DDMPSM1 ;SFISC/DPC-IMPORT SCREENMAN CALLS (CONT) ;9/20/96 11:28 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. HOSTHELP ;Called from HELP on the Host File prompt. N DDMPPATH S DDMPPATH=$$GET^DDSVALF("PTH",1,1) K ^TMP($J,"DDMPHOST") D GETHOSTS(DDMPPATH,$NA(^TMP($J,"DDMPHF"))) S ^TMP($J,"DDMPHOST",1)="Enter the name of the host file that contains the data to be imported." I $D(^TMP($J,"DDMPHF")) D . S ^TMP($J,"DDMPHOST",2)="" . S ^TMP($J,"DDMPHOST",3)="These are the files in the "_DDMPPATH_" directory:" . N DDMPHFNM,I S DDMPHFNM="" . F I=4:1 S DDMPHFNM=$O(^TMP($J,"DDMPHF",DDMPHFNM)) Q:DDMPHFNM="" S ^TMP($J,"DDMPHOST",I)=DDMPHFNM S:I#2 ^(I,"F")="?40" . D EN^DDIOL("","^TMP($J,""DDMPHOST"")") K ^TMP($J,"DDMPHF"),^TMP($J,"DDMPHOST") Q ; GETHOSTS(DDMPPATH,DDMPHFAR) ; ;Obtains list of all host files in a specified directory. ;Input: ;DDMPPATH - Directory name w/ full path. ;DDMPHFAR - Target array for output from $$LIST^%ZISH call. N DDMPHF I DDMPPATH="" Q S DDMPHF("*.*")="" K @DDMPHFAR I $$LIST^%ZISH(DDMPPATH,"DDMPHF",DDMPHFAR) Q PAGE2 ; ;Call from page 2 pre-action. I $D(DDMPFRP4) K DDMPFRP4 Q I $G(DDMPF)="" D Q . S DDSBR="F_SEL^1^1" . D HLP^DDSUTL($C(7)_"You must choose a file before you can go to the Field Selection page.") S DDMPCF=$G(DDMPCF,DDMPF) D UNED^DDSUTL("LEN",1,2,$S($G(DDMPSMFF("FIXED"))="YES":0,1:1)) I $G(DDMPSMFF("FIXED"))="YES",DDMPFDCT,'$D(DDMPFDSL("LN")) D . N DDMPHLP . S DDSBR="FLD_DEL" . S DDMPHLP(1)=$C(7) . S DDMPHLP(2)="You have specified a fixed length format for imported data." . S DDMPHLP(3)="However, you have not entered field lengths for fields you have chosen." . S DDMPHLP(4)="So, you must either delete all the fields entered so far" . S DDMPHLP(5)="or change the format to one that is not fixed length." . D HLP^DDSUTL(.DDMPHLP) Q ; LENCHK ; ;Called from the post action on change field of the Length: prompt pop-up page. I X="L" D . S DDSBR="LEN^1^2" E D . D DELFLD^DDMPSM . S DDSBR="FLD^1^2" . D PUT^DDSVALF("FLD",1,2,"") D PUT^DDSVALF(2,1,4,"") Q