DIEQ1 ;SFISC/XAK,YJK-HELP WRITE ;5/27/94 7:29 AM ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. T S A1="T" F DG=2:1 S X=$T(T+DG) Q:X="" S DST=$E(X,4,99) D DS^DIEQ K A1,DST Q ;;If you simply enter a name then the system will search each of ;;the above files for the name you have entered. If a match is ;;found the system will ask you if it is the entry that you desire. ;; ;;However, if you know the file the entry should be in, then you can ;;speed processing by using the following syntax to select an entry: ;; . ;; or ;; . ;; or ;; . ;; ;;Also, you do NOT need to enter the entire file name or message ;;to direct the look up. Using the first few characters will suffice.