DDXP2 ;SFISC/DPC-SELECTED FIELDS FOR EXPORT ;10/11/94 14:34 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. EN1 ; N Y,D,DICS D ^DICRW I Y=-1 G QUIT S Q="""",C=",",DC=0,L=1,DI=DIC,DALL(1)=1 W ! D ^DIP2 I $D(DDXPFDTM) S DIE="^DIPT(",DA=DDXPFDTM,DR="8///7" D ^DIE QUIT ; K C,DA,DALL,DC,DI,DIE,DIC,DR,DTOUT,DUOUT,L,Q Q VALALL ; W !,$C(7),"SORRY. When choosing export fields, you cannot use ALL to select all fields.",! S Y=0 K X Q VAL1 ;validates raw user input -- X contains user input S DDXPNG=0 F DDXPCK=";C",";D",";L",";N",";R",";S",";T",";W",";X" D . I X[DDXPCK S DDXPNG=1 W !!,$C(7),"SORRY. You cannot add "_DDXPCK_" to the export field specifications.",! . Q F DDXPCK="+","#","*","&","!" D . I $E(X)=DDXPCK S DDXPNG=1 W !!,$C(7),"SORRY. You cannot choose the "_DDXPCK_" statistical operator when selecting fields for export.",! . Q I $E(X,$L(X))=":" S DDXPNG=1 W !!,$C(7),"SORRY. You cannot jump to another file when selecting fields for export.",! I X[";""" S DDXPNG=1 W !!,$C(7),"SORRY. You cannot enter a custom heading when selecting fields for export." K:DDXPNG X K DDXPNG,DDXPCK Q VAL2 ;validates found field -- Y(0) contains 0-node of field DD S DDXPNG=0 S %=+$P(Y(0),U,2) I '% G VAL2OUT I $P($G(^DD(%,.01,0)),U,2)["W" S DDXPNG=1 W !!,$C(7),"SORRY. You cannot choose a word processing field for export.",! VAL2OUT K:DDXPNG Y(0) K %,DDXPNG Q VAL3 ;validates expression returned from DICOMP -- S contains expression S DDXPNG=0 I S[";W"!(S[";m") S DDXPNG=1 W !!,$C(7),"SORRY. That response is not acceptable when selecting fields for export.",! K:DDXPNG S K DDXPNG Q