNVT ; Perform re-conversion. ; W !!,">>> Re-converting data from file #356.1 to #356..." ; D DEL ; delete previous values from file #356 D UPD ; re-run the #356.1 -> #356 conversion ; Q ; ; DEL ; Delete data previously converted to file #356. ; W !," >> Deleting data previously converted to file #356..." ; S IBD=0 F S IBD=$O(^IBT(356,"ADIS",IBD)) Q:'IBD D .S IBT=0 F S IBT=$O(^IBT(356,"ADIS",IBD,IBT)) Q:'IBT D ..S DIE="^IBT(356,",DA=IBT,DR="1.09////@" D ^DIE K DA,DIE,DR ; W " done." K IBD,IBT Q ; UPD ; Re-run the conversion of data from file #356.1 to file #356. ; W !," >> Re-running the conversion of data from file #356.1 to #356..." ; S IBTRV=0 F S IBTRV=$O(^IBT(356.1,IBTRV)) Q:'IBTRV D .; .; - find the Acute Care Discharge Date .S IBQACDD=$P($G(^IBT(356.1,IBTRV,1)),"^",17) .Q:'IBQACDD .; .; - find the corresponding Claims Tracking entry .S IBTRN=$P($G(^IBT(356.1,IBTRV,0)),"^",2) .Q:'IBTRN Q:'$G(^IBT(356,IBTRN,0)) .; .; - update field #1.09 in file #356 .S DIE="^IBT(356,",DA=IBTRN,DR="1.09////"_IBQACDD D ^DIE ; W " done." K DA,DR,DIE,IBQACDD,IBTRN,IBTRV Q ; ; COMP ; Post installation completion message. ; D NOW^%DTC S IBQEDT=$H W !!,">>> Initialization Complete at " S Y=% D DT^DIQ I $D(IBQBDT) D .S IBQDAY=+IBQEDT-(+IBQBDT)*86400 ;additional seconds of over midnight .S X=IBQDAY+$P(IBQEDT,",",2)-$P(IBQBDT,",",2) .W !," Elapsed time for initialization was: ",X\3600," Hours, ",X\60-(X\3600*60)," Minutes, ",X#60," Seconds" ; W !!," *** You may now roll up your QM data for transmission ***" W !," Please note that you must roll up and transmit your data again if" W !," you had done so prior to installing this patch." ; K IBQBDT,IBQEDT,IBQDAY Q