DDMPU ;SFISC/DPC-IMPORT USER INTERFACE, TEMPLATE CREATE ;9/12/96 17:07 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. EN ;Entry point for Import Data option. D CLEAN^DIEFU N DIQUIET,DIFM S (DIQUIET,DIFM)=1 N DA N DDMPHOST,DDMPSELF,DDMPFLAG,DDMPDR,DDSSAVE,DDMPSMFF,DDMPHOST,DDMPIORE,DDMPFDSL,DDMPTMPL D Q:'$G(DDSSAVE) . N DDSPARM,DDSFILE,DR . N DDMPF,DDMPCF,DDMPCPNM,DDMPCPTH,DDMPFCAP,DDMPFDCT,DDMPFDNM,DDMPFLNM,DDMPOSET,DDMPX,DDMPFRP4,DDMPOLDF . S DDSFILE=.46,DR="[DDMP SPECIFY IMPORT]",DDSPARM="S" D ^DDS W @IOF I '$D(DDMPSELF) S DDMPFLAG="F" I $G(DDMPIORE)="E" S DDMPFLAG=$G(DDMPFLAG)_"E" I '($G(DDMPTMPL)]""),$D(DDMPSELF) D . N DIR,DIRUT,Y . S DIR(0)="Y" . S DIR("A")="Do you want to store the selected fields in an Import Template" . D ^DIR . I Y D MKTMPL(DDMPSELF,.DDMPFDSL,.DDMPDR) N DIR,DIRUT,Y S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")="Do you want to proceed with the import" S DIR("?",1)="If you answer 'YES', the import will occur now." S DIR("?")="If you answer 'NO', you will need to respecify the import criteria." W ! D ^DIR I 'Y!$G(DIRUT) W !!,"Okay, you can do the import later." Q D FILE^DDMP($G(DDMPSELF),.DDMPDR,$G(DDMPFLAG),.DDMPHOST,.DDMPSMFF) W !! I $G(DIERR) D . W "Following error messages were generated when import failed." . D MSG^DIALOG("","","",3) E I '$G(ZTSK) W "Done." Q ; MKTMPL(DDMPF,DDMPFLDS,DDMPDR) ; Create Import Template. N DDMPTPNM,DDMPTPNO,DDMPRCNO,DDMPOUT,DDMPSQ,DIR,DIRUT,Y F D Q:$G(DDMPOUT)!($G(DDMPTPNM)]"") . S DIR(0)="FA^3:30^K:(X?1P.E) X" . S DIR("?")="Enter name for your import template. It should be 3-30 characters and it should not start with a punctuation character" . S DIR("A")="Name of Import Template: " . W ! D ^DIR . I Y']""!$G(DIRUT) S DDMPOUT=1 Q . S DDMPTPNM=Y . S DDMPTPNO=$O(^DIST(.46,"F"_DDMPF,DDMPTPNM,"")) . I DDMPTPNO D DUPNAME(DDMPF,.DDMPTPNM,DDMPTPNO) Q:DDMPTPNM="" . S DIR("A")=" Are you adding '"_DDMPTPNM_"' as a new Import Template" . S DIR(0)="Y" . D ^DIR . I 'Y S DDMPTPNM="" Q . K ^TMP($J,"DDMPFDA") . S ^TMP($J,"DDMPFDA",.46,"+1,",.01)=DDMPTPNM . S ^TMP($J,"DDMPFDA",.46,"+1,",4)=DDMPF . S ^TMP($J,"DDMPFDA",.46,"+1,",5)=DUZ . S ^TMP($J,"DDMPFDA",.46,"+1,",2)=DT . S:DUZ(0)'="@" (^TMP($J,"DDMPFDA",.46,"+1,",3),^TMP($J,"DDMPFDA",.46,"+1,",6))=DUZ(0) . F DDMPSQ=1:1 Q:'$D(DDMPFLDS(DDMPSQ)) D . . N DDMPIENS,DDMPLVLS . . S DDMPIENS="+"_(DDMPSQ+1)_",+1," . . S DDMPLVLS=$L(DDMPFLDS(DDMPSQ),":") . . S ^TMP($J,"DDMPFDA",.463,DDMPIENS,.01)=DDMPSQ . . S ^TMP($J,"DDMPFDA",.463,DDMPIENS,1)=$P($P(DDMPFLDS(DDMPSQ),":",DDMPLVLS),U,2) . . S ^TMP($J,"DDMPFDA",.463,DDMPIENS,2)=+$P(DDMPFLDS(DDMPSQ),":",DDMPLVLS) . . S:$D(DDMPFLDS("LN",DDMPSQ)) ^TMP($J,"DDMPFDA",.463,DDMPIENS,3)=DDMPFLDS("LN",DDMPSQ) . . S:DDMPLVLS>1 ^TMP($J,"DDMPFDA",.463,DDMPIENS,10)=$P(DDMPFLDS(DDMPSQ),":",1,DDMPLVLS-1) . . S ^TMP($J,"DDMPFDA",.463,DDMPIENS,20)=DDMPFLDS("CAP",DDMPSQ) . N DDMPERR S DDMPERR=$G(DIERR) . D UPDATE^DIE("","^TMP($J,""DDMPFDA"")","DDMPRCNO") . I DDMPERR'=$G(DIERR) W !,"An error occurred during the filing of the import template." S DDMPOUT=1 Q . D RECALL^DILFD(.46,DDMPRCNO(1)_",",DUZ) . I DUZ(0)="@" S $P(^DIST(.46,DDMPRCNO(1),0),U,3)="@",$P(^(0),U,6)="@" I $G(DDMPOUT) W !,"No import template will be created." Q ; DUPNAME(DDMPF,DDMPTPNM,DDMPTPNO) ;selected template exists. ;If Import template name remains in DDMPTPNM after subroutine, ;user has chosen to delete existing template. W !!,"Import Template "_DDMPTPNM_" already exists." N DDMPDLOK S DDMPDLOK=0 I DUZ(0)="@" D . S DDMPDLOK=$$CKDLT E D . N DDMPWRAC,I . S DDMPWRAC=$$GET1^DIQ(.46,DDMPTPNO_",",6) . F I=1:1:$L(DDMPWRAC) I DUZ(0)[$E(DDMPWRAC,I) S DDMPDLOK=$$CKDLT Q I DDMPDLOK D . N DIK,DA S DIK="^DIST(.46,",DA=DDMPTPNO D ^DIK . W !,"Existing Import Template "_DDMPTPNM_" has been deleted." E S DDMPTPNM="" W !!,"Choose another template name." Q ; CKDLT() ; ;user has write access to the template. Do they want to delete it? N DIR,DIRUT S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")="Do you want to replace the existing template with a new one" S DIR("?",1)="If you answer 'YES', the existing template will be deleted." S DIR("?")="Answer YES or NO." D ^DIR I 'Y!$G(DIRUT) Q 0 Q 1