DIFROMH ;SFISC/XAK-HELP FOR DIFROM ;03:19 PM 7 Sep 1994 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ;HELP FOR OPTIONS, BULLETINS, ETC. W !!?5,"YES means that you want to bring the ",$P(^DIC(DL,0),U) W "S in this namespace." W !?5,"NO means that you want to leave them out." Q:DL'=9.8 W !?5,"This question refers to entries in the ROUTINE documentation file." W !!?5,"Also, if you are building a network mail INIT, you must answer",!?5,"YES if you wish to include routines other than just the INIT",!?5,"routines (such as pre and post-inits) into the network mail message." Q R ; HELP FOR PREFIX W !!?5,"This is a unique 2 to 4 character prefix beginning with an uppercase" W !?5,"letter and followed only by uppercase letters or numbers." Q:X'?1"??".E W !?5,"If this is an established package, you may enter one of the prefixes" W !?5,"listed in the left column below." S DIC="^DIC(9.4,",DIC(0)="QE",DIC("W")="W ?10,$P(^(0),U)",D="C",DILN=15,DZ="??" D DQ^DICQ K DIC,DIZ,DILN Q ; R1 ; HELP FOR RTN NAME W !!?5,"Answer YES if you want to create a program called "_DTL_"INIT" W:$D(Q) !?5,"even though there already is one on file. (It will be overwritten.)" W !?5,"Answer NO if you don't want to do this." Q ; S ; HELP FOR SECURITY CODES W !!?5,"YES means you want to include the security protection currently" W !?5,"on the files in the initialization routines. A recipient of" W !?5,"this package will be able to decide whether or not to accept" W !?5,"these codes." W !?5,"NO means you do not want to include security codes." Q M ; HELP FOR MAX RTN SIZE W !!?5,"Enter the maximum number of characters each routine should" W !?5,"contain. This number must be between 2000 and 9999." Q ; MSG ; HELP FOR MAILMAN MESSAGE W !!?5,"YES means that you are going to send this Package over" W !?5,"the Network as a message." W !?5,"NO means that you are going to generate routines." Q Q1 ; HELP FOR SCRAMBLE PASSWORD W !?5,"The scramble password is a private code, which must be " W !?5,"exactly correct for a reader to to see the message legibly" W !?5,"It may be from 3 to 20 characters long. Upper and lower" W !?5,"case characters are treated as the same.",! Q ; Q3 ; HELP FOR SCRAMBLE HINT W !?5,"A scramble hint is used to suggest to the reader what" W !?5,"the scramble password is. Since the password is not" W !?5,"recoverable after it is entered, the hint can be a " W !?5,"helpful reminder to the reader of the message. The" W !?5,"hint will be shown to the recipient just before he " W !?5,"is asked to enter the password.",! Q R3 ;DATA DICTIONARIES W !!?5,"Enter YES if you wish to transport dictionaries" W !?5,"or NO if you just want to Transport Options, Keys, etc." Q NOPKG ; TEMPLATES WITH NON-PACKAGE FILE PREFIX W !!?5,"If YES, then ALL of the templates and forms belonging to the files" W !?5,"selected will be included in the initialization routines." W !?5,"If NO, only NAMESPACED templates and forms will be included.",! Q