DDSIT ;SFISC/MKO-INPUT TRANSFORMS ;09:07 AM 24 Oct 1994 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; PFIELD ;Input transform for the PARENT FIELD field of the PAGE multiple ;of the Form file. N DDSMF S DDSMF=$$GETFLD^DDSLIB($P(X,","),$P(X,",",2),$P(X,",",3),DA(1)) G QUIT ; PLINK ;Input transform for POINTER LINK field of the BLOCK multiple of ;the PAGE MULTIPLE of the Form file. N DDP,DDSCD,DDSERR,DDS ; S DDP=$P($G(^DIST(.403,DA(2),0)),U,8) I 'DDP D G QUIT . N P . S P(1)="PRIMARY FILE",P(2)="FORM" . D BLD^DIALOG(3011,.P) ; S DDS=DA(2)_U_$P(^DIST(.403,DA(2),0),U) D:X?1"FO(".E FO^DDSPTR(DDP,X,DA(2),DA(1)) D:X'?1"FO(".E DD^DDSPTR(DDP,X,DA) G QUIT ; CEXPR ;Input transform for COMPUTED EXPRESSION field N DDP,DDSX,DDSNEXP S DDP=$P($G(^DIST(.404,DA(1),0)),U,2) D PARSE^DDSCOMP(DDP,X,DA(1),.DDSNEXP) G:$G(DIERR) QUIT ; S DDSX=X,X=DDSNEXP D ^DIM S:$D(X) X=DDSX Q ; QUIT ;Check error and quit I $G(DIERR) N DDSERR D MSG^DIALOG("AB",.DDSERR),EN^DDIOL(.DDSERR) K X Q