DIAX ;SFISC/DCM-EXTRACT OPTIONS ;12/8/98 07:55 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. 0 S DIK="^DOPT(""DIAX""," G OPT:$D(^DOPT("DIAX",9)) S ^(0)="EXTRACT OPTION^1.01^" K ^("B") F I=1:1:9 S ^DOPT("DIAX",I,0)=$P($T(@I),";;",2) D IXALL^DIK OPT W ! S DIC=DIK,DIC(0)="AEQIZ" D ^DIC K DIC,DIK I Y'<0 S DI=+Y K Y D EN G 0 W ! K %,DIC,DIK,DI,DA,I,J,X,Y,DIAX Q ; EN S DIAX=1 D @DI Q ; 1 ;;SELECT ENTRIES TO EXTRACT G 1^DIAR ; 2 ;;ADD/DELETE SELECTED ENTRIES S DIAR=2 G ENTE^DIARB ; 3 ;;PRINT SELECTED ENTRIES S DIAR=3 G OUT^DIARA ; 5 ;;CREATE EXTRACT TEMPLATE W !!,"This option lets you build a template where you specify fields to extract",!,"and their corresponding mapping in the destination file." W !!,"For more detailed description of requirements on the destination file,",!,"please see your VA FileMan User Manual." S DI=1 G EN^DIFGO ; 4 ;;MODIFY DESTINATION FILE W !!,"This option allows you to build a file which will store data extracted from",!,"other files. When creating fields in the destination file, all data types" W !,"are selectable. However, only a few data types are acceptable for receiving",!,"extracted data." W !!,"Please see your User Manual for more guidance on building the destination file." D 41 G Q:'$D(DIAXDIC) D 61,Q Q 41 ; G ^DICATT 61 ; Q:$P(@(^DIC(DIAXDIC,0,"GL")_"0)"),U,4) K DIR S DIR("A")="ARCHIVE FILE",DIR(0)="YO",DIR("??")="^W !?5,""'YES' will not allow modifications or deletions of data or data dictionary"",!?5,""'NO' will place no restrictions on the file""" S DIR("B")=$S($P($G(^DD(DIAXDIC,0,"DI")),U)["Y":"YES",1:"NO") D ^DIR Q:$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S (DIARCH,DIE)=$S(Y:"Y",1:"N") 62 ; D FLAG(DIAXDIC,DIE,DIARCH) K DIAXDIC,DIE,DIARCH Q H6 W !!?5,"'YES' will not allow editing or deleting existing file entries or adding",!?11,"new file entries" W !?5,"'NO' will place no restrictions on the file" Q 6 ;;UPDATE DESTINATION FILE N DIAR,DIARC,DIARP,DIARB,DIE,DA,DR,DTOUT,DIAXFNO,%ZIS,POP,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE S DIAR=6 D FILE^DIARU G Q:'$D(DIARC) N DIARP,DIE,DA,DR W !!,"You MUST enter an EXTRACT template name. This EXTRACT template will be used",!,"to populate your destination file." S DIE="^DIAR(1.11,",DA=DIARC,DR="3;I X=""^"" S Y="";S DIARP=X;S DIAXFNO=+$P(^DIPT(DIARP,0),U,9);17////^S X=DIAXFNO" D ^DIE G UNLK:$D(DTOUT)!'$D(DIARP) S DIARB=+$P(^DIAR(1.11,DIARC,0),U,3) D EN^DIAXM I $G(DIERR) G UNLK W $C(7),!,"If entries cannot be moved to the destination file, an exception report",!,"will be printed.",!!,"Select a device where to print the exception report." W !!,"QUEUEING to this device will queue the Update process." N %ZIS,POP,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE,DIAXIOP S %ZIS="Q",%ZIS("A")="EXCEPTION REPORT DEVICE: ",%ZIS("B")="" D ^%ZIS G UNLK:POP S DIAXIOP=ION I $D(IO("Q")) S ZTRTN="DQ^DIAXU",(ZTSAVE("DIARP"),ZTSAVE("DIARB"),ZTSAVE("DIARC"))="",ZTSAVE("DIAXIOP")="",ZTIO="" D ^%ZTLOAD G UNLK D DIAX^DIAXU Q ; 7 ;;PURGE EXTRACTED ENTRIES S DIAR=90 G ENTD^DIARA ; 8 ;;CANCEL EXTRACT SELECTION S DIAR=99 G ENTC^DIARA ; 9 ;;VALIDATE EXTRACT TEMPLATE N X,DIC,Y S DIC="^DIPT(",DIC(0)="ASQEM",DIC("A")="Select EXTRACT TEMPLATE: ",DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,8)=2" D ^DIC Q:Y'>0 S DIARP=+Y,DIAR="" D EN^DIAXM D Q G 9 ; UNLK N DIAR S DIAR="" D UPDATE^DIARU Q D Q^DIARB Q ; FLAG(DIC,DIE,DIARCH) ; Q:'DIC Q:'$D(^DD(DIC,0)) S $P(^DD(DIC,0,"DI"),U)=DIARCH,$P(^DD(DIC,0,"DI"),U,2)=DIE Q