DDXP1 ;SFISC/DPC-CREATE/EDIT FOREIGN FORMAT ;1/8/93 09:09 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. EN1 ; K DA S DLAYGO=0 GETFF ; W ! S DIC="^DIST(.44,",DIC(0)="QEALMZ" D ^DIC K DIC G:Y=-1 QUIT S DDXPFMNM=$P(Y,U,2),DDXPFMNO=+Y I $P(Y(0),U,9) D USEDFF G:'($D(DA)#2) GETFF EDITFF ; S:'($D(DA)#2) DA=DDXPFMNO S DDSFILE="^DIST(.44,",DR="[DDXP FF FORM1]" D ^DDS QUIT ; K DDXPFMNM,DDXPFMNO,DA,DR,DDSFILE,Y,DLAYGO,X Q USEDFF ; W !!,DDXPFMNM_" foreign format has been used to create an Export Template." W !,"Therefore, its definition cannot be changed.",! S DIR(0)="YA",DIR("A")="Do you want to see the contents of "_DDXPFMNM_" format? ",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) I Y W !! S DIC="^DIST(.44,",DA=DDXPFMNO D EN^DIQ K DIC,DA S DIR(0)="YA",DIR("A")="Do you want to use "_DDXPFMNM_" as the basis for a new format? ",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR Q:$D(DIRUT)!('Y) NEWFF S DIC="^DIST(.44,",DIC(0)="QEAL",DIC("A")="Name for new FOREIGN FORMAT: " W ! D ^DIC K DIC Q:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT))!(X="") I '$P(Y,U,3) W !,$C(7),$P(Y,U,2)_" is already being used.",!,"Please enter a new name for the format.",! G NEWFF S DDXPFMNM=$P(Y,U,2),(DIT("F"),DIT("T"))="^DIST(.44,",DA("F")=DDXPFMNO,(DA("T"),DDXPFMNO)=+Y D EN^DIT0 S DIE="^DIST(.44,",DA=DDXPFMNO,DR="40///0" D ^DIE K DIT,DIE,DR,Y Q ; FORMVAL ; N FLDLM,FIXREC,MSGCNT,ERRMSG,USEQT,MAXLEN,SUBNULL S DDSERROR=0,MSGCNT=1 S FLDLM=$$GET^DDSVAL(DIE,DA,1),FIXREC=$$GET^DDSVAL(DIE,DA,5),USEQT=$$GET^DDSVAL(DIE,DA,8),MAXLEN=$$GET^DDSVAL(DIE,DA,7),SUBNULL=$$GET^DDSVAL(DIE,DA,11) I FIXREC D . I FLDLM]"" D . . S DDSERROR=DDSERROR+1 . . S ERRMSG(MSGCNT)="You cannot specify a record delimiter and",MSGCNT=MSGCNT+1 . . S ERRMSG(MSGCNT)="indicate that record lengths are fixed",MSGCNT=MSGCNT+1 . . S ERRMSG(MSGCNT)="for the same foreign format.",MSGCNT=MSGCNT+1 . . Q . I USEQT D . . S DDSERROR=DDSERROR+1 . . S ERRMSG(MSGCNT)="You cannot choose to have non-numeric fields quoted",MSGCNT=MSGCNT+1 . . S ERRMSG(MSGCNT)="when you are exporting fixed length records.",MSGCNT=MSGCNT+1 . . Q . I MAXLEN>255 D . . S DDSERROR=DDSERROR+1 . . S ERRMSG(MSGCNT)="You cannot set the Maximum Record Length larger than 255 characters ",MSGCNT=MSGCNT+1 . . S ERRMSG(MSGCNT)="when you are defining a fixed record length format.",MSGCNT=MSGCNT+1 . . Q . I SUBNULL]"" D . . S DDSERROR=DDSERROR+1 . . S ERRMSG(MSGCNT)="During fixed length exports, null values will always be exported as nothing.",MSGCNT=MSGCNT+1 . . S ERRMSG(MSGCNT)="So, you cannot specify characters to be substituted for null numeric values.",MSGCNT=MSGCNT+1 . . Q . Q I DDSERROR D . S ERRMSG(MSGCNT)=" ",MSGCNT=MSGCNT+1 . S ERRMSG(MSGCNT)="Please correct "_$S(DDSERROR>1:"these discrepancies.",1:"this discrepancy."),MSGCNT=MSGCNT+1 . S ERRMSG(MSGCNT)="You CANNOT save the form until you correct it!" . Q D:DDSERROR MSG^DDSUTL(.ERRMSG) K:'DDSERROR DDSERROR Q