DDSCOM ;SFISC/MLH-COMMAND UTILS ;10:09 AM 29 Jun 1994 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. COM ;Command line prompt D:$G(@DDSREFT@("HLP"))>0 HLP^DDSMSG() K DTOUT I DDSSC>1!$G(DDSSEL)!$P(DDSSC(DDSSC),U,4) D . S DIR(0)="SO^c:CLOSE;r:REFRESH;" . S DIR("?",1)="Close Refresh" . S DIR("B")="Close" E D . S DIR(0)="SO^e:EXIT"_$S($D(DDSFDO)[0:";s:SAVE",1:"")_$S(DDSNP]"":";n:NEXT PAGE",1:"")_";r:REFRESH;" . S DIR("?",1)="Exit "_$S($D(DDSFDO)[0:"Save ",1:"")_$S(DDSNP]"":"Next Page ",1:"")_"Refresh" S DIR("A")="COMMAND:",DIR("?",2)=" ",DIR("?")="Enter a command or '^' followed by a caption to jump to a specific field." S DIR("??")="^D CHLP^DDSCOM" D:'$G(DDSKM) . K DDH,DDQ . S DDH=3 . S DDH(1,"T")=DIR("?",1),DDH(2,"T")=DIR("?",2),DDH(3,"T")=DIR("?") . D SC^DDSU S DDM=1 K DDSKM S DIR0=IOSL-1_U_($L(DIR("A"))+1)_"^30^"_(IOSL-1)_"^0" D ^DIR K DIR,DUOUT,DIROUT,DIRUT D:X="Close" . S:DDACT="N" Y="c" . S Y(0)="CLOSE" . S:DDACT'="N" (X,Y,Y(0))="" Q CHLP ; K DDH,DDQ S DDH=0,DDS3CD=$P(DIR(0),U,2) F DDS3PC=1:1:$L(DDS3CD,";") D . S DDS3C=$C($A($P($P(DDS3CD,";",DDS3PC),":"))-32) . I "^E^C^S^N^R^"[(U_DDS3C_U) D .. S DDH=DDH+1 .. S DDH(DDH,"T")=$P($T(@("H"_DDS3C)),";",3,999) D:DDH>0 SC^DDSU K DDS3C,DDS3CD,DDS3PC Q HE ;;Exit - Exit the form. HC ;;Close - Close the window and return to the previous level. HS ;;Save - Save all changes made during the edit session. HN ;;Next Page - Go to the next page. HR ;;Refresh - Repaint the screen.